The Salted Fish Life of a Superman

Chapter 32 Secret Tactics

Chapter 32 Secret Tactics
(Is this guy out of his mind?) The future is at a loss, and he can't beat three-on-three, but still want to one-on-three?Does this Li Jin think he is a Super Saiyan who can transform?

Rocky also felt a little weird, but after analyzing Li Jin's words repeatedly, he didn't seem to see any traps.She exchanged glances with the future, and said in a low voice, "Could it be that you lost your mind because of schizophrenia?"

Future: "Never mind him, if you want to die, let him do it!"

Rocky said loudly on purpose: "Our teacher said, if you want to die, I will help you!"

"I'll go, don't betray me." Future was speechless, almost forgetting Rocky's true nature. This guy is not a good student, but the mastermind who secretly planned to force him to resign. We can't let our guard down on her.

Li Jin snorted coldly, didn't speak, but winked at his two teammates and told them to go down.

The two helpers didn't know what kind of medicine Li Jin was selling in the gourd, but Li Jin had already spoken, and they could only obey, and left the scene in despair.

Soon, after the personnel stood still, the three-on-one match began.

At this moment, the entire audience was at a loss and could not figure out Li Jin's train of thought at all. Could it be that he really lost his mind and suffered a schizophrenia?

Rocky passed the ball to Future and said, "Fix him!"

Future patted the ball and looked at Li Jin who was standing far under the basket in the infield.What the hell is this guy thinking?Standing alone in the infield and not coming up to stop the shot, could it be that the hollow ball in the midfield in the first game was luck?

Of course, such a trivial matter, in the future, there is no time to test it with mind reading skills.

(I want you to know that's called strength, not luck.) Future catches the ball with both hands, ready to shoot from beyond the three-point line.

"It's you again? Want to score by yourself again? But that's right, your skills are very good. Instead of handing the ball over to these two trash, it's better to score faster by yourself." Suddenly, Li Jin began to mock.

Lei Lie was the first one who couldn't help it anymore. He had a bad temper to begin with, and he didn't play any role in this game. When he was provoked at this moment, he suddenly burst into anger: "Who the hell are you talking about?!"

"Say you! What? Come and hit me?" Li Jin fought back not to be outdone.

(It turned out to be this plan, I understand.) In the future, Lei Lie who wanted to go up and do something was stopped.

It seems that Li Jin knew that he couldn't win, so he simply removed his teammates and used one-on-three as a gimmick to put himself in a weak position first, and then used words to provoke the impulsive Lei Lie, luring Lei Lie to do it, and put the original The ball game turned into a brawl.

At this time, Lei Lie took the lead, and Li Jin's weak position, as long as Li Jin pretended to be invincible and was knocked down on purpose, the public opinion would fall on him, and the audience would start to criticize Lei Lie.

In this way, the winning or losing of the game will be infinitely downplayed, and Lei Lie will be dragged into the water by the way.What a dirty trick!

Li Jin was still taunting wildly, if it wasn't for Lei Lie being stopped in the future, he would swear at those unsightly swear words, this straightforward boy would probably go up there desperately.

It's not an option to stop him by himself. In the future, he will simply use superpowers to make Li Jin bite his own tongue.

Seeing Li Jin sticking out his tongue and sucking in cold air, Rocky almost died of laughter: "This idiot can bite his tongue when he speaks. Look at the way he inhales, like a pug dog."

Future held up the ball and said, "Don't pay attention to these details. I'll shoot the ball and finish this kid directly."

"Don't! Teacher!" Rocky hurriedly stopped, snatching the ball from the future, "You've already scored two goals, so it's time for me to have fun. Now that so many people are watching, I have to perform!"

Future said helplessly: "I'm afraid that you won't be able to pass Li Jin's test. When the time comes, you will be blocked by someone. I'll see where you go."

There was a wicked smile on Rocky's face, and it seemed that she had some kind of ghost idea. She said, "Teacher, come, let's make a plan."

The future put his ears close to him, and after listening, he said in shock, "It's not very good, you're such a rascal?"

Rocky said proudly: "Our class is a rogue class, what's the matter? You have never seen anything more powerful."

"You are still proud of being a hooligan?" Future said shamefully, "I hope you don't use these powerful moves on me. I thank you and your family."

"Get ready, I'm about to start!"

"Hey!" Lei Lie on the side couldn't help it anymore, he leaned over and asked, "What are you discussing, why don't you take me with you?"

Rocky waved his hand: "Go aside, it's none of your business."

Lei Lie was so angry that his lungs were going to explode. After all, this is also a three-person bullfight. How did these two bastards exclude him? Do you have any team spirit!
Without waiting for Lei Lie to protest, Future said proudly, "Go, Pikachu!"

Rocky gave the future a supercilious look, began to dribble skillfully, and pressed for the basket step by step.

Seeing that Lei Lie was not incited and his plan failed, Li Jin had no choice but to bite the bullet and force his way, staring at Rocky who was holding the ball.

Although Rocky's dribbling movements are very proficient, in the eyes of a professionally trained person like Li Jin, he is still a little immature.If Rocky attacked like this, Li Jin was [-]% sure that she would never return.

Suddenly, Rocky moved, and she quickly rushed towards the infield, heading straight for Li Jin's defense line. Although her speed could throw off most amateur basketball fans, it was useless for a professional like Li Jin of.

In the process of trying to break through, Li came in and made several swift steals. Fortunately, Rocky's ball protection skills were excellent and he was not intercepted.

However, facing Li Jin's pressing step by step, especially the gap in physical fitness, Rocky would sway a few steps if he was rubbed casually, and his whole body was miserable.

Suddenly, Rocky grabbed the ball with both hands and squeezed towards Li Jin's side.

What is she going to do?Want to force a layup?Seeing Rocky's actions, Li Jin's first reaction was that Rocky wanted to attack by force. Isn't this courting death?If I slapped her down, I must slap her away with the ball!
(End of this chapter)

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