The Protagonist’s Party is Too Diligent

Chapter 51

It’s not that easy to follow someone.

People are surprisingly perceptive, reacting keenly to even the faintest sounds nearby. Especially at night when there’s hardly any movement, those sounds become even more pronounced.

Of course, there are plenty of spells to minimize those sounds. They all require the hefty use of the expensive Marmaros, but if there’s really a need to observe someone in secret, Mia Crowfield could easily afford such costs.

Especially if that someone is the one who killed her father.

The problem is, if it’s true that Sylvia Fanggriffon has really assassinated the Count and is carrying on without a care, the chances of being discovered after using such means is pretty high.

Mia Crowfield was a magician, not an assassin. She had received some training, but that training was meant to expose the royal family’s weaknesses as a noble, not for killing assassins.

Besides, Mia had the rare opportunity to observe Sylvia Fanggriffon from very close during that covert battle. She was horrified as she watched Sylvia nonchalantly take down one after another while aiming at a place so bright it was hard to see properly.

Sylvia didn’t even spare her allies.

That sight… made Mia think there must be some magical influence at play, it was just that terrifying.

Mia was well aware that wearing soft shoes, choosing the darkest clothes she had, and opting for pants instead of a skirt, while also donning a mask looked incredibly silly. She also knew that when caught, no excuse would help her.

But… if she gets caught…

Well, then they can try killing her. Mia certainly had no intention of dying alone. No, even if they couldn’t kill her, she would make sure to inflict a significant injury before she went down.

With that resolve, Mia Crowfield started following Sylvia Fanggriffon from the early morning—no, at a time still awkward to call anything but midnight.

From Mia’s perspective, who didn’t know much about Sylvia’s lifestyle, it was vital to properly confirm her way of living.

“…At this time?”

It was a stroke of luck that she started her observation from midnight, having thought of a slim chance. Sylvia woke up and started moving incredibly early. Clearly, if she had any errands to run, it would need to be done at this hour.



If it was something that needed to be done stealthily at such an early hour, wouldn’t it be obvious that she should be on alert for her surroundings?

Sitting on a bench, seemingly waiting for a carriage, Sylvia Fanggriffon showed no signs of vigilance.

Or rather… how should she put it? She seemed even more dazed than usual.

Sylvia Fanggriffon was…

Nodding off while sitting on the bench.


And that position looked very vulnerable. If someone were to attack Sylvia Fanggriffon, she’d surely fall victim to that assault.

…No, wait.

Maybe that pose is a disguise. Mia Crowfield shook her head at that thought.

Right. If it’s a disguise, it wouldn’t be out of the question. Perhaps she was trying to lull any tail into lowering their guard by appearing relaxed while being on high alert.

…But if she knew she was being followed, wouldn’t it be better to strike back instead?


As if shaking off the drowsiness, Sylvia Fanggriffon jolted awake, her head bobbing forward before she rubbed her eyes. It wouldn’t be surprising if her eyes were bloodshot.

What is this?

What the heck is going on?

This was the steel-willed Sylvia Fanggriffon who had maintained her composure even while enjoying delicious food.

Of course, while Alice Fanggriffon might claim there were other emotions hidden beneath her unchanging expression, Mia completely doubted Alice’s words.



…But looking at Sylvia, yawning without covering her mouth, even Mia’s certainty started to waver.

As she tightened her coat around her like a cape against the cold morning air, stretching her arms like she was reluctant to move, and then startled herself awake by looking around… it almost seemed like she didn’t want anyone to catch her faking that blank expression.


Is that an assassin?

No, it can’t be.

Mia shook her head vigorously once more.

That… might just be an act. An act to shed the label of an assassin placed upon her. After all, she was a princess.

Clap, clap.

Hearing that sound, Mia quickly turned her gaze to see Sylvia Fanggriffon slapping her own cheeks with both hands in an attempt to wake herself up.


Now, even words of surprise failed to come forth.

It was entirely different from the persona she was used to.

…Could it be, she’s not even aware of the presence around her? Of course, the distance was quite far. A regular student wouldn’t notice someone trailing them.

In fact, that was a calculated action knowing she wouldn’t realize it. If she caught on to Mia following her, Sylvia Fanggriffon would immediately go after her. And Mia had figured that by provoking Sylvia, she might uncover some clue, even the slightest one.


Could it be?

Could it be that this entire situation was premeditated?

The imperial family had indeed been taking advantage of the fact that Mia’s father was killed, but they would never outright admit it. The incident was merely a tragic accident, and officially, the imperial family’s stance was to mourn the Count’s death.

Thus, they couldn’t carelessly reveal any evidence.

Officially, it wasn’t a direct murder. They could use the nobility’s trembling fear but deny any claims when someone pointed it out.

