The Rise of Turok

Turok 12


Chapter 12

By BigToFu

Admiralty Court Chambers

Daro'Xen shot up from her chair, "You dare!" She hissed out while leaning forward. Her palm pressed down firmly onto the table before her.

I leaned forward and met her scowl with my own look of disdain, "I dare, for the gift that I have brought for all Quarians will have none of your nasty corruption infesting it."

With a bang, Daro'Xen slammed her fist on the table and snarled at me. "No Quarian wants that poison you peddle."

For my reply, I snorted at her and waved my hand to the side, "Over 200 plus Quarians are alive and well with no issues right here in front of you." I narrowed my eyes at her, "Yet, here you are throwing dirt at our people's salvation." Then, I took a step back and gave a very predatory smirk. "Alright, I'll do you one better ohh high and mighty Admiral Daro'Xen."

"It seems that you may have forgotten that this is an open discourse between the Admiralty board and yourself to the Migrant Fleet?" Admiral Shala'Raan stated, her soft voice cutting through the tension.

Turning to look at her, I said nothing but raised a brow as I reached for my hip. I took off the subspace communication puck I had shown my parents just earlier today. "Words are fleeting, but proof is everything."

The little holo-projector burst to life and filled the space with the first city of New Rannoch. A few people gasped as they said the planetary title, but I paid them no mind as I stared down my people's military leader.

Big changes were going to need to be made, I was ready for it, but I didn't think that my people were. Not as of yet, but they will come hell or high water.

The population had just breached one hundred thousand Quarians. The numbers helped a lot in making the streets not look so empty. Along with a shopping center, the images showed classrooms, mechanic shops and one even had Mira with her own crew in their ship's mess hall. My Guardians were working over time to collect all the stray Quarians.

Honestly, from looking at the busy city, I couldn't wait to go back home and just enjoy the new world with my people.

"And what is this?" Admiral Zaal'Koris questioned even as his fingers flicked through projections at speed. He would stop once or twice, zoom in and then copy and send it to his own omni-tool. The sly bastard knew exactly what it was, as if I didn't notice him collecting images of certain people.

With a mental command, I sent Ent to track that down. The last thing I want is for him to have operatives beyond my control on the new planet I want my people to settle onto.

"This is only half of my pilgrimage gift." I stated as I shifted focus. I then lifted a hand to give them semi access since I didn't trust these Admirals to the same levels that I trusted my own parents.

Admiral Daro'Xen scoffed at me, Admiral Zaal'Koris shot her a glare while Shaan just watched me, not sharing any of what lay behind those sharp eyes of hers.

I made a hand motion to the hologram projector, "Go on, I assure you that it's not just a live feed, but an active one."

The Admiralty shared a look between each other and I could see the tension as they tried to figure out who would be the one to advance. Lucky for all those watching, they didn't have to wait long as Admiral Shala'Raan reached forward. Her actions now were as bold as her actions during military times.

Everyone watched as she pressed the call icon that hovered over a male Quarians head who was seated at one of the outside cafés. The call rang once, twice, and then thrice before it was picked up by the man as we all watched him look at his Omni-tool in confusion.

There was a click as he answered the call followed by a tentative "Hello?" for half a second his face was confused then it morphed into shock as he took in the form of who he was speaking with. "Addddddd… Admiral Shala'Raan." He squeaked.

Urgh, I wanted to face palm at how quickly he folded, damn was he spineless.

Admiral Shala showed her long experience by waving his little meek reaction away. "What is your name, young Quarian?"

The Quarian on the other side of the video call was a light teal in color with light speckles going down the side of his head. Even his eyes were a light shade of purple with his hair and eyebrows coming in as darker shades. His hands still had three fingers and his legs still had that avian joint knee that all Quarians, Salarian, and Turians shared. "Golo Vas Rannoch., ma'am."

There was a series of shocked gasps all around me as he dropped that little bomb. The Admirals did a minor jerk back before sharing looks. Then there was a buzz of whispers from them before they turned back to Golo.

