The Puppet Emperor Regresses

18: Dungeon Guardian Bear

The forest opened into a vast clearing, bathed in an otherworldly glow. 

At its centre stood an enormous tree, its trunk as wide as a house, bark shimmering with an iridescent sheen.

Mikhail's attention was focused on the massive, slumbering, form at the tree's base.

This was no ordinary bear – this was the dungeon's guardian. It was easily three times the size of any bear Mikhail had ever seen or read about, a boss monster far more powerful than anything he'd faced.

Mikhail's heart raced as he assessed the situation.

The bear's fur seemed to absorb the surrounding light, creating a dark illusory silhouette against the forest floor. Its slow breathing sent tremors through the ground.

"We should go around," Mikhail whispered to the sprite, his voice barely audible. "Maybe we can find another way—"

His words were cut short as a twig snapped under his foot. The sound, amplified in the clearing's unnatural silence, and echoed ominously.

The bear's eyes snapped open.

Mikhail's blood turned to ice.

For a moment, everything was still. Then, with a roar that shook the foundations of the forest, the bear rose to its full height. 

"Run!" he yelled to the sprite, already turning to flee. 

The bear gave chase, its massive paws thundering against the forest floor. Each impact sent shockwaves through the ground, nearly throwing Mikhail off balance as he ran.

[System Alert: Immediate danger detected. Suggest retreat to Personal Dimensional Space.]

For a brief moment, the temptation to follow the system's suggestion was overwhelming. The safety of his Personal Dimensional Space beckoned, promising an easy escape from this terrifying situation. 

But even as his fingers twitched, ready to activate the escape, Mikhail gritted his teeth and pushed the thought aside.

The memory of his past weakness, of always running away, burned in his mind.

"No," he gasped as he ran, leaping over fallen logs and ducking under low-hanging vines. His improved Mana Circulation strengthened his small legs as he sprinted. "I won't give in to weakness. Not in this life. Never again!"

Mikhail mentally admonished the system, "Never recommend that again when I'm in danger. I refuse to be weak or cowardly."

[System Alert: Request logged. Retreat to Personal Dimensional Space will not be suggested during dangerous situations.]

The sprite zipped alongside him, its light pulsing rapidly in panic. It darted back and forth, trying to guide Mikhail through the treacherous forest.

Mikhail found himself instinctively following the sprite's lead, trusting in its knowledge of this strange realm. 

The desperate chase continued for days. 

Mikhail ran and hid, using every trick he knew and the sprite's constant aid to evade the relentless creature.

His frustration grew with each close call, and each moment of terror. He chided himself for his current weakness, his child's body - a constant reminder of his limitations.

Yet with each challenge, he felt his resolve strengthen, and his connection to the mana around him growing stronger.

"Is this all I'm capable of?" he thought bitterly during a brief moment of rest. "Running and hiding like a coward? I must find a way to overcome this!"

Throughout it all, the sprite remained by his side, a constant companion.

In quiet moments of respite, hidden in hollow logs or perched precariously in the forest canopy, Mikhail found himself talking to the sprite, drawing comfort from its presence.

"You know," he whispered one night, huddled in the roots of a massive tree as the bear's roars echoed in the distance, "I've been in dire situations before, but nothing like this. In my past life, I was a man without power, easily manipulated by those around me. But this is a chance to change that. To prove that I can be strong, that I can survive."

Mikhail's eyes widened as he realized what he'd just said.

He'd revealed his greatest secret to this sprite, this being he barely understood. Horror washed over him as the implications sank in. 

His exhaustion was clearly catching up to him, clouding his judgment.

But then, a rueful smirk tugged at his lips. "Well," he muttered, "it's not as if you have anyone to tell, do you, little one? And even if you did, who would believe a sprite?"

The sprite's light dimmed to a soft, comforting glow, as if understanding Mikhail's feelings if not the complexity of what he'd just revealed.

The days wore on, and Mikhail continued to feel changes occurring within him.

It was as if the very act of survival was honing his magical senses, pushing him towards some unseen threshold.

