The Rising Of The Fallen Warlord

16: The dark knight rises

"Fallon! There's an emergency!"

"Hmm? What is it, little brother? What's so important that you interrupted my dinner?"

"The villa… it's being attacked!"

"What!? Are the people revolting?"

"No. That's not it. Our men aren't sure but they say it's just one person. A dark knight of sorts."

"Just one? You made me worry for a second. There is really no issue. The guards here are our finest men. Whoever it is, they probably just have a death wish. Ignore it."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive. Instead of acting like a chicken, sit down and have a bite with me."


Sylvia charged straight forward. Sneaking in wasn't necessary. Charging forward was the only way for her.

"Stop! Intru… GUaargh!"

"Don't falter, men! It's only one enemy."

"[Accel Srike]!"

A skill that allowed the wielder to land 8 strikes in an instant. Sylvia dashed between the knights in front of her crushing their bodies, slicing their limbs. 

"Oi, doesn't she look familiar?"

"Wait, now that you mentione it… it can't be… lady… AAAAA!!"

"Pathetic. Is that all the strength you can muster?"

The guards were confused. But they had a good reason. The person in front of them was no longer a holy knight. Her pure white armor changed into a dark knight's pitch black armor. She had various red accents that were glowing brightly. Even her holy sword was tainted by darkness. Sylvia has undergone the process of demonization. She was no longer human.

Normally the Sacred Sword Einehal would be impossible to corrupt. If an attempt was made, it would simply reject the user. But because only a small shard was used in Sylvia's sword and because she tainted that sword with human blood, corruption was possible. A brand new long sword with a crimson blade and dark hilt was born for the sole purpose of carrying out it's wielders will.

"She's open. Charge now men!"

"[Mighty Slash]!x3"

3 knights jumped on Sylvia at the same time shouting their skill. However she didn't flinch. She readied her sword.

"Zero stance - [Crescent moon counter]!"

She drew her sword in a perfect arc, intercepting all 3 attacks. The impact created a shockwave that sent all 3 of them crashing into the villa's walls.

"S-Sylvia… please stop this…"


"You… wouldn't hurt me, would you? We've known each other for so long. We're friends."

"Did you know that my mother was dead?"

"Err… that is…"

Without a second thought she closed the distance between them and slit his throat. She didn't feel sorry. She didn't have any regret. In her eyes, everyone here were just a bunch of liars. And she was after the masterminds behind this. She made sure to pass through every hallway and inspect every room. Until she heard noises coming from the 2nd floor. 

She kicked the door violently. She looked around the fancy room. Every part of the furniture was screaming luxury. And the table was filled with food. Even in Lyndwurm there are still less fortunate people who barely manage to make ends meet. And this pigs just surrounded themselves with opulence.

"Eh? Lady Sylvia? Is… that you."

"You two… will pay."

"Have you lost your sanity woman? Did a demon do this to you? Fight whatever curse you've been put under. Fight for your mother's sake!"

"That's exactly what I'm doing now. I'm fighting to get revenge for her!"


Sylvia's face was full of anger. Her crimson eyes shined brightly and her murder intent was huge.

"You bastards! Why? Why did you do this to me? My mother died long ago, yet you deceived me! All this time… EVERYTHING WAS ONE BIG FAT LIE!"

"Please calm down. We can explain…"

"Explain? What's there to explain? If you want to explain anything, go tell it to my mom when I send you over to the other side."

One step closer. Count Loyd was heavily sweating and was shaking. However duke Fallon showed signs of anger. He refused to accept that amassing his wealth would end here. He lost control and began to shout.

"Stop right there! Just who do you think you are to kill us? Have you no shame? You say you are doing this to avenge your mother? Don't make me laugh! You're just a spoiled brat. Everything you have, everything you became is thanks to us! Don't you dare start lecturing me about what's right or wrong. 

If there's someone at fault here it's you! So what if we let that old hag die? You should have realized that her illness was incurable. Yet you lived in your dream that one day she'll be cured. If we didn't pick you up you probably would be on the streets right now begging for scraps. We gave you training, we made you the soldier you are! Isn't that worth more than a life of filth?"

"A life without someone you care for means nothing."

"Is that so? Can you truly kill us? We are the only ones you have left. Without us, you have nothing!!"

"Wrong. I have…"

As she said those words, Sylvia lifted her sword above her head.

" Mistress!"

And swung it down, painting the room in blood.


After the incident, Sylvia made sure to set fire to the villa. Since it was massive, containing it was the top priority. So the knights didn't bother to look for the perpetrator. The commotion gave us enough time to set sail.

"So, how do you feel, Sylvia?"

"Better. However there is still a hole in my chest. I just wished I could have properly said goodbye to my mom."

"A parent should always want their children to be happy. Your mom wouldn't want to sulk for the rest of your life or rot away in this town."

"You're right. I realized that to achieve your dreams you need power. Power like what you bestowed upon me."

The demonization process drastically increases the targets power. The increase in power is influenced by the caster, however. Normally she should be even stronger. But in my current state, it should suffice. 

"As per our agreement, from this day forward, I am your sword. I will follow you wherever your path takes you. At this point, you're more human than the humans."

I'm also following my own interests. Since I need more slaves to get into the Demon King Academy. But I will admit, for some reason I am fond of this girl.

"Alright everyone. That's enough. I'm tired of this place. We can talk more on the sea. Nelia, set sail!"

"Where to?"

"Just get us moving for now. I'll think of a course later."

And so. We left the docks. And my journey to get more slaves has begone. Enjoy your time while you still can, my former companions. The countdown to your demise has started.

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