The Protagonist’s Party is Too Diligent

Chapter 105

I had all sorts of thoughts. Would this device really heal wounds? If someone with an incurable disease came near it, could it cure that too?


… Sure, those were pointless musings, but there was something that bothered me more.


The device didn’t have a shop or a blacksmith function. I could accept that, but if we were to sell items, who would receive the money? Even if it could modify weapons, that would take at least a few hours, maybe even days. We couldn’t just stand around waiting for that!


There was something else that nagged at me more. In games, the healing devices installed at various points in dungeons served as landmarks. Normally, you just keep going straight and see the destination ahead, but sometimes players would get lost in twisted late-game dungeons.


That’s why the latest series based on the world’s lore adopted such landmark systems. The healing device would remain inactive until a player approached, then it would light up until the dungeon was cleared.


Just seeing the healing device glow tells you, “This is the way out!” Honestly, I’m not sure if anyone could get lost in a dungeon, especially when the game provides a mini-map.


Could this be one of the changes when a game becomes reality? Could we assume that this healing device has been operational for thousands of years?


If not… that means someone has passed by here before.


I looked at the door leading to the boss room. It was a massive stone door that opened from both sides.


In the original work, it wasn’t locked. It opened automatically when the player got within a certain range. The mechanics behind it were never explained, but it had to be magic.


“Are you ready?” I asked, glancing back.

Claire, who had been curiously examining the dungeon, Alice and Leo – all of them turned to look at me.


Bella, leaning against the ruins like she didn’t care at all, was the same. She had put her glowing orb back in her bag at some point. Light continuously streamed from it, but the brilliance emanating from the healing device made it hard to notice.


“This must be the heart of the ruins. If the ancient people who built this wanted to protect it—”


“…There’s surely a very powerful security device or guardian inside,” Alice remarked, glancing at the healing device once more.


I nodded. No matter who had passed by, or if it had been continuously activated for a long time, one thing was clear: its durability was incredible.


It wasn’t just the device. The fact that this ruin was in such good shape, and the anti-recognition magic still worked, proved that a civilization far more advanced than the Empire had existed long before.


As I checked my weapon again, the three of them also examined their own. All three wielded swords, but their styles differed. Alice had a two-handed sword, broad enough to serve as a shield, while Leo and Claire’s were thinner and could be wielded with one hand.


Even with the same Grace-style swordsmanship, Leo and Claire had different ways of wielding their blades. Leo’s was straightforward, while Claire’s was a bit trickier.


Still, it didn’t change the fact that all three handled swords.


I pondered if I should be the last to enter, but thinking about my shotgun made me reconsider. It wasn’t the kind to control magic, and shooting from the back could put the three of them at risk.


Bella’s swordsmanship was entirely different. Though it was a sword, it was more of a mid-range weapon. Leaving rear cover to Bella wouldn’t be a significant problem.


Well, if anything went wrong, I could just turn back time.


“Are you ready?” I asked again. Everyone nodded. Seeing the three of them firmly grip their swords with both hands, I slowly approached the door.


As I placed my hand on it,


I heard an exclamation from behind me.


A light spread from where I touched, radiating in geometric patterns like a computer circuit before fading quickly.


But it was clear that the light had some function. Soon enough, the door creaked and began to scrape open sideways.


A subtle vibration ran through the floor, and sand fell from the ceiling. Just as I worried that it might collapse, the door swung wide open with a thud.


Inside was brightly lit.


Having encountered slimes throughout the dungeon, I assumed the boss in here would also be a slime.


That assumption wasn’t too far off. The moist floor bore the melted remains of the slime Rena had faced earlier.


Indeed. It was a corpse.


“…A person?”


In that wet room, a person stood.


No, to be precise, there were people standing.

“Goodness,” Bella murmured.


Alice’s voice echoed behind.

“…Father? Alice’s?”

Claire sounded shocked—


Leo gasped, mumbling.


Standing in front of me, there was a broad-shouldered man whose head looked to be more than a size larger than mine, and even here, he had neatly groomed his shining golden hair to the side.


While he hadn’t shaved completely, the short trim along his jawline projected a tidy appearance. He had a young aura but seemed far from frivolous. His blue eyes, which looked like they were hiding deep thoughts, gave off a serious vibe.


“To surprise my daughters, I made quite an effort, but alas, thanks to an unwelcome guest, I can’t even extend my formal greetings,” the Emperor said cheerfully, despite the tense situation.


“Wh-what…?” Leo stammered, like a scratched LP.


“Your Majesty!?”

Had this been in the Imperial Palace, he would’ve received quite the reprimand for such a reaction.


But our Emperor seemed utterly unconcerned.


“Are you a child of Grace? How wonderful to finally see your face.”

He inquired with an almost innocent demeanor.


His vivid red cloak emanated a light, suggesting he too had brought the Empire’s treasures.


“…You intentionally left some enemies behind, didn’t you?”

“If I left a sign of my passing, you wouldn’t have been this surprised,” he chuckled, seeming to recognize my astonished expression.


“Let’s save the reunion for later,” the Emperor proposed.


Hearing him say that, Leo let out a sigh. Really, being born a noble isn’t a carefree affair.


Well, being born from a proper noble family is certainly better than having ambiguous bloodlines.


While I had those thoughts, I pointed my shotgun at the enemy in front of me.

Dramatic tension!

The person facing the Empire’s Emperor… was impossible to determine their age. But looking at that build, I doubted they were male. Unless they intentionally disguised themselves, they were undeniably female.


A white mask with hollow black eyes concealed their face. The hood connected to a robe that flowed downward. At a glance, you’d think they were a knight from that famous space opera franchise, wielding a lightsaber. Although the hem had seen better days.


The silhouette was slender, stretching from shoulder to hip. The chest hidden by the robe protruded enough that you couldn’t help but think it was a woman at first glance.


The figure stood still, not even breathing.


In one hand, they held a sword—a long double-edged blade like the one the Emperor was wielding, and Alice swung around with her two hands. That sword looked considerably worn, with chips in various places.


And there I stood, facing the Empire’s Emperor alongside someone who showed no sign of agitation.

Who are they?

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