Admiral Shala leaned forward and made a minor motion towards him, the glow from her eyes doing a little smile along with her voice to disarm him. "Tell me young Golo, how did you come to be where you are?"

"Aahhmmm, well I got picked up by one of the Guardians off a little colony in the Van cluster." Golo stated while scratching the back of his head. "I kinda ended up there during my pilgrimage with a few others and was part of the maintenance team keeping their ships fixed up. The pay wasn't much but it was honest work." Golo shifted in his seat under the intense stare.

Admiral Zaal'Koris held up a hand then inserted himself with a disarming smile, "Okay, but how are you there and where is your suit?"

Golo looked around a little stunned as he was cut off, then he looked between the Admirals. "I took the immunity cure, and my suits at home." Then Golo shook his shoulders at the Admirals. "I won't need it anymore."

The Admirals shared a look, then Admiral Shala made a motion towards the hologram once more, "So what about your hands, I noticed you don't have five fingers like Turok?"

Golo released a grimace at that question, "Yeah, I don't think I'm okay with cybernetics that extensive."

"Hmm, I see," Shala muttered as he shot me a glance, as if I wouldn't see him taking a look at my arms and legs.

There was a growl and then a swipe across the table as Daro'Xen made herself known, "Enough!" She growled then made a motion towards the hologram. "This is clearly a set up, no way someone like him could find a planet for Quarians and a cure that we have been searching for, for years."

Daro'Xen snorted at me as she pulled out her omni-tool, gave someone an order before she started to type away at it. While I was giving her my attention and just waiting for Alita to contact me on her task being accomplished, Rael'Zorah drew my attention.

The man was Tali's father but also at the moment a minor Admiral underneath Shala'Raan Vas Tonbay. From what I could see, she was sharing a close up video from a wargame that was being played out right now on the southern continent of New Rannoch.

"Hmmm?" I questioned as I turned towards the duo as they shared hushed whispers.

The two of them shared one last sentence before Shala'Raan turned her attention back towards me, this time. I noticed that she had shifted the opacity of the visor to her helm. "I would like to know how these Quarians are able to use not only biotics but also these strange attacks."

Ohh, now that was a surprise, but I noticed the peaked look Rael'Zorah had along with the other military-minded minor Admirals as they shared comments over the video clearly being streamed to their omni-tools.

Smirking at her, I thought about what I wanted to say, maybe something about a compromised immune system being able to eat both levo and dextro proteins. Yet, when I looked into her eyes, I decided against all that, and no, it wasn't the MILF booty calling my name to simp for her glorious behind. No, what I was going to do was be a straight shooter with her because all it would take would be her agreement, and then my people's military would be mine.

All of that flashed through my mind's eye within less than a second. Then with the decision made, I brought up my own omni-tool and, with a flick of the wrist, I sent her a copy of neural weave for biotics. Of course, a lot of it was sanitized, but there were clear markers for where the eezo was placed and how to induce certain effects onto the real world.

With a sigh, I relaxed my shoulders a bit, "I'll be honest with you, I'm extremely surprised no one else hasn't figured this out before." I looked between the Admirals as I could see the eager intrigue within their eyes.

"There are hundreds of thousands if not millions of medical documents related to or revolving around biotic, then there is also the fact that all of our everyday use items either have eezo as part of its make up or tangentially related to eezo in some way. All I did was take one step to the left when I made this discovery." This time the Admirals gave me a look of puzzlement, of course they didn't realize how dependent our lives were on eezo.

A flick of the wrist sent over more information to fill in some gaps but not all the gaps.

"I followed the trace amounts of eezo in the blood stream of known biotics. This led me down the rabbit hole to discover something that we all already knew, and that was the synaptic fire of neurons, which are just micro-bursts of electricity. It took a bit, but I was able to replicate that with a control board. After that, I refined a liquid eezo packet, copied the humanities L2 neural chip for the control, wham bam, biotic in a suit." I replied with a very smug smirk on my face.

Daro'Xen shoots up from her seat, both hands slamming on the desk, "Impossible!"

