The Red Hand

Chapter 5 – School Smarts and Connected Friends


"Alright class, it's time for lunch, make sure you don't forget to do your reading assignment and the corresponding homework for chapter two." (Female teacher)

"Thank goodness" (Student 1)

"I'm starving" (Student 2)

"Can you show me your math homework?" (Student 3)

The students proceed to break for lunch, with some heading to the cafeteria while others sat at their friend's desks to chat and eat together.

However, one blue-haired girl decided to run straight to Kana's desk before jumping and landing face first on top of it. "Help me, Kana, this math homework is killing me; I don't understand it at all!"(Mika)

"Come on now Mika, you should know it's dangerous to jump around like that. I'm sure Kana would help you even if you asked normally." The purple-haired girl behind her said with an exasperated look on her face.

These are Kana's closest friends, Mika Yuminaka and Naomi Tokugawa respectively. They had gotten to know each other during their freshman year at Kyoto High school and became fast friends. As you can imagine this wasn't the first time that Mika had come to Kana for help.

"Eh-heh, you might be right, but it's more fun to do this," Mika replied with a bright smile.

"I guess your right, hitting your head a few more times won't hurt you, it might even help you out," Naomi replies with a laugh

"How could you say something so mean Naomi, must be that Tokugawa blood in you that sucks out all the fun," Mika replied sharply.

The two girls locked their eyes in a staring contest for several seconds until.

"Pfff." (Mika)

"Pfff." (Naomi)

"Ahahahahahah"(Mika and Naomi)

The two girls began to laugh quite hard. Such banter had become common between them over the last two years and was actually part of the reason they became such good friends.

"The two of you really are idiots, aren't you?" Kana says with a cheeky smile. "At this point, you should just become a comedy duo with how well you have the act down at this point.

"Sounds great, when do we start Naomi!" (Mika)

"I'll pass, I have a feeling that my ancestors would spin in their graves if I tried that," Naomi said with a smile.

"Ah yes, I'm sure Ieyasu would be angry if one of his descendants was making people laugh rather than boring them to death." (Mika)

Indeed Naomi was a proper descendant of "the" Tokugawa Ieyasu. Although her family doesn't have much in the way of direct influence it's still quite prestigious and she is treated as minor celebrity. Why this daughter of the Tokugawa clan was attending a school in Kyoto, no one knows.

"To answer your question Mika, I don't mind helping you but need I remind you of your last tutoring session with me?" Kana said with an almost sadistic grin.

Seeing the look on Kana's face, Mika shuddered remembering the almost spartan teaching method she used.

"Naomi help me instead! I forgot Kana stands far beyond us mere mortals!" Mika cried.

"Uhm.... you do remember that I'm terrible at math too? Right?" Naomi replied with an embarrassed look on her face.

"NO! I don't want to go back to the spartan training again. Wahhhh!" Mika began to flail around in a panic.

"It's either this or risk taking the make-up over and over again? Which will it be, I don't mind tutoring the both of you." On the outside, it appeared that Kana was warmly smiling, but her two friends could see the evil hidden behind it.

With no other choice, the two agreed.

"I feel like I just sold my soul to a demon." (Mika)

"At least the demon in question is someone as cute as Kana." (Naomi)

"While I'm glad you think of me that way, if you think I'm scary you should see Onee-chan, I've got nothing on her," Kana replied with a smile. “She can be downright terrifying when it comes to her gaming.”

"Oh yeah, didn't you say that your sister was getting out of the hospital today? It's only been a month, has that been enough recovery time? Naomi asked with concern.

"She recovered much faster than anyone expected, regaining almost 100% of her muscle mass and mobility. You should have seen the look on Dr. Amherst's face when he saw her walking around last week." (Kana)

Akagi's recovery had been almost miraculous. Under normal circumstances, it should have taken months for her body to recover from nearly four years of non-use. Behind closed doors, the doctors suspected that her rapid recovery had something to do with her changed body, but they couldn't be sure. Kana also suspected that her sister had been hiding something from her, but chose not to ask for now.

"Well, that's great news! I'm glad your sister was able to recov-" Naomi froze mid-sentence. "I'm so sorry Mika, that was insensitive to say things like that in front of you," Naomi said apologetically.

"Huh? I told you it's fine. Sure, I wish my brother had managed to survive FWO, but that doesn't mean that Kana can't be happy her sister survived. I would never take that away from her." Mika replied with a small smile.

"Speaking of my brother. Would it be possible to go with you to see your sister? I wanted to ask her if she knew anything about my brother. We don't even know how he died and I don't know anyone else to ask." (Mika)

“I don't mind, but let me ask my sister. I doubt she will care if you would come, Naomi do you want to come too? I'm going right after class today.” (Kana)

"Sure, I must admit I kinda want to meet this sister you're so fond of myself," Naomi replied. "If you want, I can ask my driver to take us and drop you and your sister at your house."

