The Protagonist’s Party is Too Diligent

Chapter 113

Even in the same Seoul, going from one end to the other takes quite a long time in a car or subway, and the same goes for the Imperial Capital.

Of course, the Imperial Capital hasn’t grown to the level of a ‘megalopolis’ like the advanced countries’ capitals on modern Earth. Its technology and welfare levels are stuck in the early 20th century, so while the population has exploded compared to the medieval period, that doesn’t mean all of humanity has achieved an average lifespan of 70 years either.

According to official surveys, the Empire’s population is just over 110 million. Considering the many bastards and orphans born and dying in industrial zones, the actual number is likely a bit higher than that.

The population of the Imperial Capital has just started to be densely packed, with a little over 7 million. By this world’s standards, it’s an overwhelmingly large metropolis, but with my experience knowing real megalopolises like Seoul, New York, and Tokyo, it’s hard not to feel it falls slightly short.

Still, a city with a population of 7 million is certainly not small. It might be said to be smaller than Seoul, but honestly, there isn’t any city in Korea that can match the population of the Imperial Capital when excluding Seoul.

Thanks to a ridiculous law known as the “Red Carriage Ordinance,” steam cars are practically impossible to operate within the Imperial Capital, leaving us with only the option of carriages. So, when considering a transportation speed that barely exceeds 10 km/h, a city of 7 million people feels much larger than any modern city.

Fortunately, the Grace Estate isn’t that far from the Academy.

I had only visited once as a child, but even now, it was an impressive place.

The smoke spewing into the sky is widely accepted as a symbol of industrialization, and the steam released from locomotives at train stations is seen as a sign of modernization; it was a rarity to see a lush green lawn maintained so proudly amidst all that.

It’s not that I find it quaint or anything like that. I simply thought that with such a wide expanse of land, one would typically use it for other purposes. Nobles wouldn’t build factories in their front yards, but usually, they’d create large gardens instead.

Moreover, for an ‘estate,’ there weren’t that many guards in the area. Winterfield, Northwood, and Crowfield had a lot of security around their lord’s castle. People would avoid those guards, who were armed with swords and guns, and stared sharply at anyone passing by.

But here at this estate, only two people were guarding the entrance.

Even their weapons were not that different from those carried by the police wandering around the Imperial Capital. The only difference might be that they had swords strapped to their waists.

On the left was a sword, and on the right was a pistol. Their attire didn’t differ much from the outfits worn by the police of the Imperial Capital—think of a British cop from the early 20th century, with a large buttoned coat and a thin leather belt, along with suit pants and shoes. The color was black, not blue, probably to distinguish them from the officers. They just didn’t have the characteristic hats.

In fact, it was a sight that could be intimidating enough to scare passersby just based on their outfit and arms. But the relaxed and easy expressions of the two at the door made the weapons seem irrelevant. Honestly, I felt like if I had no one else to ask for directions, I could just ask those two.

“Welcome, Young Master. And Miss.”

“It’s been a while!”

After what was practically a formality—really just checking if we were armed—the guard smiled as he spoke, and Claire waved back with a bright smile, as if excited to see him. The guard’s face broke into a smile as well at Claire’s blossoming smile.

Even upon second glance, his demeanor gave off more of an impression of a friendly uncle who would sit and laugh with his niece than someone wielding a sword.

Since Claire said it had been a while, those guards were probably more like retainers of the Grace family than just hired help. Although, retainers do get paid.

“Have you been well?”

Following Claire’s lead, Leo, seated across from her and looking out the same window, spoke up too.

“Of course, Young Master.”

The guards, showing familiarity, spoke without much tension in front of the soon-to-be lord, Leo.

“Yes, definitely.”

The older guard grinned, “The head of the family seems worried that you’re not doing too well.”


“For instance, losing muscle and gaining weight…”

The younger guard scrutinized Leo from top to bottom, prompting Leo to shout in alarm.

“No, I’ve been training hard, I swear!?”

“Isn’t it up to the head of the family to determine that?”

The atmosphere seems a little different when it comes to Claire. Perhaps it’s because Claire is a girl and Leo is a boy. Considering the gender norms in this world, it wouldn’t be seen as gentlemanly for a man to fight or quarrel with a woman.

Plus, Leo is the heir. He’s the one responsible for the family as a member until he dies of old age.

Meanwhile, Claire… well, she’ll probably marry some guy from another noble family someday. Even though she will still retain a connection as a member of the ‘Grace family,’ she will eventually take on her husband’s surname and become part of another family, no longer a member of the Grace family.

Thus, it wouldn’t be such a big deal to let Claire be a little freer. As long as she knows the bare minimum of etiquette for a noble, that would be enough.

After some playful banter, a quaint ding-dong chimed from a speaker-like device at the main entrance.

The younger guard went over, leaning in to listen.

After a brief moment, he returned smiling.

“Lady Crown Princess has graced us with her presence, and Baron and Baroness Grace send their regards.”

Then the two elegantly drew their swords and gave perfect sword salutes. Holding their swords upright in front of their faces, with one hand behind their backs, their pose could be on the cover of a game package; it looked that impressive.

“On behalf of the royal family, I express my gratitude,” Alice said, doing her utmost to show respect while sitting in the carriage, and the two released their salutes.

“Then we hope you enjoy a delightful and enriching time at Grace Estate.”


Saying it’s simple doesn’t necessarily mean it looks shabby.

Typically, noble estates are adorned lavishly—gardens filled with colorful blooming flowers, beautiful fountains. Occasionally, they even create mazes.

But as I mentioned earlier, the Grace Estate isn’t adorned in such a grand manner.

That said, keeping a lawn this neat and tidy isn’t an easy feat either. Not a single blade of grass was out of place, nor was there a hole or a yellow patch anywhere.

The buildings constructed were similar. The buildings of the Grace family, seemingly built using the latest construction methods, bore hardly any ornate decorations like other estates. Instead, they reminded me more of a 20th-century New York building than a European castle.

The restrained style of these buildings made it look less like an ‘estate’ and more like ‘some facility.’ To put it another way, it felt more like an esteemed university with a deep history.

“It’s an honor that your Highnesses have visited us.”

Baron Edward Grace, the head of the family, was already waiting at the main entrance of the main building.

I couldn’t tell how much he had changed from the face I had seen ten years ago. In fact, since I had only seen him briefly from a distance, it’s hard to form a clear recollection.

Though some aspects of his face bore a resemblance to Leo’s—his blue hair and eyes. Claire must have easily blended into this family due to this person’s hair color and blue eyes. Without knowing the background, one could easily assume she had some blood relation to the family.

He might even be a distant relative. I haven’t learned anything about Claire’s parents up until the part I played.

The Baron bent slightly at the waist, showing noble courtesy, and the Baroness, who was a bit further back, also gave a slight bow at the waist and knee. She too had blue hair, though not as bright as her husband’s; it appeared to shimmer with emerald hues in the light.

“Since I’m visiting as a friend of Claire and Leo, you don’t need to stand on ceremony.”

Alice said calmly, and I nodded in agreement.

That said, we didn’t bow our heads or lower our waists.

It seems that status complicates human relationships.

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