"Daro'Xen, please calm yourself," Zaal'Koris spoke, his voice cutting through the head of steam that she was working up.

With swift movements she turned around at him and glared, I had even odds on her frothing at the mouth if she didn't have that helm.

Admiral Daro'Xen stopped focusing on me for half a second to look at Zaal'Koris, the illumination of her eyes narrowed to slits. "I will not be calm, Zaal, this youngling speaks of impossible things." Then her head snapped back towards me, a hand raising with a finger being jabbed in my direction. "It's clear that this is all a farce, and I deem we should subject him to my custody so I can perform interrogation."

I snorted, then doubled over into a big belly laugh, "HAHAHAHA!" The Admiral stopped from answering Daro'Xen to look at me. Bringing a hand to my face, I wiped away a fake tear. "Aahh-man, I needed that laugh." I flicked my hand to the side, shifted my weight from one foot to the other, then leaned back against my throne, "You of all people, claim that I'm full of shit. You, the person whom our entire species has been beholden to and depended upon for so many things for so many years, with nothing to show for it. You have the sheer fucking audacity to say that I'm full of shit."

I spat to the side, "Why don't you do everyone a favor and spare us your blithering." Then I paused and leaned forward, "Better yet, how about we share with everyone what you have been doing with the Fleets resources all these years in the so-called name of helping everyone."

Admiral Daro'Xen scoffed at me, "My work is clearly beyond your simple mind."

My smirk spread into a very shark-like grin, "Ohh really?"

Admiral Daro'Xen didn't even flinch at my bait; guess she was positive that all of her dirt was buried nice and deep. That's alright because my girl Alita had already completed a lot of the tasks given to her so I had some fire to stick underneath Admiral Daro'Xen.

The smug look stayed on my face even as I called her bluff. A flick of the wrist produced some rather interesting holograms projected for the entire Quarian people to see. "Then since you feel so strongly about things, you wouldn't mind sharing a few of your projects with the people?"

The Admiral scoffed at me, "As if someone of your caliber could even locate my personal terminal." Daro'Xen stated, the other Admirals just had a thoughtful look on their faces even as they said nothing from their own locations. What I did notice, though, was that Admiral Shala and Rael were giving the first hologram a serious look and were still taking notes. Zaal'Koris was just being a snake bastard and gathering all the data he could.

Ignoring them, I flicked a hand toward the side as the holo-projector produced a live feed, but it wasn't just any live feed. No, this was a live feed directly from Admiral Dora'Xen's laboratory. No one knew what it was for a time, but that changed as a slow gasp worked its way around the room. Within the roomy laboratory of Admiral Dora'Xen were floating bodies within jars of various Quarians who had gone missing across the Migrant Fleet over the years.

Admiral Daro'Xen stood from her seat with a huff, but was forced back down by the forcefield that protected the Admirals from harm. Yeah, as if I was going to let them stand here in front of me with protective services that I didn't control. That reaction, though, did catch the other Admirals' attention, Shala'Raan peered at me with a raised brow and then checked her surroundings.

Zaal'Koris on the other hand did a subtle hand check of the force field emitters' control circuits as he made an attempt at deactivating the device. His inability to get a response from the control panel alerted them to something not being right, then again. It could also be the very nasty smile that was on my face as I turned around and marched up the dias to the little floating throne that waited upon me.

With a flick of my hand, I threw out a holo-matter cape behind me as I turned around and seated myself on high for all other Quarians to see.

Zaal'Koris rapidly pressed the button to release the restraints again and again, but for all of his trying, nothing happened. I said nothing as I leaned back into my throne, the twinkle in my eyes now shining bright for any who looked for it. The hushed whispers around the room started to pick up into a buzz, but I ignored that for the slight panicked look on some of the Admiral's faces.

The only ones who weren't panicked were Rael'Zorah and Shala'Raan, I guess they figured out that if they could still move with the shield emitters. They were going to be able to keep their lives with what was to come so it was only right they were the calmest of the Admirals.

