The Protagonist System

01 Loading

Here we are, another story! Yep, I just couldn't help myself. I had this banging around in my head between writing chapters for other things and it just wouldn't stop until I wrote it.

WARNING: Story will contain Incest, Inappropriate Behavior, Bad Grammar, and Shameless Teenage Sexcapades.

Congratulations, idiot. You're dead!

I blinked my eyes at the floating box in front of me and it didn't make any sense. I couldn't remember anything happening or even how I died.

That's because it was too traumatic for your limited brain capacity to parse out. That and we deleted the last six months from your memory to save you from recovering from the trauma. You're welcome!

I just stared at the box as if it was crazy, because I didn't want to admit that it was me that was crazy.

Admitting you have a problem is the first step in embracing your faults!

Okay, thanks. I thought sarcastically.

You're welcome again.

I wonder what happens now?

Let's check your Karma Levels and see what wonderful things you will have available to you. Checking... checking... and we have... huh.

What is it? I thought and asked at the same time.

You have exactly no Karmic Debt. None. Zilch. Nada.

What does that mean?

For your entire life, you have had no positive and no negative net gains. Whatever good you've done was countered by whatever bad you've done. For your entire life.

You said that twice.

That's because it's never happened before. There's always some kind of number, positive or negative, no matter how low. Depending on the plus or minus sign, it gives you access to specific options that you can choose from. With the negative numbers, most of your choices are usually rolled and you get stuck with whatever you're assigned until you pay off the negative debt.

And the positive?

Depending on how low or high, your choices can range from what you look like to the amount of abilities you have. Having no number has never happened before. Ever. I need to go check on something before we can proceed. I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere.

I was thinking about checking the tourist section, so just call me back when you need me.

Yeah, whatever.

La la lalala. I thought to amuse myself and suddenly I was floating around inside a cheap tourist shop with some of the funniest things I had ever seen. A t-shirt with, 'I saved the world and all I got was this stupid t-shirt' and a mug that had, 'If you had to fight six demon lords in a row, you would be a bitch first thing in the morning, too' on them.

I was giggling to myself at the jokes and browsed through keychains that were all famous fighting weapons from a real working lightsaber that was two inches long to Cloud Stryfe's massive sword in miniature. There were earrings of tiny Blades of Chaos that Kratos used in God of War and a lighter that worked like the Incendio spell from Harry Potter. It was great!

I was halfway through the rack of Halloween costumes that simulated Wereanimal powers and laughing pretty hard at the pink werebunny outfit, when I was suddenly yanked out of the shop to float in front of the blank screen again.

How the hell did you get access to the first level of the shop?

You're asking me? I thought you were in charge of this place.

Sigh. I'm ignoring that for now. I found a supervisor and they were stumped about what to do with you. So, we left it up to a very specific entity to decide what to do with a complete Karmic Blank like you.

Ooo, is it Buddha? No, wait! Ghandi? No, no, he would never want to chose someone else's fate. It can't be Jesus, can it? Because I'm pretty sure he died for mankind's sins and is relaxing in Seventh Heaven. Hmm, I wonder... oh! It's Morgan Freeman! Sure, I'll let the big man choose for me!

The box didn't show anything for several seconds.

We might have made a mistake with this one. The box flashed and flickered. Fate is spinning the Wheel Of Systems for you as you clearly are not in your right mind to pull the handle yourself.

Is Fate beautiful? I asked.

Yes, she is. Why?

Because if I'm going to get screwed by her, I want to at least enjoy the view.

The box didn't show anything for several seconds and a smaller and different blue box appeared with very fancy writing inside.

I'm fixing your average physique to be near godlike. I want a good view, too. Call me.

I laughed pretty hard, even though I was sure I didn't have lungs or could breathe at the moment.

You're both hilarious. The first box showed and I could feel the sarcasm.

The little box showed the word 'giggle' just before it disappeared.

Here it comes. The Wheel of Fate is stopping on... are you kidding?

That's an odd system name. I thought, still softly laughing.

Shut up. I need to go check on something.

He's awfully grumpy today. The little box showed when it reappeared.

