The Puppet Emperor Regresses

14: Threads of Loyalty

"Your Highness, please slow down!" Lord Chamberlain Alistair Blackthorn huffed, struggling to keep up with the young prince as they weaved through the labyrinthine back corridors of the Imperial Palace.

Mikhail ignored the plea, tugging insistently on the chamberlain's sleeve. "Come on, come on! We have to hurry!" he whined, his voice deliberately high, playing at being a petulant child. 

The chamberlain, despite his station, found himself helplessly pulled along by the determined child.

"I want my new maid now!" Mikhail demanded, his small legs pumping furiously as he navigated the maze of service passages and storage rooms.

[System Alert: Divine Insight activated]


Name: Lord Alistair Blackthorn 

Title: Imperial Lord Chamberlain 

Age: 58 Status: Healthy (Slightly winded)



Strength: 7 

Dexterity: 9 

Constitution: 8 

Intelligence: 18 

Wisdom: 20 

Charisma: 16


Notable Skills: 

Court Etiquette (Grandmaster) 

Administration (Expert) 

Diplomacy (Master) 

Discretion (Grandmaster)


Special Note: 

Loyal to the Imperial throne, not to any specific faction. 

Highly respected among palace staff.


"This is highly irregular, Your Highness," Blackthorn continued, dodging a startled maid carrying a stack of linens. "While you are indeed entitled to choose your own staff, there are protocols—"

"What's a pro-to-col?" Mikhail interrupted, deliberately mispronouncing the word. "Are you using big words to confuse this young prince?!"

They rounded another corner, entering a vast laundry area filled with steam and the pungent smell of soap. 

The workers inside froze in shock at the sight of the young prince in their midst. Whispers erupted, and people scrambled to bow or curtsy.

Mikhail's eyes darted from face to face, searching. 

Then, a flash of recognition sent his heart racing.

"Her!" Mikhail exclaimed, pointing at a woman bent over a large washbasin. "I want her!"

Lydia Thornbrook looked up, confusion etched on her tired face as she took in the strange sight of the young prince and the Lord Chamberlain in the Imperial Laundry.

"Your Highness?" she asked, wiping her hands on her apron.

Mikhail recalled memories of his past life. In that timeline, Lydia had risen from these humble beginnings to become one of the most capable administrators in the Imperial Palace. 

She was born Lady Lydia Thornbrook, the cherished daughter of Count Edmond Thornbrook, a man whose love for his family was matched only by his weakness for gambling.

Count Thornbrook doted on Lydia, showering her with affection and gifts. But behind closed doors, a demon lurked. The Count's gambling addiction was an open secret in the Empire's southern provinces, barely concealed by his wife's social graces and his family's old name.

In the Tiberian Empire, such weakness was a luxury none could afford, not even the nobility. Yet, the Count couldn't resist the call of the gaming tables, even as he kissed Lydia goodnight and promised her the world.

For years, the Count had teetered on the edge of ruin, his nights spent in shadowy gambling dens, borrowing heavily from increasingly unsavory characters. Each close call was smoothed over with promises and pawned heirlooms, the family's fortune slowly bleeding away.

The fall, when it came, was devastating. Count Thornbrook eventually wagered everything away. His lands, his title, even his family's legacy - all lost.

Driven by shame the Count fled the Empire under cover of darkness, leaving behind a tearful letter for Lydia, promising to return once he had redeemed himself.

But in the Empire, such weakness was unforgivable, regardless of intentions. The vultures descended swiftly.

Creditors stripped away every last vestige of their former life. Rivals, long jealous of the Thornbrook name, fanned the flames of scandal. 

Lydia and her mother found themselves cast out, their name now a byword for disgrace. They survived on the grudging charity of distant relatives, enduring years of scorn and humiliation. 

When Lydia came of age, she made the difficult decision to seek employment in the Imperial Palace, hoping to rebuild her life and perhaps, one day, redeem her family name.

Her intelligence and work ethic caught Prince Aether's eye, and under his patronage, she rose through the ranks. But in the Empire, old sins cast long shadows. 

When rival noble houses sought to undermine Prince Aether, they fabricated evidence that led to Lydia's arrest and execution for treason.

But not this time.

Now, looking at the younger Lydia before him, Mikhail vowed silently that history would not repeat itself, he would ensure Lydia Thornbrook had the strength to overcome her family's tragic legacy and forge a new destiny.

"Ms. Thornbrook, you're coming with us," Mikhail declared, his tone brooking no argument.

--- --- ---

The carriage ride back to the villa was painfully awkward. 