[System Alert: Mage combat experience gained. Mana circulation efficiency increased by 7%. Current efficiency: 98%]

On the fifth day of this relentless pursuit, Mikhail found himself cornered.

The bear had driven him to the edge of a cliff, his with back against a tree that was teetering off the edge itself, the drop below disappearing into mist. 

His legs trembled with exhaustion, and his lungs burned as he gasped for air.

The bear advanced slowly, as if savouring its impending victory. Its eyes gleamed with malevolent intelligence, far beyond that of a normal animal.

Mikhail was out of ideas, and out of strength.

The temptation to use his Personal Dimensional Space gnawed at him. "Would it really be so bad?" he thought desperately. "Just this once, to save my life?"

But even as the thought formed, he pushed it away. "No," he growled through gritted teeth. "I won't give in. I can't."

Just as Mikhail thought this, the sprite suddenly zipped between him and the bear, its light pulsing more intensely than ever before.

In that moment, something clicked in Mikhail's mind. The sprite had been constantly bumping into him on purpose throughout their journey together - from the start, these were attempts to help him - he didn't know how he knew, he just knew. There was more to this "little one" than meets the eye. 

With nothing left to lose, Mikhail opened himself to the sprite's energy - reaching out to it with his mana.

"Come on, little one," he whispered. "Let's face this together."

The sprite rushed towards him, and he felt it merge with his very being, a rush of power flooding through him like liquid fire. The mana in the air seemed to coalesce around him, responding to his will.

It was as if a dam had broken, releasing a torrent of magical energy he never knew he possessed.

As the bear's massive paw swung towards him, Mikhail thrust his hands forward. A torrent of flames erupted from his palms, engulfing the beast in an inferno of mage fire. The bear's roar of pain shook the forest, trees trembling in its wake.

[System Alert: Breakthrough achieved. Host has advanced to the 1st Circle.]

The flames danced and swirled, responding to Mikhail's will with an ease that surprised him.

He pushed more power into the spell, feeling the mana in the air rush to aid him. The fire took on a life of its own, forming intricate patterns and shapes as it consumed the bear's fur.

But the guardian was far from defeated.

With a mighty roar that seemed to shake the very foundations of the dungeon, it shook off the flames and lunged at Mikhail.

A massive paw caught him in the chest, sending him flying towards the cliff's edge. He hit the ground hard, the air driven from his lungs. 

Stars danced in his vision as he gasped for breath. 

The bear was advancing again, slower now but no less deadly. Its fur was burnt and anger blazed in its eyes. Mikhail knew he couldn't take another hit like that. He had to end this now.

"Come on then," he growled, staring down the approaching beast. "Let's end this."

The bear roared and charged. Mikhail waited, timing his move carefully. He could feel the sprite's energy pulsing within him, merging with his own mana. At the last possible second, he unleashed a torrent of flames directly into the bear's face.

The air around him began to shimmer with heat as a massive fireball erupted from his hands, engulfing the bear. The flames were different this time – brighter, more intense, and tinged with the sprite's multicoloured light.

The guardian bear reared back, bellowing in pain and anger. It swung its massive paws blindly, trying to crush the source of its agony. The ground beneath their feet began to crack and splinter from the force of the bear's rage.

Mikhail ducked and weaved, narrowly avoiding the deadly swipes. He continued his assault, pushing his newfound magic to its limits. The mana circle around his heart spun furiously in response to his need, sending waves of power through him.

Flames engulfed the bear, its thick hide smouldering under the intense heat. The air filled with the acrid smell of burning fur and the bear's pained roars.

For a moment, Mikhail felt a pang of sympathy for the creature – it was, after all, just fulfilling its role as a guardian. But he pushed the feeling aside. This was about survival!

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the bear stumbled back. Its movements became sluggish, its roars weakening. With a final, earthshaking thud, it collapsed to the ground.

Mikhail stood there, his arms still outstretched, chest heaving as he struggled to comprehend what had just happened. The sprite separated from him, its light dimming slightly as if exhausted.