Again, the holoprojectors started to show various images floating around me. For those that looked closer, they could see my Warbirds, modeled after the Romulan ships of Star Trek, flying amongst the fleet. Other images showed the massive super gate at the edge of the system as the gate conductors chambered into place. Everyone in the room was stunned as massive holograms flared to life showing them all that was taking place. A few screams did pull my attention though, but when I did turn to look all I found was just images and other things found inside of Admiral Daro'Xen's laboratory.

Then there was also the list of crimes that a few other Admirals were complicit in taking part in. Might as well throw them under the bus too, not like I would miss anything important when everyone arrived at the new world.

With the suspense fully built, I leaned forward slightly, raised a leg, and then brought it down onto the sudden footrest that rose for me. Now, I was cutting an imposing figure for all the other Quarians to gaze up and onto. Another idle wave of my off-hand sent the fleet of ships flying around and through the middle of the migrant ships.

As everyone watched the ships fly around on the holograms, hard blue lights were seen projected outwards. None of those within the audience could tell what was happening until one of my ships flew by the Pride of my people and sent out massive blue scanner-type beams. The meeting chamber was bathed in blue as the insanely powerful deep scans replicated from Halo swept through the entire ship.

A bit of panic flowed through the crowd, but they all fell silent as it was noted that nothing happened to them. What did change though, was the progress bar in the center of the massive hologram for all to see. I said nothing as they all watched the counter tick upwards and well past the 70% mark and beyond.

While that was happening, Alita and Cayde had both been very busy bee's. One was taking out all the opposition outside of this room while the other was placing little teleportation tags on the backs of a few die-hards that would never budge for what was to come next. All around the chamber holograms appeared showing different status checks and confirmations of the fleet. Everything from food levels, to fuel and even history and maintenance of the ships. And I just gotta say that our three hundred year old fleet of ships had seen far better days.

The Migrant Fleet had just over five thousand ships in various levels of operation. This meant that more than a few were on their last legs and being held together by human duck tape. The others were second-hand and stripped of vital technology that we found some way to work around to get the vessel into the stars since the hull was still space-worthy.

Then there were the other ships that were close to an Odysseus-type vessel. So many damn parts were replaced you couldn't even call the damn thing the same ship from three hundred years prior.


Admiral Daro'Xen finally had enough as she drew her side-arm and attempted to fire off a few rounds into my chest. The rounds never even made it out of her rifle as the protections in place smothered the attempt in its cradle. Since she wanted my focus so badly, I shifted it back to her and the other Admirals even as the hologram showed the fleet moving through the current solar system. The destination would be the massive super gate in the distance that was just waiting there for us.

"Well, since you wanted my personal attention once more so badly, it's only fair that you and the others receive some love." I stated with a lazy smile on my face even as I stood from my little throne, stepped down the dias, and came to a final stop before the table with the high Admirals.

Daro"Xen was near foaming at the mouth now that I was a lot closer, and I could honestly say that Zaal'Koris had seen better days. Then again, his pale purple mug could be because there was a floating hologram that followed the money trail linking him to a set of Batarian slavers who were known to prey on Quarians out on their pilgrimage.

While Daro was guilty of experimenting on my people, Zaal was guilty of selling them into slavery. All around the room floated their little slices of garbage, only Shala had a semi-clean slate. Honestly, I thought that her's would be a lot worse since she was the nominal military leader of my people. Yet, when I looked into things, I found that a lot of her killings were of those that slipped under the radar and went about doing some real dark deeds amongst the Migrant Fleet.

No, Shala'Raan would not die this day, the other two high Admirals and their little tag-alongs, though. It was also a good thing that I was able to handle this now, it would be a shame to let them see the new world. That would be just too cruel, so it was better for them that I didn't taint the new Rannoch with their blood upon the soil.

"Answer me this, Admiral Shala'Raan, what is the punishment for those to have been found kidnapping, experimenting, and mutilating various Quarians?" I questioned with a nonchalant motion as I leaned against the high table.