The Emperor had spoken with her mother about something. Mia hadn’t heard that conversation, nor did her mother tell her what it was about. All she had been told was the fact that the Emperor killed her father.

So then…



Sylvia Fanggriffon sniffled, evidently thinking there was no one around her.


Could it really be true that she killed my father? Is she really a heartless killer who caused countless innocent victims when she blew up several carriages?

Am I wrong in my thinking?

Mia Crowfield pondered seriously as she watched Sylvia turn back to her blank expression upon hearing the sound of a carriage approaching in the distance.


“Crown Princess.”

Monday morning.

As soon as Mia left the dorm for class, she headed straight for the area where Sylvia and Alice were.

And she bowed slightly to Sylvia Fanggriffon.

“Did you sleep well throughout the night?”

After seriously contemplating Sylvia’s behavior throughout Sunday, Mia still couldn’t come up with a satisfactory answer.

“I’m glad to hear that, Mia.”

“Thanks to you, I’m doing well.”

The first to respond to Mia was Alice, the ‘true princess’.

“Were you well?”

“Thank you, Your Highness. I am well.”

For someone like Mia Crowfield, who has always been shy since childhood, greeting others like this early in the morning was somewhat of a burden. Especially when needed to greet someone in a group.

But Mia Crowfield had something to confirm.

She had to see if the Sylvia Fanggriffon she observed on that Sunday morning was genuine or not.

No matter how fueled by a desire for revenge one might be, two consecutive sleepless nights were pushing it. Thus, the way to check up on Sylvia on that Monday was to see her expression as early as possible.

If there was even a hint of fatigue in her expression right now, it would put Mia’s heart at ease.


However, the expression on Sylvia Fanggriffon, who gazed blankly up at Mia, was fundamentally unchanged from usual; her face remained expressionless.

“Sylvia, even if you’re tired, you should at least respond to greetings from those who greet you first.”


Upon hearing Alice’s comment, Mia reexamined Sylvia Fanggriffon’s expression.

Undoubtedly, her expression was as expressionless as usual.

“…Good morning.”

There wasn’t even the slightest indication of hoarseness in her voice.

“Watching you both, it’s just so fascinating.”

“What do you mean fascinating?”

When Alice asked, Charlotte responded.

“To me, Sylvia’s expression is always blank. Yet, Alice, you seem to read it without any issue.”

…Can you read it? Mia, who had seen the ‘other expression’ of Sylvia Fanggriffon just yesterday, also wondered. Was she perhaps fooling herself into believing she could read it?


Alice made a noise as if she was proudly asserting something.

“The imperial family has plenty of people who annoy Sylvia. It’s not just a reaction that only does that. Most of the time, it’s her annoyance… Ah, well, most of it is that, but she at least reacts more towards me than with the other siblings.”


Sylvia Fanggriffon turned her head upon hearing Alice’s words. Still expressionless, so whatever she was thinking was unclear.

“Is that right?”

While Charlotte listened to Alice and then glanced back at Sylvia’s expression, she still seemed puzzled.

“That’s what I’m saying.”


Mia took another quick peek at Sylvia Fanggriffon’s expression…

…And indeed, the expression from early yesterday morning was nowhere to be found.


…Have I been too complacent?

Certainly, she maintained a blank expression, but the way she reacted to Alice or Lucas, Jayden was different. She was curt with Lucas and Jayden, whereas she was fairly affectionate towards Alice.

Couldn’t be helped, right? Lucas and Jayden had already been a bit older than her from the first time they met, but Alice was a child when they first met. She was the same age as Claire.

Seeing how Alice struggled during her early childhood since she was an excellent but unrecognized sibling didn’t help motivate her to be kinder.

On top of that, with the background knowledge of a protagonist journey in the original story, it was no wonder Mia would subconsciously try to be a little kinder.

Then again, aside from Lucas who swings his sword at me every time he sees me and Jayden who overly expresses his fondness, I think I spent a fairly ordinary time with the other two.

Or wait, maybe it’s because of such varied reactions that Alice has reached a level of reading my expressions?


Even without making eye contact, Mia Crowfield’s gaze was clearly fixated on me.

What is she trying to accomplish again?

She hadn’t seen me throughout the weekend. Did something happen with one of the other Emperor’s children in the shadows?


That same thoughtful noise broke through Charlotte’s lips.

“I really don’t get it.”

I mean, right?

Honestly, even if I took a picture of my own face, I wouldn’t recognize it.

How can Alice, who wouldn’t even be able to recognize the expression I can’t even discern myself, seemingly read it so easily?

…Could it be that Alice has some hidden ability?

Thinking it would be worth investigating, I looked at the smiling Alice.

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