The Puppet Emperor Regresses

16: A Mother’s Love

Mikhail sat cross-legged on what felt like the ground within his Personal Dimension Space. 

This sensation still puzzled him. Even though there was nothing but darkness and emptiness in this void, walking on the "ground" and sitting on this non-existent "ground" posed no trouble.

With his eyes closed, his breath steady and controlled, the soft glow of mana suffused his small frame with magic, pulsing in rhythm with his heartbeat. 

For months now, this had been his routine – hours upon hours of rigorous cultivation, pushing the boundaries of his magical potential.

[System Alert: Mana circulation efficiency increased by 2%. Current efficiency: 87%]

The Imperial Celestial Spiral technique was yielding results beyond his wildest expectations.

Where most other circulation techniques prioritised achieving the first circle, the Imperial Celestial Spiral emphasised strengthening the Mana Heart first - building a stronger foundation for one's later magical development.

With this technique achieving a 5th or even 6th circle was an attainable goal for members of the Imperial family who diligently cultivated and devoted themselves magical knowledge.

In his previous life, he could only dream of such power. Now, he could feel it coursing through his veins, with a force that grew stronger with each passing day.

[System Alert: Mana Heart fully stabilised. 225/225] 

[System Alert: Mana Pool expanded. Current capacity: 150/150]

Mikhail opened his eyes, a hint of frustration creeping into his expression. 

He was hitting a bottleneck. 

Despite his progress, he could sense that his first circle was just out of reach. It was maddening, like an itch he couldn't quite scratch.


[System Alert: Host status updated]

Name: Mikhail Robinette D'Arcy Ironforge

Title: Fourth Prince of the Tiberian Empire

Age: 7 (Mental Age: 128)

Status: Healthy


Health: 100/100 

Stamina: 100/100 

Mana Heart: 225/225 [Active]

Aura Core: 0.1/200 [Active]

Mana Pool: 150/150



Strength: 9 

Dexterity: 8 

Constitution: 11 

Intelligence: 18 

Wisdom: 21 

Charisma: 13 

Magic Circle: 0

Aura Tier: 0


Unique Abilities:

Dual Core Cultivation (Hidden) 

Temporal Consciousness

Personal Dimensional Space



Magic Sense (Level 4) - Enhanced ability to perceive mana.

Aura Sense (Level 1) – Ability to perceive aura.

Physical Endurance (Level 2) - Increased due to surviving the extended ritual.

Acting (Level 4) - Improved ability to conceal true thoughts and emotions.

Basic Meditation (Level 6) - Advanced meditation techniques mastered.

Accelerated Healing (Level 2)[Passive] - Enhanced natural healing rate.

Mana Manipulation (Level 4) - Improved control and shaping of mana.

Imperial Celestial Spiral Technique (Level 3) - Advanced proficiency in royal family's secret mana cultivation method.


"If only I could use mana stones," he muttered, thinking of the mana stone he'd left on his desk. 

One of his would-be mage instructors from the Spire had "accidentally" left it behind, no doubt hoping to tempt the young prince into taking a dangerous shortcut. 

Mikhail scoffed at the memory. Did they think him so foolish? 

Using mana stones before reaching the first circle was a recipe for disastrous failure in your later circle development as one sought attainment and advancement from a 4th circle mage to the 5th circle.

He sat motionless in his continued meditative posture. 

The past months had been a delicate balancing act. On one hand, he needed to cultivate his power relentlessly. On the other, he had to maintain the facade of a spoiled, incompetent prince.

Mikhail allowed himself a wry chuckle as he recalled his "lessons" with the parade of tutors and magic instructors he'd been sent. He'd thrown tantrums that reduced grown adults to tears with his impossible demands and feigned ignorance. 

It was almost too easy.

But the real work happened in secret. 

While the household slept, Mikhail pored over the magical tomes Grand Mage Thorne had left him, absorbing knowledge that was far beyond his grasp in his previous life. 

The combination of his adult mind, honed by a lifetime of experience as an emperor - puppet though he was - and the natural plasticity and creativity of a child's brain led to staggering progress. 