For a very brief moment, confusion flashed across the Admiral's face before her head whipped to the side. A glare clear on her features as she stared down Admiral Daro'Xen, the words that she spoke next sealed Daro'Xens fate.

"It's against high law for kidnapping, experimentation, and mutilation of any Quarian. This has been in place for well over two hundred years as those before us noticed the sharp decline in our birth rates." Admiral Shala'Raan stated before turning to give me a once-over. "A single Quarian life is far too important to waste." Admiral Shala'Raan shook her head at those words. "The Batarians are the Fleet's mortal enemy for a reason."

I smiled at her and gave a nod of my head, "I couldn't agree with you more." This entire time as I smiled at Shala'Raan, I did a lazy walk from the Admiral dias. Everything was easy-go-lucky until it wasn't. The first to change was my facial features as I fell into stoic focus, my leg came down with a stomp as I grounded myself, my right arm flying from my side as my holstered rifle was snatched from its place on my hip.

It was a clean sweeping motion, my grip was half loose as my trigger finger had hooked the hand cannon right by the trigger guard. The weapon came up and slid into my grip nice and easy even as my finger then transitioned into the trigger well. My finger feathered the trigger, unleashing two rounds into her chest and one into the head.

My sidearm wasn't anything impressive, not to me by a long shot, but it was modeled after a few guns that I loved in my childhood while I was human. Peter Quill, also known as Starrlord the leader of the Guardians of the Galaxy, had a Spartax Element gun given to him by his father. It had gone through a few remodels over the years, but my all-time favorite version of the gun was from its game model. The Element gun built with smart matter was able to take on multiple forms to use various elements but could also pack a lot of firepower.

Then I tossed in the knowledge that I gained from both Destiny and Star Trek, I couldn't help but take the Element gun idea, crank it up to eleven, and make my own insane model. So when I had brought my hand cannon upwards, the power source shifted as the mechanism that fired plasma rounds transitioned to a micro 3D printer.

The rounds that left my hand cannon were 9mm armor-piercing slugs that had a nasty kicking surprise in their centers. Three hot slugs slid right through the Admiral's shields like a hot knife through butter. The rounds impacted her Quarian body suit, the armor clearly buckling for everyone to see, then the secondary modes of the rounds kicked in with a nice little shock of power.

This launched Admiral Daro'Xen right off her feet as the forces kicked her both in the chest and head. Before she could even land, another feature of the bullets showcased themselves. The rounds suck into her armor, then into her flesh by a few inches. That would have been fine since one of the three rounds was a headshot, but for me, it wasn't enough.

I liked to live by the American moniker that there was no kill-like overkill. So that meant the round exploded outwards, shredding the flesh that it was buried in. Meaning Daro'Xens head was blown off her shoulders along with her heart and half of her cheating ass exploding. Then everything was sucked back into a micro point of a singularity.

All this had transpired over the course of three seconds flat, Quarians had time to register what was happening but not nearly enough time to react to it. I then gave my gun a little cowboy twirl before sliding it back into my side holster.

Gasps and a few screams rang out around the room, but Shala'Raan barely even twitched from the sound of my weapons discharge. Rael'Zorah though did react by pulling his own sidearm while his second in command threw up a shield, not bad. With a smirk playing on my lips, I ignored the cooling Quarian corps of Daro'Xen as I did a little shuffle slide over to Zaal'Koris location.

There was no seeing through his visor since he had the opacity turned up, but the body language showed that he was more than just a little nervous. Shala'Raan could already read the writing on the wall and the little smirk on the edges of her lips showed how much she was waiting and ready for this.

A small smile was on my lips as I leaned against the Admiral's dias, videos, pictures, and even bank account data floated around the room with Admiral Zaal'Koris' name in bold red lettering. Shala'Raan shifted in her seat and brought both hands together as she leaned onto the dias before her, a predatory smile on her lips for all to see, lots of teeth.

"Admiral Shala, I have a question for you," I spoke up, my smile going ear to ear.

