The reborn giant beast was summoned by his girlfriend

Chapter 22 Level 1 alarm, the imperial giant beast Gomora!

Chapter 22 Level Alert, Emperor-level Behemoth Gomora!

Three hundred kilometers away from the southeast base city is the coastline.

Since the giant beasts invaded Blue Star in Evolutionary Era 282, the ocean is no longer the territory of humans, but a paradise for giant beasts and monsters.

There are countless monsters living in the ocean, and even the original sea creatures have mutated and become mutant monsters.

At this time, the waves on the sea were rough, and huge waves like tsunami kept sweeping towards the shore.

Below the sea surface, there are countless figures moving.

I saw a huge black head emerging from the water and moving slowly towards the shore.


The waves are huge.

A giant black beast appeared. It stood on two legs, its thick legs like Optimus Pillars. It has a hideous and ugly face, and a pair of scarlet eyes as big as two meters.

It dragged a thick tail behind it, with two rows of sword-like armor blades growing above the tail.

The most striking thing is its size: two hundred meters tall, like a mountain peak.

It, Behemoth Gomora!

After Gomora came ashore from the ocean, a large number of sea turtles, crabs and other sea monsters also climbed ashore behind him.


It roared in a low voice, and the sound was like infrasonic energy that traveled hundreds of kilometers.

On land, countless monsters were alarmed.

Among them, many powerful monsters obeyed its call and rushed in its direction.


Southeast base city.

The security department of the Defense Corps.

In order to prepare for the incoming monsters, there are many surveillance detectors outside the base city, and there are also drones patrolling at high altitudes.

Although drones are often destroyed by flying monsters, these losses are inevitable for timely reconnaissance.

At this moment, a surveillance camera captured an unusual scene on the sea.


Alarms sound.

"Look, there's a situation on the coastline!"

"Many sea monsters climbed ashore, and a giant beast is suspected to have appeared!"

"There are no monitors over there, send a drone quickly."

"I saw it, it was a giant beast, a giant beast attacked!"

"Come a little closer, is it a known giant beast?"

As soon as several drones approached, they exploded and were destroyed in the air. Only the last few shots were transmitted back.

"After comparing the pictures, it's the royal giant beast Gomora!"

"The direction of progress is our southeast base city!"

"Issue the highest alert!"


Human warriors are divided into five major realms: warrior realm, vajra realm, extraordinary realm, super power realm, and war god realm.

Compared with the levels of spiritual beasts, level F corresponds to beginner warriors, level E to intermediate warriors, and level D to high-level warriors.

Level C corresponds to the initial level of Vajra Realm, level B to intermediate level Vajra Realm, and level A to high level Vajra Realm.

S level corresponds to the low-level extraordinary, SS level corresponds to the intermediate level extraordinary, and SSS level corresponds to the high-level extraordinary.

As for the human super power realm, the corresponding strength is a king-level spiritual beast or a king-level giant beast!

As for the God of War realm, which is the pinnacle of human combat power, there are only three Gods of War in the entire southeastern base city.

In the God of War realm, the strength corresponds to that of an emperor-level beast!

The emergence of the imperial giant beast Gomora is a very big threat to the southeastern base city.

It is worth mentioning that giant beasts and spiritual beasts are completely different creatures.

Although they are both "beasts", their bloodlines are worlds apart.

The highest level of a spiritual beast's natural bloodline is the SSS level. No matter how rare and powerful the bloodline is, it is impossible to surpass this level.

If a spirit beast wants to break through the SSS level and reach the king level, it is only possible through evolution or even secondary evolution.

As for the giant beasts, those with the weakest bloodline are all king-level, and many giant beasts can reach the king-level naturally.

Behemoth, an invincible race that starts at the king level of bloodline level!

<divclass="contentadv">Only the giant beasts can gather a huge monster army on Blue Star, and only they can command countless monsters.

The enemies of mankind are these giant beasts.

If it weren't for the giant beasts, humans would have wiped out the monsters in Blue Star long ago.


The world of spiritual beasts.

Lin He is still growing steadily and gaining weight rapidly.

"Hey, why doesn't Xiaohui need me to condense blood essence recently?"

He was puzzled that Zhang Xiaohui had "disturbed" him from time to time in the past, but there had been no news in recent days.

What he didn't know was that Zhang Xiaohui thought he had consumed a lot of blood, so she asked him to recuperate.

"According to my memory, the southeastern base city will encounter that catastrophe at this time. Although the base city was finally defended, the losses were heavy."

Lin He recalled the situation at that time with fresh memories.

At that time, he was in Jiangnan Base City, not Southeast Base City. But that battle affected the hearts of everyone in the Yanxia Alliance, and even attracted the attention of countless base cities in Blue Star.

at this time.

In the Summoner Camp, Zhang Xiaohui is in class.

But she was distracted and glanced at her smart watch from time to time. That crucial moment in my memory is coming soon.

She will never forget the memory of this day.


Zhang Xiaohui secretly thought.

At this moment, the bells rang loudly in the entire teaching building.

"Du la - du la -"

The piercing alarm sounded throughout the space.

"what's the situation?"

"what happens?"

"Is there a fire somewhere?"

"Isn't this a fire alarm? I heard sirens everywhere."

The students were confused and looked around, not knowing what was happening. This kind of siren has not happened in the southeast base city in the past twenty years, and the young students have never experienced it.

On the podium, Qi Xianfeng's expression changed slightly. He knew it was an alarm, at least a city-wide alarm of level 2 or above! The last level two alert was more than 20 years ago, when a king-level beast appeared near the southeastern base city.

At this moment, everyone's smart watches vibrated crazily.

They received the same message: [Level alert!All non-combatants evacuate to the inner city immediately! 】

[Level alert!All non-combatants evacuate to the inner city immediately! 】


This alert message was repeated dozens of times to everyone.


Qi Xianfeng's expression changed drastically when he saw the words "Level Alert".A level alarm means an imperial-level beast is coming!

Since the establishment of the Southeast Base City, a crisis of this level has never occurred.

He ignored the confused students present, rushed out of the classroom, and used his smart watch to contact the base city's senior officials.

He soon received a reply: The imperial giant Gomora was leading hundreds of thousands of monster legions towards the southeastern base city, and would reach the outer defense circle of the base city in five hours at the latest.

"It's really an imperial beast."

Qi Xianfeng's heart sank.

He walked back to the classroom, looked at the confused students, and said, "I just received news that an imperial-level beast is leading an army of monsters to attack. I also received an order and need to rush to the front line immediately.

Don't worry, our southeast base city has been established for more than a hundred years and has strong defenses, so everything will be fine.

As for you, you all stay in the special training camp and practice hard. You are the future force of the base city. "

These high school seniors who are about to take the college entrance examination are newcomers to martial arts and are very weak. The base city definitely doesn't need them to go to the front line.

Even those who are in the warrior realm cannot understand the meaning of "imperial giant beast".

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