The Protagonist’s Party is Too Diligent

Chapter 73

“Did that mercenary group get wiped out? When on earth did that happen?”
Dramatic gasp!

“It was yesterday morning.”
Confused mumble!

The face of Maximilian Schmitt, the governor of the Riclant Autonomous State, turned pale at the report. But his pleased expression didn’t last long.

“Did the Empire mobilize additional troops?”
Suspicious eyebrow raise!

“Well, that’s…”
Sweaty silence!

The high-ranking officer in a blue uniform frowned a bit, his elegantly curled gray mustache twitching. It seemed something wasn’t adding up.
Dramatic music plays!

But the thought that the Imperial Army would cross the border with a massive force didn’t cross anyone’s mind. If that had been the case, the commander would have been beet red the moment he walked in. The autonomous state was basically a ‘republic’, but it still had its share of aristocratic traits.
Fancy puffs of smoke!

In a way, it was like a kingdom minus the royal family.
Bling bling!

Of course, while the political form may have appeared that way, the territory was much smaller, and its military strength was negligible compared to the Empire. Considering that the mercenary group, which should have been led by the Autonomous State’s military, had turned into a warlord out of the chaos of the revolution, comparing military strength to the Empire was nearly impossible.
Sad trombone!

Thus, while they reluctantly requested support from the Empire, they ‘begged’ not to send Imperial soldiers beyond a certain level due to fear of their military might. Both Schmitt and the aristocrats within the autonomous state shared this sentiment, where the army often expressed open opposition but occasionally let slip their dissatisfaction.
Whispers in the wind!

…In truth, even if the Imperial Army ignored that request, there was no way to stop them, but the Emperor was accommodating the request for now.

“There was one person, it seems.”
Lightbulb moment!

“…One person?”
Dramatic drum roll!

Schmitt pondered for a moment before speaking.
“Has General Winterfield returned?”
Wild speculation!

“No, he hasn’t.”
Unimpressed sigh!

“Could it be his daughter…?”
Curious glance!

“…I’m sorry, but that isn’t it either. While she is indeed female, she is much younger than General Winterfield’s daughter. They are saying it’s a princess.”
Grand revelation!

“……A princess? You’re saying that princess herself was sent to the front lines? That she’s the key to victory?”
Jaw drop!

Schmitt briefly stared blankly at the ceiling before lowering his gaze back to the commander.
“Did the Imperial Army sacrifice their forces just to protect the princess? If that’s the case, then a massive compensation will be required.”
Cha-ching sound!

‘Protection’ doesn’t come for free. Even if compensation isn’t directly paid in money, a price must be paid in some form. Otherwise, who knows where the blades of the Imperial Army will be pointed?
Dramatic build-up!

Sure, the border area was currently filled with warlords, but if the Empire dealt with each of those warlords…
Dark clouds loom!

There was a reason for the persistent plea for the Imperial Army not to exceed a certain scale.
Concerned emoji!

“No, not at all.”
Denying wave!

However, Schmitt’s words were dismissed by the commander.
“The Imperial Army reportedly suffered minimal losses. The warlord’s bunker collapsed entirely. A unit stationed nearby sent word this morning. They even took pictures, so let’s take a look.”
Shutter click!

The commander gently placed a thin but high-quality wooden board on Schmitt’s desk.
Curiosity piqued!

Schmitt flipped through the report.
As the commander had said, the bunker that the autonomous state army couldn’t breach had collapsed. The Imperial Army was cheering all around, while the disheveled mercenaries were on their knees, hands on their heads.
Sad violin music plays!

Among those many photos, one featured the image of a girl.
Spotlight on the girl!

It wasn’t taken from a close distance. Stretched from a bit far away, in the photo where the collapsed bunker was barely visible, a girl with a bob haircut wearing an officer’s coat that resembled the Imperial Army’s stood there.
Focus zooms in!

Her expression was blank, and she was turned sideways, but she didn’t appear to be severely injured.
Relieved sigh!

“That girl is the princess.”
Dramatic announcement!

“……So, what exactly is that princess supposed to have done? Even if they sent one person, the battlefield wouldn’t have changed, right? Are you saying she was sent to gain experience as an officer?”
Puzzled head scratch!

