The Reincarnation of Alysara

Chapter 19: Before the Storm

This was bad, If there is a complete lack of mana here I'd probably get a breakthrough for sensing mana in a mana-starved area. In any other case I'd want to get it, but not now, not when it'll stop me from capping my skill. Which is putting me in a tough position.

"Momara, There's a storm approaching. A really, really bad one." I honestly don't know what to expect. Will all the mana have fused? Will only some? Will it be a violent maelstrom where the attractive and repulsive are in a constant battle? Perhaps a strange mix. But if I had to make I guess, there's going to be a massive core of fused mana. Much like how my hair ornament creates a flurry of the two opposing forces, acting as an attractive force to all opposing manas.

"I'll quickly tell the Elders, what kind of storm is it?" Dad asked.

"It might be better if I come with you," I replied.

"That bad, huh?"

"If Aly is going then I might as well too," Mom said.

We changed our course and started walking toward Elder Yukika's house, as she was the closest. We knocked on her door and waited. I heard some grumbling behind the door and a grumpy-looking elder Yukika stood in front of us and her husband to her side.

"Storm," Dad said before the Elder could open her mouth.

Elder Yukika nodded, waiting to hear what kind.

"It might be best if Aly explains it..." Dad trailed off.

Elder Yukika stood to the side with a sigh "Come in then"

We sat in the lounge and I started explaining the situation.

"This isn't going to be an ordinary storm. It's composed of all elemental mana. Normally this storm would rip itself apart but the only way I know how this can happen is that a core of fused mana formed which would attract all mana. If anything this storm will be very chaotic. I don't know if it'll be weak or strong."

"Is there any way to destroy the core? What will happen if that happens?" The Elder asked.

I thought for a minute.

"No, Maybe there could be something that absorbs the core and there might be a skill that allows you to but I don't know it" That was a lie. [Manipulate Mana], with the right breakthroughs should allow me to destroy the core. The only problem is, my manipulation mana is too low level and it'd be very dangerous. I'm just a five-year-old girl. I'm not superman. I don't have the mana, I don't have the levels and I don't have the breakthroughs. Plus, it's a cursed skill, I don't want to level it up. We'll do what we've always done, wait for it to pass.

"If it is destroyed then the opposing mana will rip the storm apart in a few minutes, perhaps forming a few mini storms in the process" I continued.

"What about overpowering all the other elements with one type?" Yukika said after a minute of contemplation.

I shook my head. "That would just create an even worse situation. You'd need so much mana as to create a worse storm of one type, not to mention that with all the mana in the storm we'd likely be at risk of mana toxicity, doubling or tripling the mana would probably kill everyone"

The thought that we could just ask the guardian to blow away the storm did cross my mind, and she certainly could, but for the reasons I had just started, it won't work.

Actually, I could study how mana acts around my Kyhosa! It is a perfect simulation of what's going to happen. A core of all fused elemental mana that attracts all other mana. I had simply thought it an odd curiosity before and never took a second look at it! Time was running out and soon all the mana in the area will be gone... which is another problem. A vacuum is being pulled which will speed up the rate at which the storm will arrive.

"Also, two more things. This storm will arrive faster than normal, I don't know how fast. Second, most mana will be removed from this place. I'll gain another breakthrough if I use my sense mana during that time and I don't want to yet, it'll prevent me from capping my levels."

Yukika nodded. "We'll plan for it to hit sometime tomorrow." She got up "I'll need to meet with the others now, we have little time to warn everyone." With that, we were ushered out.

Back at home, I took the little amount of time left to study a tiny model of what's to come next. My Kyhosa has all elemental mana and two essences. Around it is a sphere of chaos. Mana pulled around the nexus gem but was unable to get any closer. The swirling mana encountered amplifying mana like wind and fire but met the repelling ice and earth. The increased intensity caused the repulsion to be more violent than would normally happen. The mana shot out much like how the mage's spells were amplified and launched.

This isn't good. If my Kyhosa is causing this then this storm will be orders of magnitude worse. It'll be like going into a warzone.

My heart plummeted as realization dawned on me. Mana isn't typically affected by normal matter, only when it is intense enough will it affect matter and cause damage. This means that spells could materialize anywhere!

I know what I must do to protect myself and my family and I don't like it one bit. The only thing in my arsenal of skills is [Mana Manipulation]. If I can prevent the conditions in which the storm spells can materialize or nudge the spells just enough to miss someone, then we might be able to make it out alive.

I ran to my parent's room who was getting ready for bed.

"Want to sleep with us tonight?" Mom asked. Actually, that does sound good, especially since I have to actually be blind until the storm hits.

"First we need to tell the Elders one last thing. This storm will likely be materializing spells. Simply sheltering in our homes won't work!"

It didn't take much convincing. Mom and dad rushed to the village hall where the Elders hold their meetings. And soon I am sitting back in front of the Elders.

"Using the Nexus gems as a model I am able to get new insight on how to prepare. There is a strong chance that this storm will cause spells to materialize." I told the Elders that the ambient mana is acting as a smaller scale of the storm around the nexus gems. Their faces paled.

"We'll need a bunker," Yukika said.

"We finished the offshore shelter recently, we can use that. We'll use the time we have to set up barrier runes and defensive shields"

"If those let normal mana pass through then it won't stop the spells from spontaneously appearing" I added. "Mana is very turbulent and normally won't be spell-like but under certain conditions, ones that this storm will cause, it can happen." That stumped the elders.

