The Rising Of The Fallen Warlord

45: Let the lesson begin

The students frown after hearing Leona's introduction.

"An incompetent teacher who's not royal…"

"Forget about being royal, she's not even a Mazoku."

Amelia quickly speaks up.

"Leona sensei is a formidable person. I am sure you are wondering about her race, but she has earned the right to exist with us Mazoku. Moreover, she was the personal trainer of the former Warlord. 

In terms of physical strength, nobody can surpass her aside from maybe the Beast Emperor. This person fought for the Mazoku and has earned our respect. I think you'll find her knowledge useful."

Even with those words, the red uniforms have a dull reaction.

"No offense, sensei, but what's the point of physical training? Our classmates only got hurt because they didn't know strong enough magic."

"That is…"

But Amelia was interrupted.

"Magic can be pointless in many scenarios. You're just too shallow to see it."

The class erupted into noise.

"Are you stupid?"


"Talking like that to us nobles."

These were mixed with voices from the white uniforms.

"She's so cool."

"Will we get muscles just like her?"

"I want to fondle her tail."

A male student stood up.

"Even if you are a teacher, aren't you saying just random stuff? The more magic you have the better."

"Very, well. Let's put that to the test. Come over here. Fire a spell at me. Don't hold back."

"You asked for it."

The red uniform male got closer and began his chant. He put quite a lot of mana into his spell. A flaming spear formed in his hands.

"Take this. [Ignition Spear]!"

Leona didn't flinch at all. As soon as the spear got near her… she slapped it aside. Like brushing off a fly.

"Oi… it can't be…"

"Why didn't she get burned?"

"Was she using a barrier?"

"No, I didn't sense any magic coming from her."

Leona once again spoke.

"Used properly, martial arts can stand toe to toe with magic. You just need to learn how to control the flow of mana in your body. But that is for another time. Right now, the first lesson is…"

She instantly closed the gap between her and the male red coat. She grabbed his uniform and imediately tossed him into the arena wall.

"... learning how to take a fall."

These guys have no idea who they are dealing with. Leona's physical strength far exceeds my own. She could crush a mountain with her bare fists. Everyone started to settle down. Bessie's eyes were the only ones that were sparkling. I guess she really is impressed to see a fellow demi-human with that much strength. 

"And remember, no matter how strong your spells are, it's meaningless if it doesn't connect. So you need to train your body to face such situations. Got it? Worst case scenario you will be fast enough to run from danger.

 I'll drill basic knowledge into you until it becomes an instinct. Alright, now one by one, come over here and I'll start teaching you."


"Who's next?"


"So weak."


"Did I go too far?"

These were the words that often came out of Leona's mouth. Everyone that faced her was treated like a ragdoll. Her teaching has changed compared to what she made me go through, because she also taught the class basic stances… but mostly she is the same as always.

Some students tried stuffing their faces in her boobs, but even if they managed to get close and rub even a bit against them… a world of pain was waiting for them in the next second. But I can't blame them, because I did the exact same thing the first time I met Leona. You just can't help wanting to stuff your face between her boobs.

"Hey you. The girl in the back. Don't think I didn't see you. Come over here. You're next."

Crap! She spotted me. If I use any form of self defense she will figure me out. I'm the only one that learned almost all the moves in her style. What am I gonna do? Wait! I'm overthinking it. All I have to do is do nothing. Take the fall and problem solved. Yup. I just need to lose.

"Come on. Try throwing a punch at me."

"I don't want to."

"Listen, I won't be that rough. Just try to hit me, brace yourself and try landing on your feet."

Guess I have no choice.

"Okay. I'll try."

I throw a straight punch. As expected she twisted her body, deflected my punch, then used the momentum to try and throw me over her shoulder. I say "try" because… that's not what happened. I swiped her leg and used the position of my arm to push her down.


The one that hit the floor was Leona. D… don't tell me my body is so traumatized that it moved on its own!? I feel like she imprinted some forced habits on me. Survival instincts are more powerful than logic. I kinda understand how my servants feel when I force their bodies to do what I want.

"Hou? It's the first time in years since someone put me down. Care to try that again?"

She once again stood up and gave me a few looks.

"Umm… no! That was just a reflex."

"Still, that wasn't bad. What's your name?"

"Y… Yurishia."

"Interesting. The same name of the Warlord. I once knew her very well. How about we kick it up a gear?"

She took a fighting stance. Unlike before she was getting serious.

"You better try your best not to get hit, cause this might kill you a bit."

"Nono!! Wait. I don't want…"

"Here I come!"

Shit. She's seriously charging me. And with her speed magic is useless. The problem is, I can tell she's not pulling her punches. If I get hit it'll be like in One Punch Man. Well, I probably can take one punch, but I don't want to deal with her barrage. I have no choice but to fight back. So I also took the fighting stance and braced myself.

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