The Salted Fish Life of a Superman

Chapter 40 Dismissal

Chapter 40 Dismissal
"The music teacher in our school?" Future was stunned. When he was exploring Teacher Mo's thinking just now, he found that this guy's mind was full of "Liu Xuelai", for example, "Liu Xuelai wore a white skirt today." , "Liu Xuelai went to the canteen three times today", "Liu Xuelai ordered three dishes and one soup in the cafeteria", and so on.

Soon, the future remembered that the "Ms. Liu" I ran into in the cafeteria last time should be Liu Xuelai.

The person in Teacher Mo's heart was told by the future. For a while, his head was hot and his thoughts were confused.

Seeing that neither of them spoke, Xing Kang asked strangely, "In the future, what do you ask Liu Xuelai to do?"

Future pretended to be serious and said: "Mr. Mo asked me to ask. He wanted to know the address of Mr. Liu's private residence."

Teacher Mo was so shocked that he didn't know where to put his hands. He stared and stammered: "You, you, you, you are talking nonsense! Me, me, me, when did I ask you to ask?!"

Because of nervousness, Teacher Mo's face was flushed, but this was interpreted by Xing Kang as shyness, and he immediately said seriously: "Mr. Mo, you should be clear that the address of the teacher's residence is personal privacy. If you want it, you can only do so in private." Go down and ask for it, you shouldn’t ask the school for help.”

Teacher Mo was about to refute, but Future suddenly said, "I'm sorry, Teacher Mo, I can't help you."

Teacher Mo almost passed out on the spot, what's the matter?Are you here to report on the fight on the basketball court? !
The principal said: "Let's get down to business, don't bring up private matters on such an occasion. Teacher Mo, I called you here this time to obtain evidence from you. We want to know the cause of the basketball court incident and whether the future teacher is here. Stop the conflict when it breaks out."

Teacher Mo stabilized his mind and began to state: "There is nothing special about the cause. It is that when playing basketball, the two sides collided with each other, and a girl was injured. The boys on both sides started to fight as soon as they were impulsive. Fighting For this matter, I don’t think the future teacher can be blamed, anyone else can’t avoid the conflict.”

Teacher Mo's words frightened the future. Did this guy win the lottery today or is he a ghost?Actually speak for him?
Before he had time to think about the future, Teacher Mo's next behavior put him in the ice cellar.

Teacher Mo smiled provocatively at Future, and said sinisterly: "However, whether Teacher Future stopped the conflict after it happened, this video will tell us the answer.".

After speaking, Teacher Mo took out his mobile phone, without giving Future any time to react, he directly pressed the video play button.

"Look at you paralyzed! Hit him! Beat him to death! Beat him to death! Everyone loves to fight so much, if you can't win now, don't let me go back to the classroom!" This video should be recorded by some onlookers, It just happened to record the scene of the future instigating the students to fight, the voice is clear and the picture is not bad for a second.

The entire audience was silent and dead silent. The members of the school board, the principal, Xing Kang, and the future all froze.

In the next second, their demeanors were clearly differentiated.

Xing Kang and the members of the school board were already ecstatic. If they were not afraid of the discipline of the meeting, they really wanted to laugh out loud now.

The principal was very helpless. Even though Future's previous defense was wonderful, once this video came out, Future was basically over.Conniving or even instigating students to fight, this completely touched the bottom line of dismissal, and he couldn't keep it.

Future's face was pale, Mr. Mo was caught off guard by this move, and he didn't react at all.It's good now, the video is released, the stolen goods and the evidence are conclusive
(It's over, I was too careless.) At this moment, Future's mouth is bitter, and he really can't think of any way to quibble, so he can only keep his head down and remain silent.

Although the principal pretended to be calm, he could not hide the helplessness in his eyes. He said in a deep voice: "Since the evidence is conclusive, we must also act in accordance with the rules and regulations. Then, I officially declare that in view of the future teacher's bad behavior of inciting students to fight, the school will The board of directors decides.”

Rocky returned to the class. Her physique was good and she was an active person. In addition, the MRI showed no concussion, and the examination of her ankle showed that it was not a fracture, but a dislocation of the joint, and the bone was reset.

After resting in the infirmary for a long time, she couldn't stay idle, took the doctor's medicine, and escaped with a cane.

Now, the scene in class 14 is quite spectacular. The boys have more or less bandages on their faces, and some of their heads are still wrapped in bandages.

The students who have no strength to speak lie on the table and sleep, and those who still have the strength start to brag about how brave they are in the group fight just now, how they cut Li Jin in the middle of a million troops Next, he blew himself up as Guan Erye and Li Jin as Yan Liang.

After Rocky came back, he immediately became the focus of the whole class. After all, this fight started because of her. A few girls who usually had a good relationship with Rocky hurried over to ask about their injuries.

When Jiang Yunhu saw Rocky, he muttered, "Protagonist, you're back? Didn't you get beaten up?"

"Stupid is smarter than you," Rocky shot back. "Your lips are getting sexier."

Jiang Yunhu's lip was injured by the blast before, and it hasn't healed yet.After a dozen fights, the scabs were all cracked, and they were even more swollen than before.Being hit by Rocky at this moment, he was so angry that he couldn't speak.

Hearing the sound, Lu Yan shook his hair coolly, touched the ring of the five kings on his right hand and said, "If I make a move, these people will be wiped out in an instant."

Lei Lie, with a bandage on his head, said with disgust, "Don't talk to people who lie on the ground and pretend to be dead just after the beating begins."

There was a flash of panic in Lu Yan's eyes, but he still pretended to be calm: "My Ring of Five Kings has a large-scale killing effect. I am afraid that it will affect the friendly army, so I can only stay out of it!"

"Speaking of which, who exactly got the old man Xing Kang and the head teacher of Class 7 involved? What a little genius!" Six Eyes pushed his cracked glasses and said slyly, "The future hasn't come back yet, has it? Already fired? Hahahahaha!"

Six Eyes just finished speaking, saying that the future will come.

The future came in from the door with a strange look on his face.

Six-eyed Jiang Yunhu and the others had already begun to secretly laugh. Although they fought this fight purely to help Rocky get ahead, they didn't expect to involve the dean, and the matter even reached the board of directors.

After going back and forth like this, not only won the fight, kept the dignity of the class, but also drove away the future by the way.

Moreover, if he resigns at this time in the future, it means that Jiang Yunhu and others will win, and they can take over the shift in the future. This is killing three birds with one stone!
Thinking of this, they felt that the wounds on their bodies didn't hurt anymore.

The students in the class more or less knew the seriousness of the matter. Except for the cute and ignorant Granu, and the shy and timid Ji Xiaolu, most of the others were smirking and staring at the future, waiting for him to say that he was fired news.

(recommendation ticket!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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