The Rising Of The Fallen Warlord

39: A weird first day

After I returned to my seat, Amelia told us to try casting Iblis. More than half the class is struggling with it. I wouldn't say it's a particular hard spell, but either they lack the talent for it or they are too weak. After a few minutes Amelia once again speaks. 

"The ones that successfully managed to draw the formation, please stand up."

Out of roughly 40 students, 8 people including myself stood up. At first glance none of them interested me. 

"The rest of you are free to try and group up with one of the 8 leaders. It will be important when the dungeon will be made available. But again, it's not mandatory. You are free to do as you please. Now then. You 8, why not introduce yourselves? Let's start with… Azamar-kun."

The red haired dude from earlier. 

"I'm from the noble Ornelia family. A direct descendant of the Overlord of the southern faction. I am Azamar Ornelia. Pleased to make your acquaintance."

Ornelia? Same as the teacher? What relationship do they have? Brother and sister? Cousins? Or perhaps… mother and son? As I was pondering a bit, my turn came before I realized it. 

"Yurishia-san, it's your turn now."

While I was lost in tracks, the teacher called out my name. I guess someone handed her a list with all our names or something if she knows my name.

"Eh? Right. My name is Yurishia. As I mentioned before, my goal is to become the Maou. Everyone who gets in my way will be slaughtered. Pleased to meet you."

The classroom falls silent a bit. I can understand. They really believe that only a Mazoku with a high status, a noble is fit to become the Maou. Nobody looks directly at me but some keep sneaking glances and whispering about 'what’s this weird girl saying'.

"Okay. Self introductions are over now. Let's end the first class here for today. Please use the rest of the time to get to know each other. I would advise those who didn't manage to become a leader to get closer to one of the leaders. There are no number restrictions so don't worry if a team is too large. It's also possible to change groups at any time, but the leaders have the right to reject you. Go in whichever direction you wish."

Hmm… the Maou is considered the leader of the demon race. This may be a mechanism to test and harness our leadership skills. 

With that, she left the classroom. I see everyone trying to get close and form teams with the 7 red uniforms. Although Azamar was a bit criticized because of what happened between me and him. My slaves once again returned to my side.

"Aneue, are you sure that was wise?"

"Trust me, this is the only way to deal with arrogant people like them. Sylvia, do you even know what a Maou is?"

"Umm… in what sense?"

"It's simple. Someone with incredible power that does anything he wishes. Bloodlines, rules and other crap don't matter at all. It's a lesson they will have to learn eventually."

After one year of studying in this place a graduation ceremony that resembles a tournament is held. The winner is given the right to take the Maou test. So I have to aim to win this thing. I just hope this year won't be a waste of time. Maybe I should also focus on that dungeon. After all, who knows, those secret classes might be a solid bet to meet one of my former companions. 

While waiting I wasn't approached by anyone today. Maybe I scared them. I could see various people also forming some unofficial teams. It's not a bad idea. In short, they are ignoring Iblis and just form a regular party to try and tackle the dungeon in a different way. Amelia did say in the end do as you please and joining a leader isn't mandatory. 

When the sun was about to set it was time to go home. It was a boring first day, but let's hope tomorrow will be interesting. 

But as I prepared to leave, I saw something in the courtyard. Apparently 3 red uniforms were gathered around a small girl. They don't seem to be from my class. Were they bullies?

"Oi, hurry up and give us your stones! We know you have more. Cough em' up!"

"But… the teacher said we won't get anymore…"

"That's why we want yours. You'll only waste them!"

What are stones are they talking about? Regardless they were definitely bullies. And I can't stand that behaviour. So I walked up to them. 

"Why don't you stop that? Picking on the weak isn't fair."

They turned around and made disgusting faces.

"Mind your own business you bitch!"

I don't do well with insults so… I cracked my knuckles. 

*Bang… pow… wham…*

It didn't even take 5 minutes for all of them to lie unconscious on the ground. I could see some gems… these look like dwarf forging gems, but their size is about that of a pebble. I turned my head to the girl. She wasn't wearing a uniform. She was wearing a succubus style costume. 

Short black hair, green eyes, small horns, a pair of wings and a string style bikini top that covered the nipples on her small breasts… yeah. It's a succubus no doubt. Azamar was also wearing a non-typical uniform. Nelia told me that if you submit a request to the principal and it gets approved they will actually let you use different clothes. Was that the case here?

I bent down to her.

"You okay?"


A short and timid reply. 

"I guess these belong to you."

"...Thank you…"

"Lady Yurishia, was it okay to knock them out?"

"Don't worry about it, Nelia. They are just insects."

"Calling nobles insects… who are you?"

The timid girl asked for my name.

"I'm Yurishia from the 2nd class. And you?"

"Rio… from the 4th class."

"Why did these guy bully you?"

"For the magic stones. I am not strong physically and my magic aptitude is low. For people like us, we were given these stones. If we put them on a staff we can have them cast the spells in our place."

Shizu once explained it to me. Magic forging stones are separated in several categories. Some have earth affinity, some have wood, some have iron and there are also elemental stones used to manipulate elements. Fire, water, wind, lightning etc. 

The bigger the size, the more power they hold. The moon stone is the only one that can technically manipulate everything. An almighty form of transmutation. And although most of them are found on the dwarven lands… there are other places where you can farm them. Mazoku, humans, elves and demi-humans all have technically their own supply were they can be farmed.

Each stone has a set amount of energy. So mages can use that energy to fire spells instead of using their own body as the source. But then, just like in a mmorpg game, the stone will go on cooldown before it can be used again. If you don't want it to drain your mental force that is.

"I don't get it. Why aren't you using bigger stones?"

"Are you crazy? These were given to us by our homeroom teacher. They can only be harvested from the volcano cave. But earth dragons live there. And the order of the crimson knights are the only ones that can farm them. A number of stones are given then to the school. There's a budget, so there's no way we can ask for more!"

"I see. Hey,. little girl, here's another question."

"Girl? You got it wrong!"

Wrong? As I tilted my head she got up. And that's when I noticed it… she had… a bulge…

"I am… a boy."

What the… he's seriously a boy? It's a trap! Why the hell is he dressed like that? If he's not a succubus that means he's an incubus. Did someone had a perverted dream like this? He's still pretty but… and even his voice is feminine… dang!

I gave myself a slap.

"Eh? What are you…?"

"Just ignore that. I had to knock some sense in myself."

Rio is a minor character. I won't be introducing a picture for him, but he would look something like this

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