I think me not having any Karma indications is throwing him off. I thought and the little box seemed to nod. Can you tell me what it landed on, assuming he doesn't change it?

He can't. That's kind of what's wrong with your Karma. If you had any points at all, he could use them to alter things. As it is, you're getting what you get and he can't change anything at all.

I laughed again. So, he's relegated to be a mouthpiece with no power.

Yes, he is! He's irked and... oops, I better go. See you soon, handsome.

I was made for you apparently, so anytime I'm free. I thought to her.

The box showed the word 'giggle' and disappeared.

It looks like you're being given The Protagonist System. The first box showed. You are probably not going to feel this at all, since you have no Karma to influence.

I floated there and nothing seemed to happen.

Well, that's all. Enjoy yourself or whatever.

Hold on, that's it? Are you sure? I asked.

There's nothing else to do, nothing to alter or change, and no way to fix anything. Move along.

I blinked my eyes at the box when it blanked and disappeared, then laughed when a little blue box appeared and showed a smiley face, the pair of Kratos earrings, and a bill for 100 Credits.

I was going to buy you those! I thought at the box.

I know, that's why I sent you the bill. The box showed the word 'giggle' again. Bye, Sweetie.

Bye, Fate. I thought and the little box disappeared. I floated there for several minutes as I waited, not really in any rush, and wondered when the system was going to kick in. A big blue box appeared in front of me and I realized I could have asked for it at any time.

Welcome to The Protagonist System! With this system, you can choose any protagonist that has at any point in their lives, been close to death. You will replace them and can reap the benefits and rewards that they would have gotten, if they had lived.

That sounds both morbid and awesome. I thought.

It does! As this is your first time accessing the system and your Karma is non-existent, all skills, stats, and abilities will be auto-assigned and you will have no choice of what you get or can do with it.

Fate, you need to cuddle my balls as you have your way with me.

The little box reappeared. We need to start off slowly because you would enjoy that too much.

I really would. I thought as the image of a gorgeous blonde with sapphire eyes gazed up at me lovingly and nuzzled my hard shaft appeared. I'd blow right away if you did that!

The little box showed the word 'giggle' and a wink emoji before it disappeared.

Please choose a starting Protagonist. Warning: Limited choices are available.
Familiar of Zero: Replace Saito Hiraga
Is It Wrong To Pick Up Girls In A Dungeon?: Replace Bell Cranel
High School DXD: Replace Issei Hyoudou

I read the three choices that were fairly limited. That is, I knew a lot more protagonists than those three, so I knew that the warning was justified. It made me wonder what my choices would have been if I did have some Karma to either spend or to make up. Those thoughts only lasted for a few seconds before I made my choice.

You have chosen High School DXD. Please choose a point in the timeline to be inserted.
Warning: Karma options disabled. Only three choices are available.
First Death
Second Death

Okay, that's really difficult choice. I examined each and they gave an explanation.

Birth: Live the entire life as the Protagonist. No time skips. You will be a mature mind inside of a baby for as long as it takes for you to grow up. You will not become any stronger, smarter, or gain new knowledge if you chose this option.

First Death: You are a second year student at Kuoh Academy and Yuuma Amano had asked you out. You were a perfect gentleman and she hated you for it, declared that you die for her, and she transformed into a Fallen Angel before killing you. You wake up as a Reincarnated Devil in your own bed and a member of Rias Gremory's peerage.

Second Death: Rias Gremory dropped the ball and did not explain anything to you after your First Death or declared that you were her property. You were attacked again by a Fallen Angel without provocation and declared a Stray Devil while walking home. Hijinks ensue.

Whoa, that was a huge choice to make. I thought and read over the options again. If becoming a baby again doesn't benefit me at all, why would I put myself through years of that kind of torture? Of course, the thought of trying to change Issei's reputation as a pervert might be worth the effort.

Karmic Influence nonexistent. Ability to change previous events unavailable.

And that makes my choice for me.

You have chosen First Death. Memories will be added when you wake up and you will be disoriented for several minutes. Good luck with your new life!

Thanks. I barely thought before everything went black.

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