The Rising Of The Fallen Warlord

30: Dwarves

The dwarf race is a strange race. First, all dwarves are rather short. Well, they are taller than Lumi-chan. The average height is roughly 130 up to 140cm. The characteristics of the men of the Dwarf race were burly muscles, either beards that could conceal their mouths and necks or bushy moustaches, and a stout figure.

Dwarven women on the other hand were a different story. They were short even when they grew to adulthood. However they didn't have a child-like feature. They had an alluring glamour. Some even had voluptuous breasts. But women had one more trait. They had floppy rabbit ears and a small fluffy tail. 

At this point you might ask why aren't they classified as demi-humans? Well… the short version is: demi-humans are part human part animal. And rabbits… don't exist in this world. Since dwarf men are rather slow and focus on their craftsmanship, they usually spend lots of time in the mines, leaving the women behind to stay at home. Some say this drove that evolution trait. Dwarf women have the best hearing among all the races. This way, they can avoid danger. Or at least that's how the story goes.

Dwarves are excellent builders. They make great warriors. But their affinity with magic is low. So why are they good builders? Because of various stones found mostly in the dwarven land mountains. Stones that carry energy and allow you to manipulate materials. Some allow you to manipulate wood and build a house in seconds. Some let you manipulate rock so they can build durable brick walls. Some let you manipulate iron.

And of course, the pride and joy of the race. The moon stone. The rarest of them all, being able to manipulate any material. It is so rare that even the wealthiest people would have trouble purchasing one. How many were known to exist? It's estimated that there were only 10 in the entire world. It is said that a moon stone was used when the dwarves forged Einehal. I won't deny, it would be a real help to me if I had one. But the price it requires is kinda harsh.

The moon stone seems to be too good to be true. And it is. Occasionall uses won't harm you, but if you use it all the time… the price it extracts is… it will feed of your mental power. I guess you could say constant use will lead to short term memory loss and it can potentially cause Alzheimer. Dwarves live for roughly 500 years. So they rather keep their memories. So yeah. You don't want to constantly use it.

But that's enough of a history lesson for now. Our ship was approaching a dwarven port. The capital was build deep inside the mountain. But small towns were also build around it. The port we reached was called Daingard. And as expected is what built like a fortress. Dwarves became more and more skilled in craftsmanship since the dimensional monsters. Thick walls surrounded the port and guards were placed everywhere.

"Hey, Nelia, this place looks more strict. Are you sure we can pass?"

"Not to worry. I have a secret plan. But I will need Sylvia's help."



"Halt. State your business and show me your papers."

"We are just passing by and want to maybe spend some of our coin here. As for papers… will this work?"

Nelia flash a pouch with 200 lila before this dwarf. He immediately took it.

"Yes. No problems here. Your papers check. Please enjoy your stay. You may enter."

What the!? That's the answer? Just bribe him? Isn't that kinda dangerous? Well I guess there is a non-aggression treaty, but still. Dwarves like gold a little bit too much. At least we were allowed to enter. 

As you would expect from a dwarf city, the sound of metal banging could be heard at every street. Dwarves gave us strange looks, but as long as we spent our money here they won't complain. Well, not that I plan spending a dime here. I tried talking to someone.

"Excuse me."

"Yeah? What can I do for you? You looking for a weapon?"

"Not quite. You see…"

"Then get lost. I don't have time to chit chat. If you ain't a customer go take whatever problems you got to the adventurers guild."

An adventurers guild. This world has this kind a system. There are plenty of jobs the military alone can't handle. So an adventurer guild is the place you would go for such stuff. Every race has them. Even back when I was still the Warlord. But I really never cared about their system. Back then I didn't have to bother becoming an adventurer because of my fame.

Maybe we will find something interesting there. The guild wasn't that far. It was a building made of stone and its roof was triangular.The door was made of wood——these were the characteristics that it had in common with the building it was lined up with, but the guild could be recognized with a single glance.

The building’s size was about three to four times bigger than the other buildings.

The doors and the roof, even the structure of the windows was big. It was as if something that was one size bigger than the other citizens was living there.

We went through the huge door and entered the adventurers guild. Inside, it looked like a bar.

Of course all eyes were pinned at us the moment we entered. The place was filled with dwarves. But I couldn't care less. So I made my way to the counter. An old dwarf with white hair and beard was at the counter. I should point out that Bessie, who was the tallest out of all of us had to slightly bent over a bit. These buildings are built by their standards after all.

"I'm here looking for help with something."

"Fill in a request like everyone else, pay the fee and an adventurer will eventually pick it up."

"No that's not what I am here for."

"Look lady, we all got our problems but protocol is protocol. You have to go through the steps like everyone. If you got a complaint, settle it with the guild master."

"Perfect. That should make things easy. How do I see him?"

"Fill in a form and make an appointment. If you are lucky you might get squeezed in next week."

Next week? The hell am I waiting that long. He's probably up on the first floor. I'm not waiting. I'll just barge in.

"Hey wait! You can't go up there. Someone stop her!"

A few dwarves tried jumping at me with their axes but… a simple flick of my wrist and they were sent crashing into the wall. So weak. 

"Girls, keep them entertained while I settle things. But don't do anything rash."

"Understood!" (x4)

My girls are more than a match for these losers. Now, let's see what's the deal with this guild master.

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