The Protagonist’s Party is Too Diligent

Chapter 36


In fact, despite its name, Count Crowfield’s territory wasn’t a place swarming with crows. At least, it wasn’t somewhere that would earn such a name just for having a lot of crows.

There was a vast meadow. Up until autumn, it was a place of beautiful green. But if you ask if it gets cold in autumn, the answer is no. The green just turns to gold, and it certainly doesn’t become a desolate wasteland.

The city had undergone some modernization compared to other territories. While there wasn’t a massive cloud of smoke blocking the sky from colossal chimneys, there was still a factory area far off that emitted black smoke.

The territory itself wasn’t that large, so despite the existence of a factory area, it wasn’t a place where public order was lacking.

That’s why those who felt a somewhat ominous atmosphere from the name of the territory would often ask after visiting,

“Why does such a beautiful place have such a creepy name like ‘Crowfield’?”

Crowfield was originally a territory of the Kingdom of Velbur. More precisely, it was on the border between the Kingdom of Velbur and the Empire of Aetherna at that time.

In the past, it was the site of the largest battle during the war between the Empire and the Kingdom of Velbur, where many lives were lost after numerous occupations back and forth. Empire soldiers, kingdom soldiers, and those killed for being citizens of the kingdom, as well as those who were executed for conspiring with the Empire during its occupation… countless corpses piled up in that place.

Bodies that were never properly disposed of lay scattered all over the meadow, and the corpses tossed haphazardly into the forest began to rot away.

And many crows flocked to those bodies. They picked at the corpses that no one wanted to touch and continued to breed, filling the skies with flying crows and their cawing for some time.

Travelers eventually began calling the area ‘Crowfield.’ The old name hardly came to mind. Those who had made that area their home had almost all vanished.

Yet, despite so many deaths, the Empire did not cease its expansion, resulting in the borders we see today. Now, Crowfield wasn’t even considered a ‘border region’ anymore since a smaller territory was wedged between Crowfield and the Kingdom of Velbur.

It was assumed that the days of corpses piling up in Crowfield were over. It was thought that the region would continue to develop and prosper forever.

That is, until the count’s death from a single explosion.


Not long after the count’s funeral, the Baroness called for Mia.

Wiping away the tears on Mia’s face with her fingers, her mother hugged her tightly and gently patted her back.

“This incident was orchestrated by the Emperor.”


The official announcement was that the carriage carrying the count and his entourage had exploded due to a gas leak under the vehicle. Since gas explosions happened occasionally, Mia simply thought her father’s death was an unfortunate accident. Until she heard her mother’s words.

“The Emperor… it was the Emperor’s doing. Maybe it was one of those kids’ mischief.”

It’s not certain. But her mother seemed to believe that. For some reason, Mia just couldn’t understand it.


“Mia. My daughter.”

Her mother, clutching Mia tightly, whispered into her ear.

“Never forget that fact. Right now, there’s nothing we can do, but…”

In a voice barely loud enough for her only flesh-and-blood daughter to hear, she said,

“One day, until the Imperial Family becomes ‘Crowfield’.”


After Count Crowfield’s death, the Baroness diligently gathered information. Among that information, some were accurate, and some were uncertain, but she didn’t particularly mind. After all, everyone in Crowfield’s list of targets for revenge was documented anyway.

Collecting information was just to keep that hatred alive. To see if she could possibly draw others in.

At the very least, wouldn’t it be better to fight for revenge when Crowfield was at a more advantageous position?

Mia also remembered that hatred. Continuously studying and memorizing so as not to forget.

There was a rumor circulating like this.

‘On the day a prominent figure of the Empire dies, one of the children around the Emperor disappears.’

It was just a rumor, but the nobility of the Empire seemed to believe it was true. Among the information circulating among the high-ranking nobles, there was even a list of ‘children who disappeared on the day an imperial figure died.’ They only suspected based on circumstantial evidence, but the specialties of the missing children coincidentally overlapped with those of the nobles.

Moreover, the Emperor showed no intention of suppressing such rumors. If that list were indeed true, the Emperor would have been aware of the fact that the list was circulating.

Thus, Mia Crowfield found the Emperor even more detestable.

As if he were waiting patiently, daring someone to come up to him while sitting on that high throne. The Emperor, who remained calm even after killing her father.

The entity that disappeared on the day Count Crowfield died was Sylvia Fanggriffon, who was the same age as Mia, just twelve years old.

Indeed, that’s why some nobles didn’t believe that list. The idea that a twelve-year-old child could infiltrate the heavily guarded count’s mansion, plant a bomb in the carriage, and assassinate the count was just absurd. It was simply speculation that pieced together facts into a conspiracy theory.

Regardless of the information garnered from the palace maids and servants, that information was not necessarily accurate. Dates could be confused, and perhaps the princess hadn’t come out of her room or was visiting elsewhere.

Some of those listed had simply passed away.


During the dueling event on the first day of class, Sylvia Fanggriffon had used explosive projectiles. From the perspective of someone wielding firearms, even in an extremely disadvantaged close combat scenario, the Emperor’s daughter calmly evaded all attacks and subdued her opponent.

It wasn’t the movement described in textbooks.

It was movement that could only be executed when one already knew their opponent’s next move.

Would someone equipped with such abilities really have trouble infiltrating the Count’s territory?

That wasn’t the only strange point.

