The Rising Of The Fallen Warlord

35: Entrance exam part 1

The streets were no different than any normal town. Shops and people as far as the eye could see. The school building did stand out. It was a large medieval castle. It's way more sinister though than the elf palace. And it was surrounded by a giant school like gate. 

How long did it take them to build this thing? If I had Shizu's moon stone I could probably do it in an hour. But that's only thanks to my modern knowledge from my old world. My imagination is bigger than most.

As we were about to step through the gate a man stepped in front of me.

"Stop. You're not wearing uniforms, that means you are neither staff nor students. This isn't a tourist attraction. What do you want here?"

"It's pretty obvious. I want to enroll here."

"You're pretty early for that. Usually the selection process starts in the evening. Wait here. I'll go check if anyone is willing to take you in now."

This guy must the security guard around this place. I didn't mind waiting. After roughly 10 minutes the guy returned followed by a skeleton wearing a black robe. An undead. 

"I was wondering who would be so eager to come so early in the morning. You lot want to take the admission test? This isn't a playground. And what's with this freak show? 2 Mazoku, a demi-human, a demonized human, an elf and a dwarf. What's the meaning of this?"

I took a deep breath, then once again I stated my business.

"My name is Yurishia. I came to enroll here. These 5 behind me are my slaves."

"Hmph. Just because you meet the requirements, doesn't mean that you'll pass the test. You should show some respect towards me. I am Zirconis, a noble baron and a respected teacher here."

"Respect? It's hard to respect an old bag of bones."

"What the!? Oi, apologize at once!"

He extended his hand and drew a magic formation. Dark flames formed in his hand.

"If you don't want to be burned by these flames, get on all fours and apologize!"

Is this guy really supposed to be a teacher? Can't he see the difference between our powers? Even with only half my original strength, this guy is too weak. I took another step forward. With my Ruin Eyes I extinguished his fire. 

"Wha… what did you do?"

I didn't answer. In exchange I grabbed his head and slammed him face down into the ground. 

"If you really were someone important, you wouldn't be a weakling. I could crack your skull if I wanted to. Now then, how about we get this test over with?"

"Augh… okay okay… please don't crush me… go straight in and turn left. There's a door marked with the letter F. Go in and you can start the test."

"Glad we're on the same page."


We went inside and were headed towards the room the creep mentioned. My servants didn't let out a single peep. And I'm glad. Cause I know better how to deal with arrogant Mazoku. When I opened the door, I walked into a big room. It seems the walls in here are reinforced with anti-magic. Soon another examiner comes.

"Kuh. Just my luck, to start the day with a commoner."

Hey, I'm right in front of you, you know?

"I'll explain the contents of this exam. You see this giant crystal lump? If magic is fired at it, it will measure your power. You must achieve a score of 750 if you want to move on to the duel test. If you fail to achieve that number, you won't gain admission."

Nelia came and whispered in my ear.

"Lady Yurishia, they're cheating. All official forms say that you only need to score 400. They gave you a higher number to reach."

They probably gave me a higher target to get rid of me. What's with these guys and nobility? This is just messed up. 

"You may begin whenever."

"Lady Yurishia, call him out."

"No need. [Hell's Fire]!"

I unleashed a torrent of flames upon the crystal. The flames almost engulfed the entire room. Even the examiner's robe caught fire. When the flames settled down….

"I… impossible! 3… 3720!!?"

"Hmph. To think it would be that high even when I hold back. I pass, right?"

The examiner gave me a mixed look. It was part fear and part anger. Eventually he nodded and approved that I passed.

"Please… move to the eastern corridor for the combat and physical tests."

The best way to make Mazoku respect you is with sheer power. Sure, I am insulting them, but I can back it up. If they know they can't beat me, they won't try anything. At least that was the rule 10 years ago.

Once again I followed the instructions and headed towards the next room. This room led us to an arena. In the middle of the arena there was a Mazoku with pure white skin, green emerald snake eyes and long black hair. He was wearing a white cape and black tuxedo like costume. Unlike the rest so far, this guy had an evil aura. He was strong. I can't exactly say how strong, though. When he saw us come in, he approached us.

"It's been a long time."

"What are you talking about? It's the first time I see you."

"Silence trash! I'm not talking to you."

His eyes were focused… on Nelia. 

"How many years has it been, Nelia?"

"Roughly 3, but who keeps count."

Does Nelia know this guy? Come to think of it I never asked Nelia or anyone for that matter about their background.

"Has reason finally reached you, Nelia? Are you perhaps here hoping to rehabilitate your name? A sin like yours won't easily be forgiven, but if dedicate your life on walking this path, I am sure that one day you will be…"

Nelia raised her hand and cut him off.

"I'm sorry. But you've got it wrong. Lord Zeldris, you may have been my teacher once, but that was long ago. And I'm not the one that wishes to enroll in this Academy. My mistress does."


"That would be me."

This guy scans me from head to toe with his eyes. His eyes narrowed and made sort of a disgusted face. 

"Lady Nelia, did you really go so low as to enslave yourself to this commoner? A pure blood Mazoku such as yourself has become the slave of a commoner? Have you really no sense of pride? If your mother would see what you have become…"

"My mother has long abandoned me. I have no regrets."

"You shameless excuse of a…"

"That's enough!"

I raised my voice and stepped in. I don't know what happened between these 2, but Nelia is my property now. I won't tolerate any hostility. 

"I heard enough of your crap. From now on get this straight. You're dealing with me. So how about you tell me what this phase of the test is about? Do I just have to mop the floor with you?"

"Kuh. You sure have a big mouth. Saying such word to a noble can get you killed, you know. It will be my pleasure to put you in your place. But as an examiner, I must follow the protocol first. Let me explain. In the first step we need to measure your physical strength. See those weights over there? They automatically measure your power and increase in weight accordingly. Once you lift them a numerical value is displayed. If it's high enough we can then move onto the duel phase."

Interesting device. It looks just like a barbell. I got closer to it and tried lifting it. But it didn't budge.

"What's the matter? Are you that week you can't even lift it at all hahaha?"

This is definitely rigged. Jut like that guy who tried rigging the score. Well if it's just for a short while…

"[Force Boost Phase 1]."

I didn't shout the name loud this time. I didn't want him to hear me. But I felt power flowing through my body the moment I chanted it. And then, with just one hand I lift the barbell all the way above my head.


This Zeldris fellow was shocked. I'm sure he wasn't expecting me to be able to lift this thing. And the result displayed by a magical number was…

"How can it be? 6000 kg!!?"

I pretty much lifted the equivalent of an african elephant. When I let go of it, the barbell made a lound sound and made cracks into the ground.

"Judging by your look, I passed. So, ready to get your hands dirty?"

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