The Rising Of The Fallen Warlord

27: Releasing the loli

"Tell me, Lumi-chan, what do you know about the philosopher's stone?"

"Umm… it's just like you said. A failed experiment."

"Not quite."

I extended my hand and summoned something from my storage. A blood red gem that started emitting sparks.

"No way! You actually have a philosopher stone?"

"Well… not quite. This is a prototype. Because I stole this the experiments were eventually dropped."

"But if you have something like that…"

"It can't be used. As I said it's a prototype. While it's true it can do almost anything it has a major drawback. Each spell cast requires a sacrifice. It requires blood to cast. That's the reason I stole it. Who knows what horrors would have been made with this."

Back then I really cared and tried to make the world a better place. 

"But… if it's just draining energy from it there's absolutely no problem. This can take your place."


"I'm tired of this already. I'm doing it whether you like it or not."

I used my claw and draw a magical circle on the ground and placed the stone on it. Then all I had to do was chant.


In that moment, instantly, Lumi-chan and the stone exchanged places. The stone did let out some electric red sparks, but it soon stabilized. It worked. 

"I can't believe it. I'm free…"

For starters she's gonna need some clothes. I do have a something that might fit her. This is mostly thanks to… Liliana. I hate to admit it. At first I didn't want to take something this small but she said it's better to be prepared for anything, so I ended up getting some child clothes. I waved my hand and a brown sleeveless shirt appeared along with some underwear. 

"Try these on."

I didn't expect her to agree, but she did put on the clothes. And in the next moment… 



She brought her hand to her face, slightly blush and let out a smile. SHE WAS INCREDIBLY CUTE!!! 

I don't care what anyone says, cute is justice. I want to hold her. I want to rub my cheek against her!! She's adorable. 

"Will you… really accept me?"

"Ehm… of course."

Our talk was interrupted though. Loud footsteps echoed in the temple. 

"This is perfect! I've been waiting for something like this for many years. At last I can get rid of you!"

I turned around and I saw him. The so called king. Mythos.

"Hey, can you please not get in my way? We aren't a threat to you."

"Nonsense. I have little interest in you. But I can't let Lumiera live. Up till now I couldn't kill her because it was necessary for her to sustain the spring. But thanks to you, she is no longer needed. A sinner like her who gave birth to those wretched dark elves should die! They are a plague! All of them shall die by my hand!"

This dude just turned psycho.

"Yare, yare. I'm tired of these games already."

I took my mask off and returned to my original appearance. There was no use hiding, because I noticed something strange. The Mana Stone was fused with his right breast. I couldn't see or sense it back in the palace. Did he shove that thing afterwards? But more importantly…

"Who the hell are you?"

The Mana Stone is raw mana. Not even I can control it. No mortal body can merge with it. Even Lumi-chan can't draw out it's true power. Which brings us back to the subject at hand. Who is this guy? He looks like an elf… but I can feel something else. As if a shadow is whispering in his ear.

"I have no interest in idle chat. Both of you shall perish together!"

"Guess I need to teach you your proper place."


Lumi-chan grabbed my leg.

"Please… don't kill him."

"He did so much harm to you and you want to spare him?"

Lumi-chan was imprisoned just like me. And she doesn't want revenge? Is her motherly instinct that great?

"I… I'll do anything! Just don't kill him!"


This can work to my advantage.

"Then I will have you become my slave."

"A Master-Slave contract? If you won't kill him… I'll do it."

"Well bastard, this is your lucky day. I can't kill you, but that doesn't mean I can't break a few of your bones."

"You talk big but you are just a worm! I already erased her existence. Now I just need to erase both of you!"

Various green streams of pure energy appeared all around me.

"Surely you can see it too. Your actions are all meaningless. You can't escape this force."

"Really? I wonder about that, fufu. Why don't you look behind you?"

"As if I will fall for such a bluff. It's over! Take th--- Guhaa…. Gaaah….!?"

"I told you to turn around. I've captured you now."

Using my teleport ability I appear behind him. Normally I don't use this in an actual combat scenario. It needs focus and one wrong move will teleport you into a wall or the floor. If that happens you're dead. I had my claws sink into his his right shoulder.

"Impossible! I didn't take my eyes off you for a second. You… get your filthy hands of me! How dare you touch me?"

He spins around separating himself from me. But my preparations are complete. I don't care if it ain't fair play. In my condition I can't afford to fight the Mana Stone. The wielder on the other hand…

"I didn't touch you. I destroyed you!"

After I said that, Mythos finally realized it too. Blood started gushing out of his arm. His magic was running out of control.


He also started coughing blood. His knees, his back… blood started gushing everywhere. What I did was quite simple. I slightly triggered the Mana Stone to go wild. But if it releases more mana than the vessel can handle… mana intoxication. While I was analysing that, a shadow creeped out of his body and made a run for it. It was fast. I probably could have catched it, but I promised Lumi-chan I won't kill this guy.

The guy was still squirming in a blood puddle on the floor. I forcefully pulled out the Mana Stone from his body and quickly cast my Cure All on him. His wounds alongside the hole in his chest filled up instantly. He was stable now. Due to the pain he fainted. Honestly, from here on out I don't care what happens to the elf race. It's not my business. They can go to hell for all I care. Still... That shadow...

"Hey Lumi-chan, do you know what that thing was?"

"What thing?"

"You didn't see that shadow?"

"How can I see anything with my eyes closed? If there was another presence here I would have felt it. You would literally have to be a lifeless object to get past my senses."

Weird. It's true that I also didn't feel anything coming from that shadow. Was that a form of possession? No. It's different than the one I used. Mythos still retained his sense. Ah, fuck it. It's long gone now. I'll deal with it if it dares get in my way again. And now back to business.

"Listen, Lumi-chan, I kept my word. I spared this guy. But know that the path I walk isn't as moral as you think. Right now I have only one goal. To kill 3 Mazoku. And if you will come with me, you will assist me, like it or not."

"I… understand. A promise is a promise. I will keep my word too and become your slave. I guess… it's better than sitting in here forever. But… what do you plan to do with the Mana Stone?"

"For now I'll keep it in my storage. It's too dangerous to let anyone toy with it. Not to mention it can't be destroyed. So better to just lock it up."

I made the Mana Stone disappear in my storage and then extended my hand towards Lumi-chan along with the magic formation for the Master-Slave contract. And with this, that leaves just one more before I can go to the Academy.

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