His mature intellect could grasp the broader implications and interconnections of magical theory, and his young mind's rapidly forming neural pathways allowed him to internalise this knowledge at an unprecedented rate. 

Concepts unfolded before him with startling clarity. The arcane theories and complex magical formulae seemed intuitive. 

It was almost as if this knowledge of the universe, was a natural "primordial knowing" that is always present in everyone, but the older one got the weaker their connection to it became, unless they devoted themselves to magic.

He couldn't wait to start casting spells once his first circle was established.

This rapid advancement, however, presented its own challenges. 

Mikhail had to be constantly vigilant, careful not to reveal the true extent of his understanding. The few times he had slipped, showing a flash of insight that should have been beyond a child his age, he had quickly covered it with a tantrum or a deliberately misinterpreted question. 

It was a delicate dance, one that required constant attention and fine-tuning of his act.

His thoughts soon turned to the basement below the villa. 

Lydia had followed his instructions to the letter, emptying it out and ensuring he had the only key, once he established his first circle he'd be sure to cast a protective spell over the door. 

Mikhail couldn't help but feel a surge of admiration for Lydia. 

Her management of the household over the months had been nothing short of exemplary. She had transformed the villa from a nest of spies and incompetence into a well-oiled machine. 

While still circulating his mana, he turned his attention to the contents of another area of his Personal Dimensional Space. 

He'd been slowly but surely filling it with supplies – and what a collection it had become.

The space now contained enough provisions to sustain a small village for years. Crates upon crates of food, and barrels of fresh water. 

Since nothing in this space decayed, retaining its original state from the moment it was stored, Mikhail had even stored heaps of prepared meals, courtesy of the villa's kitchen staff working round the clock for weeks on end. 

He chuckled, remembering the curious looks some of the chefs had given him, clearly wondering how he managed to stay so thin despite their assumptions about his voracious appetite.

The clothing section of his dimensional space resembled a high-end department store warehouse. Lydia, not knowing the exact purpose behind Mikhail's requests, had prepared for every possible scenario. 

There were clothes for all seasons, all occasions, and all ages – from infant to adult. Mikhail now possessed wardrobes fit for a beggar, a merchant, a noble, and everything in between.

Furniture and amenities hadn't been forgotten either. A bathtub, beds, elegant dining sets – anything one might need for a comfortable life had found its way into the space. 

The survival gear was equally comprehensive, ranging from healing salves and mana potions to advanced magical artefacts for navigation and protection.

And then there were the wines – these would be for much later in his new life, when he'd come of age - they were a small indulgence he'd acquired in both his previous lives. He now possessed a carefully curated selection of rare vintages from across the empire.

[System Alert: Personal Dimensional Space capacity increased. Current storage at 65%] 

[System Alert: Storage capacity will increase as Host's mana and aura capacities grow.]

Mikhail nodded in understanding. He had prepared as best he could, but the future remained uncertain. At least now, whatever challenges lay ahead, he would face them well-equipped.

With a sigh, Mikhail thought of the one loose end within the villa that still bothered him – Bella. 

She was the Empress's last remaining spy within his household. He'd carefully cultivated her, allowing her to think she was gathering his secrets. 

In time, he was certain he could turn her to his own ends. For now, though, she remained a useful conduit for feeding misinformation back to the palace.

[System Alert: Quest "The Unseen Web" updated. Current completion: 36%]

Satisfied with his progress for now, Mikhail decided it was time to leave his Personal Dimensional Space. 

With a thought, the void around him shimmered and faded, replaced by the familiar surroundings of the basement. 

Steeling himself, recalled discovering the basement's secrets as a broken, powerless emperor.

In that previous life, he had sought solace in his old home, hiding from the world if only for a night. The villa had been one of the few concessions his traitorous Imperial court had allowed him to keep, perhaps as a cruel reminder of what little he truly possessed.

He recalled the dust that had settled over the rooms, and the furniture that had been shrouded in sheets. In his despair, he had hidden himself away in this very basement, seeking escape from the weight of his failures. 

It was there, in the depths of his misery, that he had stumbled upon the secret that would change everything.