Lydia sat stiffly, her hands folded in her lap, stealing occasional glances at the young prince. Mikhail, for his part, stared out the window, lost in thought. 

The silence stretched between them, broken only by the clop of horses' hooves and the rattle of carriage wheels, and the occasional shuffling of staff application documents that the Lord Chamberlain was working on.

Once they arrived, Mikhail wasted no time. "Ms. Thornbrook, you're my new Head Maid. Let's get to work immediately."

Lydia's eyes widened in shock. "Your Highness, I... I don't understand. Lord Chamberlain, surely there's been some mistake?"

Mikhail activated his Divine Insight, confirming what he remembered from his past life:

[System Alert: Divine Insight activated]


Name: Lydia Thornbrook 

Title: Disgraced Noble, Current Soiled Linens Attendant 

Age: 32 Status: 

Healthy (But Tired)



Strength: 8 

Dexterity: 12 

Constitution: 10 

Intelligence: 17 

Wisdom: 16 

Charisma: 25


Notable Skills: 

Household Management (Expert) 

Evaluation (Master) 

Discretion (Grandmaster) 

Adaptability (Advanced)


Special Note: 

High potential for growth and loyalty if treated well. 

Hidden talent for administration and strategy.


"There's no mistake" Mikhail insisted. "I want you to help me pick my other staff. It'll be fun, like a game!"

And so the interviews for Mikhail's household staff began.

What followed was a parade of candidates, each more unsuitable than the last. Mikhail used his Divine Insight on each, revealing hidden agendas and loyalties that made his skin crawl. He made his rejections in various childish ways:

"Ew, no! Your aura smells funny!" 

"You look mean. Go away!" 

"I don't like your face. Next!"

Only one candidate, a stable boy, managed to pass the early selection. Throughout it all, Lydia watched silently, her sharp eyes taking in every detail. Mikhail could see understanding dawning on her face as the pattern of his rejections became clear.

After dismissing the fifteenth candidate, Mikhail turned to Lydia. "Did you see why I didn't like them?"

Lydia nodded slowly, a new respect in her eyes. "You're looking for people without... outside loyalties, Your Highness."

"Yep!" Mikhail confirmed. "Now you do it. I'm tired of talking to boring grown-ups."

Lydia's eyes widened in surprise. "Your Highness?"

"You saw what I want," Mikhail explained, feigning impatience. "You do it now."

For a moment, Lydia hesitated, then straightened her shoulders. "As you wish, Your Highness."

The next candidate entered, a polished woman with a practiced smile. Lydia took charge, her questions probing yet polite. 

Mikhail watched, impressed, as Lydia skillfully uncovered the woman's ties to a rival noble house.

As the interviews continued, Lydia's confidence grew. She deftly navigated complex conversations, her keen eye for detail catching inconsistencies that even Mikhail might have missed. 

By the end of the day, she had compiled a short list of potential staff members, all of whom seemed to meet the exacting standards of Mikhail's Divine Insight.

"Good job!" Mikhail chirped as the last candidate left. "You did even better than I thought you would!"

Lydia bowed slightly, a hint of pride in her eyes. "Thank you, Your Highness. I... I must admit, I'm still not sure why you chose me for this position."

Mikhail grinned, a knowing look in his eyes. "Because you're special. I can tell!"

Understanding flashed across Lydia's face, along with a spark of determination. "I won't let you down, Your Highness."

"I know you won't," Mikhail replied. "Now you're in charge of all the money stuff too. Lord Chamberlain, please do the grown-up talking with my new Head Maid."

As Lydia and Lord Blackthorn began discussing the details of staffing and budget, Mikhail felt a sense of triumph. He had secured a valuable ally, one that his enemies would never see coming.

[System Alert: Quest "The Unseen Web" progress updated. Current completion: 15%]

It was a small victory, but a crucial one. His eyes drifted to the door leading to the basement. In the chaos of recent events, he hadn't had a chance to investigate what lay below.

Memories of his past life flooded back – of returning to this villa as a broken, powerless emperor. Of finding solace in the dusty confines of that forgotten basement. And there, tucked away in a hidden compartment, he had discovered the Temporal Anchor – his mother's final gift, the key to his second chance.

Mikhail's hand unconsciously went to his chest, where the anchor now rested. A bittersweet smile played on his lips. 

"Your Highness?" Lydia's voice broke through his reverie. "Is there anything else you need?"

Mikhail shook his head, plastering on a childish grin. "Nope! I'm gonna go play now. You do all the boring stuff!"

As he scampered off, leaving the adults to their discussions, Mikhail prepared himself for what lay ahead, once Lydia's talents had cleaned up his household he could finally explore that hidden compartment. 

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