"We did it," he gasped, looking around for the sprite. "We actually did it!"

The sprite began bobbing around excitedly, and as it did so, Mikhail felt that a connection had formed between them. The sprite pulsed with vibrant colours, and to his amazement, he realized he could sense its emotions – pride, relief, and a hint of confusion.

As if in response to their victory, a glowing rune formed where the dead bear lay. It pulsed with light, seeming to beckon Mikhail closer.

Mikhail stumbled towards it, the promise of home calling to him. He could feel the rune's power washing over him. It was familiar, comforting – and without thinking, he reached out and touched it.

The world around him began to shimmer and fade. The last thing he saw was the sprite darting towards him before everything went white.

When Mikhail opened his eyes, he found himself back in the basement of his villa. The rune that had transported him was still there, but its form had changed, as if it was now describing the next level of the dungeon.

He looked down at his hands, and saw a faint, fading, mark where his fire magic had manifested, and hovering beside him, looking somewhat dazed but very real, was the sprite.

[System Alert: Dungeon dimension level 1 completed. Rewards earned: Basic Fire Manipulation skill, Sprite Companion]

Mikhail let out a breath, his mind reeling from the experience. "Mother," he whispered, a mixture of awe and confusion in his voice. "Who are you?"

Suddenly, another thought struck him. "Wait a minute," he gasped, his eyes widening. "How long was I gone?"

He rushed upstairs, and the sprite zipped into his back disappearing within him. As he burst into the main hall, he was met by a frantic-looking Lydia.

"Your Highness!" she exclaimed, relief evident in her voice. "You're back! I... I didn't know how much longer I could have kept up the charade. Next time, please tell me if you're going to disappear like that!"

Mikhail blinked in surprise, the realisation of the time he was away hitting him. "I didn't know I was going to disappear," he said. "Lydia, how long was I gone?"

"Two, long, worrying weeks," Lydia replied, her face a mixture of relief and concern. 

Mikhail's mind reeled. Two weeks? But it had felt like only seven days in the dungeon. The implications of this time difference were staggering.

As he processed this information, a new wave of questions washed over him. What had happened in his absence? How had Lydia managed to keep his disappearance a secret?

As he grappled with these thoughts, Lydia's expression shifted to one of urgency. "Your Highness, there's something that requires your immediate attention."

Intrigued and slightly wary, Mikhail followed Lydia as she led him through the villa to one of the storerooms. She unlocked the door, revealing a sight that took Mikhail by surprise.

Inside, the storeroom had been converted into a makeshift living space. A small bed occupied one corner, and basic comforts had been provided. Seated on the bed, looking upset and anxious, was Bella.

Upon seeing Mikhail, Bella's eyes widened.

She rushed forward, forgetting protocol in her relief, and wrapped her arms around him in a tight hug. "Your Highness! You're alright!" she exclaimed, her voice thick with emotion. "Lady Lydia's been so mean, keeping me locked up in here!"

Suddenly, as if remembering herself, Bella stiffened and quickly stepped back. She dropped into a deep curtsy, her face flushing with embarrassment. "I... I'm so sorry, Your Highness. That was terribly improper of me. I just... I was so worried, and..."

Lydia cleared her throat, her expression stern but not unkind. "I had no choice but to confine her, Your Highness. She was asking too many questions about your absence. I couldn't risk her spreading rumours or causing panic while you were... indisposed."

Bella's lower lip trembled as she looked between Mikhail and Lydia. "What's... what's going to happen to me now?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Mikhail stood there, momentarily stunned by this unexpected situation. It seemed that in his absence, the delicate balance he'd been maintaining in his household had been disrupted.

With a deep breath, Mikhail steeled himself. It was time to take control of the situation and solidify his position. After all, he had faced down a monstrous bear and lived to tell the tale. Surely, he could handle a few household complications.

"Bella, Lydia," he said, his voice carrying a new note of authority, "are you two doing something weird? What are showing to this young prince!?"

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