The basement was empty now, save for the faint outline of a flower etched into one wall. Jasmine – his mother's favourite. Mikhail's throat tightened as he pricked his finger, drawing a drop of blood, and placed it on the etching. 

It shone dimly, and with a soft click, a hidden compartment slid open.

How he discovered that his blood would reveal this secret was a memory best left in his past, reflecting on such a moment would not be useful right now.

As he stood there, Mikhail was struck by a wave of conflicting emotions. 

Sudden memories of his childhood before the ritual that shattered his mana heart appeared in his mind. He remembered a woman who had loved him dearly, who had cared for him with a tenderness that warred with the cold indifference of the Imperial court.

These memories were complicated by the fact that he still retained the mind and memories of Albert Mannery. He had never truly been an ignorant child in this world, always carrying with him the experiences and emotions of his past life. 

Yet it hadn't taken long for him to love this woman, to know and acknowledge her as his mother. She was his second mother, just as important to him as the mother he had left behind on Earth.

Inside the compartment lay a letter, yellowed with age but still intact. Mikhail's hands trembled as he unfolded it, though he knew its contents by heart. With a deep breath, he began to read:

"My Dearest Mikhail,

If you are reading this, then I am no longer with you, and for that, I am more sorry than words can express. 

Know that leaving you was the hardest thing I have ever done, and not a day has passed that I haven't thought of you, loved you, and wished I could hold you in my arms once more.

I pray that you can find it in your heart to forgive me for my absence. The circumstances that forced me into exile are complex and dangerous, and it was only by leaving that I could ensure your safety. 

But know this – no matter where I am, no matter how far apart we may be, my love for you is eternal and unbreakable.

My son, you are destined for greatness. Within you lies a power that few can comprehend, a potential that could reshape our empire and perhaps the world itself. 

Trust in yourself, in your instincts, and in the strength that I know you possess.

I have left you a gift, hidden within this chamber. Use it well. It is my hope that it will be the source of the strength you'll need when times of crisis arrive.

Use it wisely, and remember that it, like my love, is yours always.

Mikhail, my beautiful boy, my heart, my soul – I love you more than life itself. 

Whatever trials you may face, whatever hardships may come, never forget that you are loved. You are strong. You are capable of miracles.

Be kind, be brave, and above all, be true to yourself. The path ahead may be difficult, but I have faith that you will triumph.

Until we meet again, in this life or the next.

Your loving mother, Aurelia"

[System Alert: Emotional state fluctuating.]

Carefully, Mikhail placed the letter in his Personal Dimensional Space. He would cherish it in this life as well. 

His gaze fell on the space where the temporal anchor had rested in his previous life. As if in response to his thoughts, the necklace around his neck shimmered briefly before turning black again. 

Mikhail sighed. He'd hoped it might serve as another "extra life," but it seemed the artefact had fulfilled its purpose.

"Who were you, mother?" Mikhail whispered to the empty room. 

His eyes narrowed as he studied the wall. In his past life, he'd been unable to activate the runes etched within the compartment, lacking both magical knowledge and a functioning mana heart. 

Now, though...

Mikhail hesitated. Activating unknown runes was risky, and potentially catastrophic. But something in him – perhaps the echo of his mother's love, or the desperate hope that had driven him to this point – urged him forward.

Taking a deep breath, Mikhail placed his hand on the runes. He reached out with his mana, and felt the ancient symbols resonate with his power. 

Then, his world exploded into light.

[System Alert: Unknown magical phenomenon detected! Caution advised!]

Mikhail felt a tugging sensation as if his very being was being pulled in a thousand directions at once. The basement blurred around him, reality itself seeming to warp and twist.

In that final moment Mikhail was not afraid, as he felt himself slipping away, he thought of his mother. Her love had saved him once before, guiding him back through time for a second chance. 

Whatever came next, he would face it with the strength she believed he possessed.

With a final flash of magical luminescence, Mikhail vanished. The basement fell silent, empty once more save for the fading glow of activated runes and the lingering scent of jasmine.

[System Alert: Dimensional transfer initiated. Destination unknown. Prepare for transition.]

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