"If that's not an inconvenience to you that would be great." (Kana)

Naomi gave a bright smile.

Naomi was indeed curious to meet Kana's older sister. After all, her friend had talked her up the entire time they'd known each other, so naturally, she was interested in seeing how true her boasts were. But she had another objective. While the Tokugawa family's influence in modern Japan was minimal, her family's connections meant she could get certain information the general public was not privy to. Naomi had heard some interesting rumors about Akagi and was interested in confirming them for herself.

{That girl, if what I've heard is even half true, she could be the most dangerous of all the returnees. She could also be just the answer I've been searching for.} (Naomi)

Naomi pushed these thoughts to the back of her head. She would approach Akagi with the intent of feeling her out. She couldn't afford to jeopardize her friendship with Kana, not with how valuable she is, and would refrain from taking any action which might upset her.

{Akagi, I sincerely hope you're the kind of person my sources and your sister say you are.} Naomi silently prayed in her mind.

The girls then spent their lunch together; music and anime were the primary topics with a few others sprinkled in. The rest of the school day came and went with little fanfare, the only notable event being Mika getting yelled at for falling asleep during literature class.


"Alright class, don't forget your homework for next week and I will see you all on Monday. And Ms. Yuminaka each time you fall asleep in my class, the book I use will get heavier. " (Male teacher)

The entire class chuckled at the teacher's last remark.

The three girls packed up their belongings and headed for the main entrance.

"Why is Mr. Takeheshi so mean to me? I'm his niece and he still hits me with those heavy textbooks." (Mika)

"He does it because you're his niece. Weren't your mom's words, and I quote: "Feel free to hit her as hard as you like, her head is dense enough to handle it." If you want him to stop, then maybe you should, I don't know, not sleep in his class. (Naomi)

"But the classroom is so warm and the books are so boring," Mika said while giving puppy eyes.

Naomi just shook her head.

"My driver should be in front of the school so we can leave immediately." (Naomi)

"Thank you so much Naomi I really appreciate this. It saves me the trouble of having to go home first and get my dad's car." (Kana)

"Still crazy that you can drive, I'm too scared to get behind the wheel." (Mika)

"I was nervous at first, but it's not too bad. I'm just thankful that traffic isn't as bad here as it is in Osaka or Tokyo." (Kana)

Outside the main gate is a small black car and an older man dressed like a butler standing in front of the passenger door.

"Hello my Lady, Ms. Yuminaka, Ms. Tomogawa how was your day today." (Driver)

"Hello, Mr. Nishizami! Did you get older? I see a few more greys hairs." Mika asked with a mischievous grin.

"If I do have more, they are likely from the extra stress I receive from you." The older man said with a smile.

"I swear, Mika has a superpower that just allows her to do those kinds of acts with anyone." Naomi.

"Yeah, that level of charisma is almost cheating." (Kana)

The three girls got into the car and headed to Kyoto Central Hospital which was quite close.

The driver parked in the adjacent lot and told Naomi to contact him when they were out front so that they could limit the distance Akagi needed to walk.

It only took a few minutes for the three of them to clear security and head up to Akagi's room.

"I don't think I've ever been in here before." (Mika)

"Really? I would have thought your brother would have been brought here like Kana's sister was." (Naomi)

Mika's expression darkened slightly

"My brother was in Osaka for University and was placed in a hospital there," Mika replied.

"That makes sense, less risk that way." (Naomi)

It was well known at this point that transporting those trapped in FWO was extremely risky, a few had even died when family or medical staff had attempted to remove the headgear. The only reason more people didn't die was that whoever trapped the players gave a short window where they could move people to hospitals. Of course, this was little consolation to the families of those who were trapped. This gave off the impression that whoever did this saw the whole ordeal as a game/entertainment.

"Here we are, room 431 my sister is in here," Kana stated

"Onee-chan we're here to pick you up. Are" Kana's words slowed to a crawl.

The sight that greeted the three girls was truly fantastical. Akagi was sitting on the windowsill in her traditional outfit, one she had worn so many times in FWO. She was staring out into the busy Kyoto cityscape while smoking a Kiseru. Her hair was blown back by the gentle breeze coming through the window.

To the girls, she looked elegant, like something out of one of the traditional folk tales they had heard so many times as children. Kana couldn't believe what she saw. Naomi was floored by the quality of the clothing Akagi was wearing. While Mika had sparkles in her eyes. The three girls were stunned into a silence that was only broken when Akagi said.

"What's the matter, girls? Do I look that strange?" She asked with a smile.


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Next Chapter: Chapter 6 - A Yokai in Modern Kyoto

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