The Rising Of The Fallen Warlord

2: The past

A few common terms that will or might be used in this novel.

Maou = Demon King
Mazoku = the elite of the demon race

Nani = in japanese literally means 'what'

Okaa-san = mother

Onee-chan = elder sister

Aneue = a more archaic form of saying elder sister

If other terms will appear as the novels progresses, I will add them in their respective chapters


Skills Overview:


Infinite Storage

Cure All

Language Sage

Spell Mastery

Absolute Vanguard

Ruin Eyes

Mind Control

Slave Master



Well… this part at least wasn't a joke. The Goddess did say that it's a more awkward scenario, but these skills sure feel overpowered. And I guess when I said I wanted to be beautiful… she made me female. Me and my big mouth. Why didn't I listen?


I was having those thoughts while being guided to what that large demon claimed to be a throne room. I passed by many mirrors and managed to get a good look at my body too. It's actually pretty scary.


I had long pale blue hair that reached almost all the way to my knees. I had not 1, but 2 pair of big red horns coming from my head. On my forehead it seemed like I had a tattoo or something. My skin was light purple and eyes were bright magenta.


As for my clothes it would seem I was wearing some sort of dark armor with lots of red accents. My chest was exposed. I guess the breasts are on the average size, but they are still quite big. My nails were long red claws. I even had claws on my feet. Not to mention my back accessory. Well I say accessory but I have no clue what this thing is. Some sort of shell with giant horns and 2 tails was coming out of my back. Given all this I thought I wouldn't be able to move at all. But surprisingly this body feels light and quite natural.



Eventually we reached the throne room. The demon sat in his chair and once again looked at me.


"My lady, let me introduce myself. My name is lord Grimmer, leader of the northern faction. May I also ask for your name?"


I couldn't give my own name. I wasn't male anymore. I tried to calm down and think of a name.


"Yu… Yurishia… Bahamut."


"Lady Yurishia, it's an honor to meet you."


Yurishia was the name of my favorite pop idol back in Japan, so it was the first name that came in my mind. And Bahamut was the name of my pet chihuahua.


Of course all this happened 13 years ago. I spent 3 years by their side and another 10 on Titania island. But let's take things at a time.


After we finished our introduction Grimmer told me that this world was facing a crisis. The humans have grown powerful and exterminating all the Mazoku. And it's all because of the Hero. Normally to oppose the Hero, they would need the Maou. But that position was vacant. The Mazoku were divided into 4 factions, each faction being ruled by a lord.


In order to become the Maou one must pass a very brutal test. And so far nobody managed to pass it. But the Mazoku couldn't keep going on like this.


So they used an ancient summoning technique to call for a hero of their own. I assume that the Goddess sent me in that summon stream since this body has all the requests I asked for. I should have been more specific though. I guess I am beautiful... from a certain perspective.


"Then, lady Yurishia, will you help us vanquish the Hero?"


No! Is what I wanted to say. I wanted to live my life how I pleased. I didn't want to get dragged in some stupid war. However without having my consent he dragged me onto the balcony. The mass of Mazoku gathered were huge. They were all cheering and clapping for me. It… felt good to be important.


I didn't want to become a slave for some country. But as I saw that everyone put their hopes in me… I agreed to help them under the condition they let me act freely.




As time went on I managed to master all my abilities. I was indeed overpowered. My physical abilities were superhuman and my magic power was overwhelming. I was even granted the rank of Warlord, which is the 3rd highest rank that a Mazoku can have. The first being the Maou and the 2nd being the rank of Overlord, which was allocated to the 4 faction rulers. In just 3 months I have surpassed all the Mazoku I knew. So I started to fight against the humans. I mostly battled alone, until…


"Lady Yurishia, please allow us to join your party. Let's put a stop to the Hero together!"


I was approached by 3 Mazoku. The first was called Byron. A warlock of the Ogre clan. A tall man with red skin and 2 short oni horns on his forehead.. The 2nd one was a vampire called Volmund. A creature of the night, that can command bat swarms and has tremendous speed. And the 3rd was a succubus looking woman called Liliana. An expert archer.


All 3 of them have a reason for wanting to join this war. First they stated than when facing the human army I won't be able to keep up the solo play. It was necessary to have a team.


Byron was next in line to become chieftain of the Ogre clan. A sense of responsibility, to fight for the sake of the tribe. Not letting it go extinct. Volmund had a younger sister. He said that he wanted to fight to protect her future. I wasn't fighting for anyone, but I could understand fighting for the sake of someone important. Fighting alongside them wasn't bad.


Then, there was Liliana. The woman I kinda slowly fell in love with. But… since I was female too she only saw me as an older sister. Her village was destroyed by the humans. She was the only surviver.


"I want to create a world without war. A world where all races can live in harmony. That is my dream. If I'm together with you, I truly believe it will be possible."


She supported me more than anyone else. My view about this world changed little by little. At first I didn't want to be involved, but as time went on I really wanted to end this war. To bring peace to everyone. I had the ambition to try and maybe become the Maou. I even got used to this female body.


I really thought this life was worth living. That is until one day. My reputation extended and once I started preaching about ending the war and bringing peace, I received an invitation from the Hero.


A chance to meet face to face. The humans said they also don't desire this war. I never asked who started this war. But if both sides are willing to end it, maybe we can negotiate terms. Even if it was a trap I was confident that this meeting would solve every problem.

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