The Rebirth Of A White Robe Man: I'll Follow You This Time

Chapter 262: A Good Wake Up Call For the Shao Family.

"I would have never mentioned this but you just have to state about my Brother Yuan not being good.."

While everyone showed a perplexed expression on their faces, Shao Cheng has finally closed the book he has been gently holding while placing his arms on the armchair and using his slender finger to softly tap upon the smooth wood.

"In District 22, 4th blocks in the west side. District 40, 5th in eleven blocks on the east side and 11th in the south area. District 63, 6th block in the west, 8th block in the north, and 2nd block in the south… every time I come back in the Capital, I always happen to see Shao Shan coming in and out on those places."

The whole time that Shao Cheng was speaking about the various places in the Chang Capital, he didn't miss the horror and fright that has quickly flashed in Zhang Lilu's eyes along with the paling of her face.

"Even though I'm indifferent most of the time but I still hear what the people in the Chang Capital usually thought about my cousin, they always discuss how gentle, sensible, and kind my cousin is while being considerate every single time he refuses a confession, always emphasizing about wanting to mainly focus on his career."

Shao Cheng's gentle smile couldn't help but deepened while his indifferent sapphire eye flicker to the confused Shao Geming who was unable to comprehend what he was trying to say.

"Uncle Geming, in every place I have spoken about, I always witness your son either hugging, kissing, or being ambiguous with various attractive men."


"I don't really mind what cousin Shan usually does but who told Aunt Lilu to target my Brother Yuan? Since he is not here to defend himself then I can only do it."

Do you think I will let you guys bully him?

In the entire Shao Family that usually turned unreasonable when it comes to their own people, Shao Cheng is also the same kind, which has completely caused everyone to finally realized what is his inverse scale.

It was to the point that he is willing to become active about a situation while speaking a lot more words.

"Believe me or not, but you can always check the place I mentioned."

The moment Shao Geming has stood up with wide furious eyes, Shao Cheng indifferently watches as Zhang Lilu has quickly pulled her husband's clothes in order to stop him from going out to really check the place.

Zhang Lilu's response was quite understandable in Shao Cheng's eyes, after all, during this time, only Zhang Lilu completely know what kind of person her son is.

Honestly, it wasn't surprising since Shao Cheng already understood that the main schemer relating to the decreased of the Shao Family power and status, causing the heart of the common people to turned cold despite countless merits was the Zhang Family and the people behind them.

And Shao Cheng's third Uncle's only main task is to deceive and blind the Shao Family who is ridiculous and foolish when it comes to their loved ones while the rest of the complicated scheme is done by his wife along with the Zhang.

"Do you understand now about how much my Brother Yuan is better than my cousins and anyone else?"

Although Ren Yuan is already a well-known person of always hanging out in the red light district to spend the night but Shao Cheng already guesses that the red light district is the place where the man gets the most of his information.

And it was not like the man was the only person entering the red light district, there were a lot of people, even women fearlessly spend a night there, so it's simply a normal act in this world.

Only those true, honest, and upright people won't take a step inside unless there is an important affair to deal in the place of pleasure.

Hopefully, Shao Cheng family would be open-minded about what Ren Yuan has been doing and will be performing later on, after all, it would be years later before everyone finally figure out Ren Yuan's extremely dangerous and astonishing side.


Shao Yin, Su Chunhua, and Su Yanmei weren't too much surprised after learning about their nephew liking the same gender because of being more open-minded than most people, but they couldn't help but twist their eyebrows after learning about having countless lovers at the same time.

Who would have thought that their nephew has hidden too deep? As for the high chance of their son lying, it didn't even cross their minds, completely believing in him despite having no evidence being given and only the words he has spoken.

"M-male lovers…?"

While Shao Yan and Shao Chonglin face darkened considerably when a certain thought has quickly emerged in their mind, especially about the reason why their third brother who usually prefers to ignore people has suddenly beat up their cousins.

Damn! The two of them finally realize that there is a perverted wolf who was staying in their home!

After the shameless rascal that has been staying in their younger brother's courtyard has finally left, causing them to finally breathe better but another one has quietly appeared!