When Sylvia Fanggriffon received the invitation to the student council and came head-to-head with Mia, the murderous intent in Mia’s gaze didn’t even cause her to flinch. Perhaps Mia’s magic prowess was so lacking that it didn’t register, but right next to her, Alice Fanggriffon and Charlotte, the princess of Velbur, seemed somewhat startled.

She displayed murderous intent right in front of the imperial princess. It was strange that she wasn’t rattled, but…

Sylvia Fanggriffon remained composed.

As if that was completely normal.


Returning to her room, Mia looked at her desk.

There was a small frame sitting there. Inside the black-and-white photo were three people.

Mia and her parents.

Nobles usually preferred portraits over regular photographs. They viewed it as more ‘sophisticated’ and ‘noble-like.’ Only those lacking time to wait for a portrait or money to hire an artist resorted to taking pictures.

Moreover, a person’s face depicted in a portrait is usually more idealized than in a photograph.

Unlike photographs that depict only the reality, portraits involve the artist’s interpretation. And that interpretation most often aligns with the tastes of the noble who pays for it.

Thus, Mia did not hang a family portrait in her room.

The father Mia remembered from her childhood.

He often wasn’t home at night as he diligently ran around for the people of the territory, and although he had a rather haggard appearance, she remembered that it was always the face of her father who worked hard.

Mia recalled Sylvia Fanggriffon’s face, who had been staring at her without averting her gaze. That expression seemed devoid of any guilt whatsoever.

Silently sipping tea with bloodstained hands, Sylvia Fanggriffon.

“…I won’t forgive you.”

Mia murmured like that.

Deep in her heart, she reaffirmed her hatred.

Sylvia Fanggriffon must die. She must pay for her sins with her life.

Even if that meant Mia would have to sacrifice her own.


Could it be because they were both Fanggriffons? Alice Fanggriffon treated Sylvia Fanggriffon with familiarity.

Of course, Sylvia’s expression never changed during their conversations. No matter how long Alice Fanggriffon spoke, Sylvia’s responses were usually short.

Yet, despite that, there was a mysterious warmth between the two. Both princesses rarely smiled, and they always held stern expressions.

Why could they be so composed?

Could it be that, in Sylvia Fanggriffon’s eyes, Mia Crowfield appeared to be an innocent girl who didn’t know how to take revenge?


However, today was a bit different.

The expression on Alice Fanggriffon’s face while looking at Mia was somewhat clouded. It was a different look from when she saw Mia yesterday. Yesterday, she had merely been startled by Mia’s murderous intent towards Sylvia.

No, perhaps it was precisely because of that that her expression had darkened today.

Without a staff, if Mia tried to rush at Alice Fanggriffon, she would merely be subdued. The princess was an excellent swordswoman.

So, in truth, it wouldn’t be due to her murderous aura scaring her.

Could it be that she felt an ounce of guilt?

“…Mia Crowfield.”

“…Your Highness.”

At least today, she decided to hide her hatred just a little. No matter how loathsome the opponent was, if she continuously emanated such an atmosphere, she was bound to fail.

But still, could she succeed?


Mia could see Sylvia Fanggriffon’s face staring at her intently.

With a chillingly expressionless face, nothing could be felt from her. It was as if the existence of Mia Crowfield before her was so worthless that she couldn’t feel a thing, her demeanor just as icy—

“Are you hungry?”

Suddenly, Alice Fanggriffon asked Sylvia Fanggriffon.

The cold gaze that had been directed at Mia shifted towards Alice Fanggriffon.


Sylvia Fanggriffon remained silent.

“Well then, let’s go. We must have breakfast. You know you tend to eat a lot in the mornings.”


Sylvia Fanggriffon still didn’t respond.

Could it be that Alice, the princess, intentionally drew Sylvia Fanggriffon’s attention?


“Well then, we’ll be going ahead. One must eat three meals to function properly.”

“Ah, yes…”

At those words from Alice Fanggriffon, Mia’s expression cracked just a bit.

But soon, flames reignited in her heart.


Indeed, was she merely being ignored?

If so, she would only show that this justifiable anger could pierce like a terrifying blade.

Mia Crowfield stood still, glaring at the two figures moving away.


No, how did she know?
Did my stomach growl or something? There was no way Alice would have a basis for making such a judgment, was there?

“It was written all over your face, why?”

On my face?

“…No, even if you look at it like that…”

As I stared at Alice, she averted her gaze as if slightly embarrassed.

Could it be that her eyesight was at microscopic level, able to detect tiny, imperceptible twitches of my facial muscles that even I wasn’t aware of? It would have to be so minute that I wouldn’t even notice it myself.

“…And just because the other side shows hostility, it doesn’t mean you have to always accept it.”

“I have no intention of accepting it, at all.”

As Alice spoke as if giving advice, I also replied like that.

“It’s just that I think that anger is perfectly expected as well.”

Because it was the person who killed her father.

And she knew nothing of the circumstances. Given the events of yesterday, it was unlikely that she would immediately accept whatever I said.

It might be better to give hints so she can find out for herself.


Alice stared intently at me as I thought alone.

Her expression wasn’t emotionless. Yet, it wasn’t an expression I could decipher. It was a mix of many emotions all bundled together, making it vague.

…It felt a bit unfair that Alice could read my expression, yet I couldn’t read hers.

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