The Rising Of The Fallen Warlord

9: Plants are the answer?

We finally reached Lyndwurm. The seaside town that acts as the major trading hub between races, sending resources and managing the economy. It's worth noting that this town is located at the foot of a mountain. The snow is indeed pleasant and the town seems lively and calm.

Various canals can be seen that connect to the sea. From what Nelia told me, originally this town was build around the mining of coal from the mountain. But because of it's unique positioning it was chosen to connect all countries. 

This place has its own army and it seems they don't discriminate anyone. It's something I admire. At one point I too strived to see something like this…

As for the major buildings, the ones that stood out where the giant mansion from where the duke and count ruled this city and an impressive Cathedral. But I shouldn't lose focus on my goal. I didn't come here for sightseeing.

"Nelia, are you sure we'll find it here?"

"Yes. The one thing that you need right now… there is no better place to have a more fabulous meal than here in Lyndwurm!"


I suddenly tripped when I heard Nelia's declaration and planted my face in the snow. Where the hell did that come from?

"Nelia, that's not…"

"Would you perhaps want to buy some thicker clothes first? Are you cold?"

"No! I'm not cold! This isn't enough to faze me."

"Then we can go eat. There's this great place…"

"Nelia, we didn't come here to try the local specialty."

*Gurgle gurgle*

"Fufu! Your stomach is pretty honest though, lady Yurishia."

My face immediately went red. I didn't want to admit it yet… but the truth is I was hungry.

"Come now. Food in prison surely was horrible. Why not trust me on this one and let's get a bite to eat?"

"... Fine…"



Okay. I'll admit. I really missed having a proper meal. This food is great. I never ate so many varieties even when I was the Warlord. This wasn't so bad. Now we probably can discuss a few details.

"So, Nelia, do you know a way I can shed this skin and get my power back?"

"I'm sure if we look around the town we will find some traditional medicine stands or shops."

"Speaking of that… it will probably cost plenty. Forget the cure altogether, I just went with the flow, but can we even pay for this food?"

"Not to worry. I have enough for a few meals. As for the medicine… we shall see."

"Excuse me, ladies. I couldn't help not overhear your conversation."

A voice called out to us from the table behind ours. I turned my head around. At the table, there was an old elf. He short white hair, and a long white beard. He had the elves characteristic trait of pointy ears. He was leaning on his cane and wore a simple plain brown robe.

"Although I didn't catch the entire story, I heard you are looking for traditional medicine. If that's the case there's no one better suited than me. Tell me, what exactly are you looking for?"

At first I had my doubts. It felt a bit too convenient. So I kept my guard up. I described the symptoms of the curse. A flesh eroding disease that is immune to healing magic. Of course, I didn't tell him I need it for me. I lied and made up a story that I need it for my small village.

"That's a very peculiar illness. It almost sounds like a curse. And magic can't heal it, you say? Hmm…"

"Is there a cure?"

"Although it looks complex if we were to act against it's core, it can be treated. However something like that would require a special tea. A mix of pepper mint, golden magnolias, lorian leaves and hydraria flowers."

When the old elf finished his sentence Nelia immediately slammed her hands on the table. She was in complete shock.

"What!? Are… are you absolutely sure?"

"Of course I am sure! Although it won't take instant effect it shouldn't take more than an hour for the erosion to stop. Healing magic can then be used properly."

"What's wrong, Nelia? Isn't this a good thing?"

"Well… pepper mint, golden magnolias and lorian leaves aren't an issue. They are quite common herbs. But hydraria flowers are extremely rare. I know I said I can probably cover the medicine, but they are incredibly expensive. Only scholars use them for various experiments. I… I'm sorry, but I won't be able to afford a single petal."

Nelia dropped her shoulder in a desolate manner. And I can't blame her. A pated her on the back and try comforting her. I guess money is something we'll need to take care of in the future. 

"Actually ladies, you might be in luck. There is a cave not too far from here. Hydraria flowers grow there."

"Hmm? What's the catch?"

"As you would expect, the flower does draw monsters near it. As a result the cave is filled with them. But if you somehow were to manage to get some, if you get me some extra as well, I wouldn't mind brewing the healing tea for free."

So that's why the prices are so high? Cause it's rare and it's guarded by monsters. It shouldn't be an issue though. Although personally I never saw a dimensional monster.

"We'll contact you if we have news about this."

"Please do."

 Once again we were alone. I wanted to discuss this with Nelia. Getting my powers is necessary if I am going to get any kind of revenge.

"Nelia, you think we can do it?"

"It all depends on the dimensional monsters. I can't say for sure. Stronger ones are even more dangerous than some Mazoku. But… I guess it's worth a shot. We'll just run if anything happens."

Fair point. I guess there's always that option. We better make some provision though first. I'd rather have some tools and maybe a better weapon. The sword I snached from prison is too blunt to be used on monsters. 

Sadly I guess I need to sponge more off Nelia. I didn't think I would ever say this, but let's go shopping!

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