Admiral Shala cut me a sly smile even though her eyes never left Admiral Zala's face."Hmmm, how can I help such a young and aspiring Quarian today?"

"Well, the questions are a few simple ones, nothing too big," I stated as I did a little hip bump and pushed myself up off and away from the Admiral's dias.

"Ohh, then if it's something so simple, I'll allow it." Admiral Shala'Raan replied, yet her tiger eyes were still trained on Zaal'Koris whose adams-apple went up and down as the man did a nervous gulp.

A flick of the wrist brought forward Zaal'Koris evils that he did against the Quarian people all to bloat his wallet and rid the Fleet of his enemies."Well, you see, I might have been away from the fleet for a mighty long time, but I seem to have forgotten the punishment for those who work with the Batarian Hegemony."

Multiple gasps rang out around the place as video records showed the payments that Zaal'Koris received from those slaver assholes. Then video footage showed him meeting with a Batarian ship as he sold Quarians into slavery. Again and again, more videos accompanied by credit payments. The man had made millions of credits off the backs of my people.

The sounds of voices picked up as the outraged was stroked and my fellow Quarians made their displeasure known. Yet, it would seem that Zaal'Koris had finally found his balls.

"Silence!" Zaal'Koris hissed at all those seated within the surroundings. "None of you know even a fraction of what it took to keep this Fleet afloat." Zaal turned, the visor to his helm going fully clear. "You have no leg to stand on to judge me. A pathetic little waste of spunk that just got lucky on his pilgrimage." His hands slammed onto the dias as he glared down at me from his position. "I was keeping us alive while you weren't even old enough to understand what needed to be done to keep this fleet supplied and alive. WHAT! HAVE! YOU! DONE!"

I did a fake little shiver and smiled at him, "For starters, I didn't make any deals with our mortal enemies." Then I took a step forward. "And second, I didn't request a handout from the Citadel in false hope. And I don't advise the Fleet to travel the same old beaten path that clearly heads to nowhere."

"And what would you have me do, lead us to ruin, pahh. Nothing but a foolish child." Zaal'Koris stated with disdain clearly in his voice and on his face.

"He's done none of those things, true," Stated Shala'Raan with a start, "But he has, as the humans put it, attempted a hail mary pass and has clearly succeeded. And the answer to the question, would be execution by airlock towards a local star."

There was a snort of derision, "As if I would allow such a thing." Zaal'Koris spoke with a sneer on his face. Then he tapped something on his omni-tool, for half a beat nothing happened. Then my own device activated along with Shala'Raan and Rael'Zorahs as reports of explosions came in along with various other things.

It would seem that the old man had a lot more things in the pipeline than Daro'Xen had because even she didn't have backup plans to save her ass.

Placing two fingers to the side of my ear as if I were talking into a headpiece, I spoke, "Alita, please tell me that you have this under control."

"Yeah, already have the fleet moving to isolate the ships, and Guardians have been deployed to handle any agents of Zaal'Koris."

"Thanks," I replied with a smile, even as I gave Zaal a raised brow, "You got anything else."

Instead of answering, the old man pulled out a side arm and started blasting. Lucky for me and far too bad for him, I never dropped the Admiral's dias shields even if my own weapons could breach right through the defenses. So the rounds that he fired hit nothing but solid air as the kinetic shields kicked into play, stopping his attempt.

Shaking my head at him, I gave a tsk tsk while I walked over to Admiral Shala'Raan, after a comical patdown of my pockets. I pulled out a small device and offered it to her, "Want to do the honors?" I questioned with a far too innocent look on my features.

Her left brow raised, and she gave me a look that just screamed cougar to my human sensibilities. Ignoring the little look that she was giving me, I slid the little remote control towards her across the top of the dias. Then, I did a half turn towards Zaal and made a little motion. It didn't take her more than a few seconds to figure out what I was offering, and she took it without even a second glance.

Admiral Shala'Raan stood, and gave the fabric around her suit a little straightening, the remote control held lightly within her grasp. "Zaal'Koris, formerly High Admiral of the Quarian Migratory Fleet, you have been found wanting, you have been found lacking, and you have been found guilty of all charges brought forth against you today. How do you plead?"

