The Resident Evil System in the Multiverse

Chapter 15: The T virus released (R-18)

Pov Luke Valentine 

“I bought you this whilst I was out on my spending spree” she pulled something out of one of her bags. “Turn around and close your eyes” I followed her instruction and felt something wrap around my neck. “You can open them now” she passed me a mirror and I saw what she put around my neck. It was a collar of black leather it had silver diamond shaped metal studs imbedded into it. “Do you like it?” Midnight chirped her face awaited my response eagerly.

“I love it, thank you” I kissed her on the cheek but she wanted more, I could feel one of her hands grab my crotch and started to stroke it. Her free hand started creeping up my shirt her fingers started to stroke my nipple. I let out a sharp moan before her lips locked onto my own, her tongue seemed to drag my own deeper and deeper into her mouth. The pressure she was exerting combined with the feeling of fabric rubbing my dick started to take its toll. 

“Not so fast Master you have a big day tomorrow and you don’t want to be tired for it do you?” She suddenly stopped and got into the bed leaving me with an enormous boner.

The next morning 

I was immensely excited today was the day this world learned about the T virus. 

You’re in a chipper mood today Host.

‘Yes I am System today is the day the world meets the T virus’ I had one of my custom dispersal units and a vial of the low tier T virus in a bag. I kissed Midnight who was still asleep on the cheek and got changed. I also packed a Zinc lined mask that had a built in voice changer and some body armour I had painted the Hydra insignia on. It took me a little under an hour to actually reach the stadium it was extremely packed with people. 

There was little security since they probably thought no one would do anything crazy because of the supes here. I quickly got into a restroom and got changed, I tried my best to hide my stinger. I checked my watch ‘The Boys should have left by now don’t want a potential ally get caught in the crossfire’ I chuckled at my remark. I looked myself over in the mirror ‘the only thing that can give me away now is my short stature.’

New Mission: Commit your first Act of B.O.W terror

Rewards: 1000 RE points, -20 relationship with Hydra, Location of Wolfgang von Strucker.

After you do this Hero's will start seeking out the people responsible for this attack.

“Seems like I’ll meet a potential partner soon enough”. I chuckled at the thought and I started to whistle and activated a special device I had developed before to block the camera feeds and play a dope ass entrance song. As I exited the long corridor to the field I activated the device. Eminem Godzilla started to play on the stadium speaker.

“Monster You get in my way? I'ma feed you to the monster (yeah) 

I'm normal during the day, but at night turn to a monster (yeah)

When the moon shines like Ice Road Truckers
I look like a villain outta those blockbusters

Godzilla, fire spitter, monster

Blood on the dance floor, and on the Louis V carpet

Fire, Godzilla, fire, monster

Blood on the dance floor, and on the Louis V carpet” I walked and felt like a complete badass. I could see the confused looks on the people and the Supes faces. The clip of the song finished as I reached the centre of the stadium.

“People of New York I’m with Hydra and I’m taking all you guys hostage, any attempt to escape or stop me will force me to trigger this” I held up the dispersal unit. “Inside this bomb is a super lethal Nerve gas so you supe assholes better not try anything”. I honestly should have expected Homelander to laser me in half. ‘Fucking bastard can’t even let me have this’ I still can control my arms so I activated the dispersal unit. I could see peoples faces light up in horror as the device started to light up and make noise “Hail Hydra” I bellowed at the top of my unattached lungs. 

The liquid in the vial started to get super heated and them with a mighty bang the vial exploded into a giant mushroom cloud of Violet blue smoke. I had already got my legs reattached attached when I heard the first lot of screams. ‘I hope Homelander turns into a zombie’

That is impossible Host he and most over heroes and villains have a magical thing calling Plot armour.

‘Seriously why do I even bother then’

Pov Third Person

As the cloud of smoke started to settle on the ground a few people started to cough and wheeze. Some people collapsed onto the ground convulsing wildly. Some people weren’t effected by the gas because they had place pieces of clothing or clothe on their mouths. The people that were convulsing stopped suddenly, and then started to rise up like zombies. They had black veins bulging out of their skin, they had blood shot eyes.

The people started to scream in panic as the zombie like figures started to charge at them. The zombies mouth started to foam and froth as they started to grab and claw at the uninfected people. The only infected people started to try to get out by charging at the exit quite a few people by the exits were infected.

“Help help help us!” The people screamed at Homelander as more and more people were being bitten and turned. Many of the mothers held up their babies and children pleading for him to get them to safety. Most of the other supes had already ran away when the first people started to turn. The zombies had already blocked off the exits quickly thanks to the guidance given by Luke. 

Homelander looked at the people with disappointment as more were being eaten and devoured by the ever growing horde before he flew away. Men, woman and children weren’t spared as people were being pushed or sacrificed so that the rest of them could live on. Blood was splattered and limbs were torn away from their owners. “It seems like this is where I make my great escape” Luke cackled to himself just as a helicopter flew overhead.

Pov Leon Scot Kennedy 

“We need all available squad cars to report to the NYC stadium there has been a reported attack please respond with caution” I heard it over the radio and looked at my partner.

“This is squad car four forty five we are on our way” I put the pedal to the metal as we sped towards the stadium. We arrived at the stadium relatively quickly and saw a small group lumbering out. As we got out I noticed that the people were acting strangely. “Smith we should wait for backup” but Smith didn’t seem to listen to my words.

“We need to get in there man people might be hurt” he charged toward the group. “Hey guys are any of you hurt” I turned to report the situation on the radio when I heard a loud scream. I saw that the group had grabbed Smith and had started to bite and eat him. I pulled my gun out and started to fire into the crowd.

“Get the fuck off of him” I fired more rounds into the mob as Smith continued to scream. I saw that they were now eating his guts. “Fuck Dispatch this is squad car four forty five I need immediate backup we have an unknown amount of hostiles and we’ve got an officer down they seem to be zombies”

“Squad car four forty five please repeat that last part they’re what?”

“They’re fucking zombies dispatch send fucking back send the army I don’t care who you send just send somebody” I reload my gun and started to fire into the horde that lumbered towards me. “Eat lead you fuckers” I kept firing into the horde killing some of them. 

Pov Midnight Valentine

“I don’t know why Master left so suddenly” I huffed as I started to make some food. “I know it’s the big day but he still could’ve looked after my needs” I sighed “maybe I shouldn’t have teased him last night”. I finished making myself a sandwich and sat down to watch the news.

“Breaking news Zombies have been spotted exiting the NYC stadium, police are currently fighting the zombies” the tv show a live feed of police officers shooting at a horde of shambling figures. It also showed some of the officers getting eaten by the zombies.

“Ha Dumb humans the head aim for the head” I laughed the feed cut back to the news anchor.

“This travesty happened when a agent of the terrorist group Hydra detonated a bomb filled with an unknown nerve gas before Homelander could stop him”

“Boo Homelander my husband is five times the man you are boo” 

The winner of the previous vote was the snake but because of idea of a monster rabbit was an amazing idea and because the vote was close at the time of me writing this I decided to do both options why will become clear soon. 

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