“I don’t think that’s it. There seems to be some confusion in the information, so I can’t pinpoint the exact details… But from what I hear, that girl supposedly played the biggest role in this battle.”
Gasps of shock!

Bated breath!

Schmitt clamped his mouth shut and looked back down at the photo.
While the girl’s expression was stiff, there didn’t appear to be any visible injuries. The stains on her clothes weren’t particularly noticeable. The photo was a blurry black-and-white, and not everything was in focus, so it was hard to tell where she might have been hurt.
Inquisitive squint!

“According to a messenger sent from the Empire,”
The commander started speaking in a flat tone, almost as if wanting to eliminate emotion.
“The princess was directly deployed to the combat zone, and minutes later, sounds of gunfire and explosions were heard from the enemy camp, followed by a significant explosion. The Imperial Army, ignoring the sounds of battle occurring internally, began advancing as if performing a diversion, causing the defensive line centered around where the princess was to collapse and allowing the Imperial Army to enter the garrison.”
Thudding heart!

“That sounds like propaganda.”
Bitter laugh!

Schmitt scoffed, closing the report and handing it back to the commander.
“……There’s also the case of Lady Winterfield, right? If the blood of the Emperor flows in her…—”
Dramatic pause!

“Even Lady Winterfield wouldn’t have the ability to infiltrate the enemy lines and blow up the ammunition depot alone. That’s something beyond what a human can do! Are you saying the princess is someone who can dodge bullets?”
Comic disbelief!

Stunned silence!

With those words, the commander had nothing more to say. The truth was that the commander himself couldn’t fully believe what he had reported until that moment.
Thinking emoji!

Overdramatic buildup!

Schmitt added, brushing his hair back. Exposing his cool forehead, his face, which could be called a ‘gentleman’ to anyone, seemed a little younger than his actual age.
Charming grin!

“Even if it’s propaganda, there might be some truth mixed in. Just like the case of Lady Winterfield that the commander mentioned, it’s possible she could have provided substantial help in the battle.”
Intriguing wonder!

Even if the Imperial Army had falsely reported to hide their own casualties, the fact that the princess had participated in the battle seemed to be true. The governor thought that perhaps they would need to send someone to extract the truth from the Imperial Army.
Fortune cookie wisdom!

Deep contemplation!

“……What’s wrong?”
As Schmitt narrowed his eyes and stared at the commander, the commander took a step back and asked.
“Didn’t you mention you have a daughter?”
Curiosity sparks!

“……Yes, I do.”
Awkward pause!

Seeing the commander’s overly suspicious expression, the governor continued.
“My daughter is still too young to enter the Imperial Academy.”
Childlike innocence!

Elevated eyebrows!

“If you’re interested in sending your daughter to study in the Empire, the Autonomous State is willing to support her wholeheartedly.”
Grand offer!

Speechless gasp!

The commander held his tongue for a moment.
“However, there is one condition… but, if you don’t want to, it’s fine. There will be plenty of young ladies in the Autonomous State wanting to study in the Empire. Or a young lord would be fine too.”
Giggling scheme!

“I’ll think about it.”
With the commander’s reply, Schmitt nodded, leaning back in his chair.
“I hope you can decide as soon as possible. When the students return from the dispatched classes, I want to send the exchange students back on that train.”
Train whistle sound!

Of course, it would require a complicated procedural process, but Schmitt thought the Emperor would gladly accept his proposal.
Exciting buildup!

Although he still didn’t fully grasp the Emperor, Schmitt knew at least that the Emperor had a keen interest in ‘interesting affairs’.
Winking mischief!

“By the way, what do you plan to do with the information about the princess?”
Eager anticipation!

“Well, you see, information is something that will always be useful when it’s in hand. If this princess’ combat abilities are truly worthwhile… I need to think of a way to utilize her for the benefit of the Autonomous State. We still don’t know anything about her personality.”
Mischievous grin!

Schmitt shrugged and replied.
“Oh, but Commander, does your daughter like making friends?”
Playful eyebrow wiggle!

“Ah, that is—”
Seeing the commander’s eyes darting around, Schmitt smiled wryly.

I can tell!
Triumphant laugh!

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