"NOT GUILTY, YOU HEAR ME! NOT GUILTY!" Zaal Koris roared at the top of his lungs from his location. The wild look in his eyes for all to see even as he fought against the shields that worked to restrain him within his seat.

"Hmm, unfortunately, the evidence states otherwise, so as the power vested in me as a High Admiral of the Quarian Migrant Fleet. I sentence you to death, for only the void of space may give you even a semblance of redemption for your sins against the people." Admiral Shala'Raan stated, then before Zaal'Koris could scream or fight back some more, she raised the remote control, pointed at him, and pressed the button.

There was a brief shimmer of light as the teleportation kicked in and relocated the bastard. High above the room for all to see, a hologram flared to life so that all could watch as Zaal was transported into the black. A white outline followed his body before the computer added more to the hologram as it charted his course.

The former Admiral was on a very steep course towards the solar system's local star; there was a calculation that he would arrive at his destination in just eighteen hours.

Admiral Shala'Raan stared down at the little device in her hands and I could see not only the interest on her face, but also several others from the scientific faction of my people.


"Well, since that little bit of nasty business is now handled, how about we get down to real business," I stated with some false sense of cheer.

Real'Zorah took a step forward, "And what would that be?"

Now it was time to put on a showman's style as I waved a hand at the massive hologram above all our heads. The image that was shown was of the massive supergate located at the edge of the solar system. It was well built but it was sitting dormant and just waiting for commands to activate.

"And what is that?" Admiral Shala questioned as she looked at the hologram of the massive gate.

I waved my hand generously, "This my people, is what is known as a Super-Star Gate, it will take us to the new planet: built it myself."

There was a chatter of murmur that went around the room, and I stayed silent as Rael whispered into Shala's ear. She then turned towards me, "And how is it powered, there is no such eezo technology known to us."

My mirk was very wolfish as I brought up my own controls and started the activation sequence. "That's because the rest of the galaxy doesn't know about the things I made to save my people. Wouldn't want a series of rash actions to be made."

Everyone thought about that even as they watched the Supergate in amazement.


The massive super gate was there but it wasn't active; yet they could all see that the linking modules were all powering up. I went about the rest of the activation sequence before stepping towards the Admiral's dias.

From a subspace location on my suit, I pulled out a dialing module the size of a laptop and went about hooking it up and placing the dialing sequence onto the hologram.

Everyone watched with bated breath as I dialed the seven-digit number to my home system. It was time to go home. So I selected each chevron with poise and a little bit of grace. Then as I selected the final one, I made a motion towards my parents.

"Press this, and you will activate the gateway that will take us all home to a new life," I stated as I looked at my father with an astounded look on his face.

"What about?" He slowly questioned as he looked at the two other Admirals currently seated at the dias.

I shook my head at him, "I built this new home for my family first, my people second, and those in power last." I then took a step towards him. "You are a good man and a better father, so ignore the other bullshit and take us home."


My father gave a long look, then turned towards my mother as she stood by his side, "What do you say, time to go home?" He sent the question her way.

The smile that she gave him in return was as radiant as an unshielded star. The nod that he gave her was stoic, but I could see the smile at the corners of his lips. I watched as he reached down for my mothers hands and gave her a little spin that brought her closer.

Every Quarian watched as my father and mother shared their affection for each other, none daring to say anything. We all knew how bad it was in the suit while also being touched starved for nearly our entire lives.

When their passions cooled, my father brought her hand to his lips as he placed a kiss on the back of her knuckles. Then he turned and brought their hands down onto the activation node.

There was a massive sound as high above all our heads, the super gate fully activated.

It was time to go home.


Authors Notes - Removes the - for the internet links

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dis- cord - GG /p2QJNck

On the you will find Turok and Side Stories.

pat- tron - TheToFu

OKay, was stalking to some friends and they talked me into trying commissions for 2024

Can find it here on Subscribe Star 

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