The Rising Of The Fallen Warlord

5: Freedom

I ran as fast as I could making my way as high as I could. Eventually at the top of the staircase I saw a door. I burst through it. I did it. This was the top of the tower.

Outside it was raining. Fu. How long has it been since I felt the wind blow on my skin? The touch of raindrops… my eyes got teary for a second. However I wasn't allowed to rest.

"This way! I think she went up here."

Darn it. They were still on my trail. I firmly closed the door and then placed my hand on it.


The wooden door instantly turned into a rock block. This should buy me some time. I went over to the edge of the tower. No rope. No ladder. And at this hight jumping is impossible. The fall will kill me. What choice do I have?

I could hear banging on the door behind me. That won't hold them for long. There is no way I am going back. There's no way I am giving up until I kill those 3 bastards. It's risky, but sometimes, you need to take that one… leap of faith. So I took a running start and jumped off the tower.

It was a suicide move. But I had a plan. I took in a big breath and puffed my cheeks. I then let out a powerful shout. I exhaled a small tornado. The reason behind this was to slow down my momentum. And it worked. I managed to hover down the last feet without any major injuries.

"Good. All that's left is to reach the dock."


Surprisingly even though I kept running I wasn't getting tired at all. I ran across the rocky path and eventually I could see the ship, next to the stone dock. 

My mind was only thinking about getting my ass on board. But my instincts are still sharp. 3 light energy balls were shot towards me. I used the sword I found to cut through the first one, and did a back flip to avoid the other 2.

"Oh! Nicely dodged!"

A tall man with a rugged beard, wearing a blue armor and a two handed sword jumped off the ship, followed by 3 more knights and 2 wizards. This man… I saw him a few times.

"I must say, I wasn't expecting to find you here, warden Theodore."

A man in his late 30's. Warden Theodore is the one in charge of this island.

"Come now. It makes perfect logic. If someone wants to escape this island they would need to steal the ship. But…

Heh… HAHAHAHA! You're a bigger fool than I thought. Has the idea of freedom clouded your judgement? Even if by some miracle you can get pass me, do you really think you can take a ship alone?

Wake up, you bitch! It takes at least 10 people to be able to set sail with it. Did you really think you could operate it all by yourself?"

"What!? Cat got your tongue? Is the truth too much for you to handle?"

"I'm tired of this. Get her, men!"

But his men didn't move an inch.

"Oy, are you deaf? I said get her!"

Still no response. At this point the warden was furious.

"Hey! Listen to… NANI!?"

But the moment he grabbed one of his subordinates by the shoulder, all of them bursted like a watermelon, splattering blood and body parts everywhere.

"Wha… you bitch! What did you do?"

"That wasn't me."

"Yahoo! I'm afraid that was my work."

From the ship another figure slammed onto the ground. Half human, half spider. An arachnid Mazoku. Her lower body was that of an eight legged spider dark and magenta spider. Her human body was that of a voluptuous woman, with small breast plates, shoulder guards and tattoo marks all over her body. She had short purple hair, pink eyes and a pair of horns, which was rare for the arachnid species.

"Sorry. Your men were in the way so I had to dispose of them."

"You monster!"

"You're all just insects in my eyes anyway. So let me squash you too so we can all move on."

"If you think it will be really that easy then… AAAARGHUA!!"

The reason this idiot was screaming is because I came in from behind and planted my sword through the gaps of his armour. 

"Why… you bitch…"

Call me whatever you want. I'm not in the mood to play fair. I'll use any tactics necessary to secure victory. Honour and shit mean nothing to me. I pulled my sword out, spinned around and cut his head off.

"Splendid. I would expect no less from you, lady Yurishia!"

"Are you… Nelia?"

"Yup! Once again, pleased to meet you."

"Enough! Why are you doing this?"

"Ara? Don't be so tensed. Don't you want to get off this rock island first?"

"And how do you think we'll do that? That jerk is right. We can't sail with just the 2 of us."

"You underestimate me. Have no worries. I planted my web all over the key points of the ship. From one spot I alone can control the entire ship like a puppet on strings."

The odds might not be that great. But I can at least assume that she won't harm me. She needs me for something or else she wouldn't go through this much trouble.

"Fine. I'll leave it at that for now, but this conversation isn't over. Let's move before it's too late."

"Aye aye captain!"

We both got on the ship and by the time the guards made their way to the dock we were long gone. For the first time in years, I could taste freedom again. I could taste life again. And now… I just had to taste revenge.

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