Yeah, if enchantments and spells don't work then there is only one way. I felt heavy as the next words I am about to say felt like condemning me.

"I..." My voice got stuck not wanting to continue, but this is to save people! My friends, my family! "I... May have a way to prevent the spells from forming"

"Aly, don't," Mom said, sensing something off.

"Only I can sense when those conditions will form. And with the help of a cursed skill-"

"Alysara!" Dad shouted over me. "You are not using that!"

"Even the Guardian said it should be safe to use as long as the side effect isn't dangerous" I argued

"That doesn't matter!"

"Kanato" Elder Tusile said, calmly. "Your child has shown maturity beyond her years, she knows what she is doing and has already weighed the risks"

"She's my child! She's just five years old! You can't expect her to be someone from the stories!" Dad argued.

"She's no ordinary five-year-old. Listen to her speak, is that how a normal child speaks? She is blessed by Myrou, she has a skill over level one hundred at her age and has discovered her bond by the age of one. Yes, Kanato, she is someone made for stories" Surprisingly it was the pessimistic Guklaro who said this. "If anyone can do this it's her"

"There is one problem. I don't have enough mana, even if I am able I can't do it for long." I said.

There was silence for several seconds.

"Do you not have the Inspect or Identify skill?" Elder Yukika said.

I blinked. It was such a staple thing, or at least the influence from my past life was telling me.


Sighs resounded around the room.

"Your Kyhosa has the 'battery' ability, it can hold up to ten thousand mana put into it," Guklaro said.

I focused my Mana Sense on my Kyhosa. Now that I was focusing intently on it I can see something strange with its mana. There's something unique about it, like an individual's mana but this is something else, something that will never be again. If I can differentiate this I might be able to see the unique magic in magic items.

"We can have people fill it up"

"I will still need to practice my skill, it is currently not as high as I need it to be"

"No! There will be no practicing! Elders, It is a cursed skill It's too dangerous!"

"Kanato'' Elder Tusile said. "What will you do if your wife dies from one of these storm spells?, what about Alysara? Chozu? Your parents? Alysara has a way not only to protect herself but a lot of people too. What will you say to those who lost their loved ones, will you say that you prevent the only one who can help from helping? I am sure Alysara can't prevent all spells but all we need is enough space around us where spells can't just appear so our protective measures are effective."

Dad looked to Mom. "Feyan?"

Mom just shook her head. "I don't like this any more than you but this is bigger than us. Aly is blessed by Myrou, trust in the Goddess"

Dad hung her head in defeat.

With that, we went back home and I practiced until I could no longer, the lack of mana to manipulate too much to do anything with. I was forced to prioritize levels and breakthroughs overscheduled training and discoveries. As a result, I obtained as much easy to get breakthroughs as I could.

Ting! Manipulate Mana has met requirements for a breakthrough. Manipulate Mana will now continue leveling past level 20!

Ting! Manipulate Mana has met requirements for a breakthrough. Manipulate Mana will now continue leveling past level 50!

Ting! Manipulate Mana has obtained level 5!

Ting! Manipulate Mana has obtained level 19!

Manipulate Mana: You have managed to reach out to the ambient mana and manipulated them. This will help you master the ways of manipulating mana outside of you.
Breakthrough: You have learned how to manipulate elements. This will help you master doing so
Breakthrough: You have learned how to manipulate essence. This will help you master doing so
Breakthrough: You have learned to expand your area of control. This will help you master doing so
Breakthrough: You have learned how to manipulate small amounts of mana. This will help you master doing so

Manipulate Mana: 6/10 (Action: 2/5 Knowledge 4/5)
Breakthrough: 4/10 (Action: 1/5 Knowledge 3/5)
Breakthrough: 4/10 (Action: 1/5 Knowledge 3/5)
Breakthrough: 4/10 (Action: 1/5 Knowledge 3/5)
Breakthrough: 3/10 (Action: 1/5 Knowledge 2/5)

I couldn't even get it to twenty before the storm. I was hoping to get it to half my cap but I guess not, knowledge of mana gained from [Sense Mana] didn't go as far as I wanted it to. There was no way I'd have enough time or opportunity to get any action levels. The breakthroughs are all beginner tier and my high Sense Mana level probably helped a lot in gaining them. I straight up copied the third manipulate breakthrough from my sixth Sense breakthrough. The fourth I gained pretty much from scraping the bottom of the barrel.

There wasn't much else to do other than wait now. Well, I guess I could play music, I don't need my [Sense Mana] for that.

The next day I woke up in my parent's bed. They weren't there. I had stayed up late making use of all the time I had so now I had woken up late. I called for my mom and she brought me food and took me to the baths. I truly felt blind now, with no way to see the world around me. I heard a lot of commotion going on. People are securing what they can, grabbing only the dearest of valuables and necessities. Food wasn't on the list, our mana sustenance would have us survive. It won't be comfortable but it will have to do.

Chyzu and other people with high amounts of mana stopped by to fill my Kyhosa. The amount of mana in it is growing ever more. I don't know how much they know but so far no one has questioned it.

I just played my music. I had my hair ornament on me as I always do and I am wearing my Kyhosa. I don't know how long it had been but Mom led me to the boats and soon we were on the offshore shelter and waited. The entire village was here and probably some people from the other island villages, a lot of them probably didn't care much for this plan or thought they had better. In any case, we waited. Waited, and waited some more. Then the storm hit.

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