Damn, that annoying cousin of theirs has definitely moved his mind after seeing their third brother's unparalleled beautiful appearance! After all, they fully understood how moving and tempting their third brother beauty is!

Especially when their third brother cold and indifferent attitude can arouse a person's desire to conquer!

As a man, they definitely understood the kind of mindset about wanting to succeed when facing an extremely hard challenge, which their third brother absolutely fits the best!


Completely ignorant about the thoughts that are running in the mind of his two older brothers, Shao Cheng has completely remained undisturbed by the abrupt loud voice of Shao Geming who couldn't help but finally erupt while shooting an angry glare to his direction.

Such negative reactions from the usual kind and sunny Uncle have caused Shao Yin, Su Chunhua, and Yanmei faces to quickly darkened.

And Shao Cheng wasn't surprised one bit about his Third Uncle's reactions after hearing about Shao Shan liking the same gender, especially after learning about how his son was already having a relationship with a bunch of young men around in the Capital.

After all, Shao Geming is the typical father who prefers their older and only son to marry a wife in order to continue their bloodline.

"Lie? How about we invite those people here? I still remember their faces, so I won't a mistake if they appeared."

Without waiting for a reply, Shao Cheng has called out causing the guard who has been guarding outside the large Hall to quickly enter the room before bowing in his direction, however, before he can open his mouth Zhang Lilu was finally unable to hold on and reacted.

"Enough! My nephew, even if you don't like my children and don't want to apologize but there is no need to start smearing my son's character and reputation right?"

Zhang Lilu has instantly started her performance of being a pitiful mother sadly struggling against her cruel nephew who remains stubborn about insisting about staining her son's reputation.

… the ancient people can really act...

Shao Cheng has remained unruffled while in the corner of his eyes, saw the way his parents, brothers, and sisters expression becoming rigid, which was quite a good result since this situation is a good wake up call for them.

While at the same time, Shao Cheng couldn't help but wonder where was Zhang Lilu and Shao Geming getting their confidence because it appeared that they fully believe that his family would remain completely blind even during this kind of situation where they insist on going against him.

After all, the woman was simply implying in her actions and words alone about how he was simply lying in order to refuse about apologizing to her son.

While being petty and heartless enough to start destroying his cousin's good reputation with a piece of fake information, basically becoming an untrustable person that can ruthlessly start smearing a person's characters while never knowing right and wrong.

Once this news started spreading in the entire Chang Capital, one can imagine how much Shao Cheng's reputation would be affected and damaged, furthermore, he would be unable to remain undisturbed while getting the attention of people with bad intentions and poor characters.

Didn't this couple already know how much the Shao family wholeheartedly cherish him to the point that they can unquestionably offer all of their hearts?

And honestly, did this woman really wanted to scheme against him when it comes to destroying people's reputations while secretly wanting to lessen his family care about him?

Shao Cheng's gentle smile couldn't help but become brighter when thinking about the woman abacus, which has caused his parents and siblings to almost have a heart attack from how bright, sunny, and gentle his smile is, even though they couldn't feel any warmth on it but a smile is still a smile in their opinion.

Well, it's time to write a letter to Ren Yuan again since the woman was definitely intending to completely clean up the people he mentioned before in order to save her son's reputation, after all, such a ruthless and cruel act is quite normal in their circle of power and status.

Especially when Zhang Lilu also has power in her hands since she was the favorite and only daughter of the head of the Zhang Family.

Although Shao Shan's last name is Shao, however, everyone completely understood that his main place is in the Zhang Family, especially when in the previous life, Shao Shan is the closest person and confident of the next heir of the Zhang family.

After living in ancient times, Shao Cheng fully understood how complicated and complex the aristocratic family, especially when it comes to ruthlessness and cruelty, even his family couldn't escape some bloodiness despite how they are far less dangerous than others who are far brutal.

However, before Shao Cheng can continue to wake up his family about the real face behind their relatives, the main housekeeper Nianzu has suddenly entered the Main Hall before quickly reporting about a group of officials from the judicial government branch coming into the residence and wanting to take away the injured Shao Shan.


"Madam Lilu, there were countless people who have suddenly gone to the government to place a charge against Young Master Shan! It has caused outrage to countless people that the officials have to quickly take the Young Master Shan away in order to quickly deal with the problem."


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