The Salted Fish Life of a Superman

Chapter 48 The Rock Manor

Chapter 48 The Rock Manor
The future is really a little irritated, and it has only been a few days since you came to school?Urine on the door, glue on the podium, cigarettes stuffed with firecrackers, Photoshop color pictures, gang fights in the playground, beating the teaching director, and maliciously hurting the music teacher.

He is really angry in the future, he is now "hot" all over the Xicheng High School, the whole school thinks he is a waste who will not fight back, he was found by the principal and thrown into class 14 as a substitute for the dead ghost, who would be angry ?
Rocky, on the other hand, did hit the guns this time.

In the future, I happened to have the idea of ​​standing up recently, and decided to kill the prestige of these troublemakers in the class. A leader like Rocky must be the best target to scare chickens and monkeys, so let's use her as a knife!

Seeing the indifference of the future leaving, the students looked at each other in blank dismay, but no one was enlightened, otherwise Class 14 would not be Class 14.

Of course, everyone felt the seriousness of the situation, and could see that the future was going to be serious.

Today is Friday, and it is still considered as the action period for Jiang Yunhu's faction, but Jiang Yunhu is not in good condition and cannot participate in the battle. Liuyan has not yet come out of the shadow of the color map, and only Lei Lie can take the lead in action.

As soon as Lei Lie walked out of the class, he saw Ye Long Ye Bing supporting Rocky.

Rocky's whole body is frozen right now. If it wasn't for being supported, she probably wouldn't be able to walk. She was soaked from head to toe, her hair stuck to her face, her lips were purple, her face was pale, and she kept trembling. Water dripped down his chin.

It is also embarrassing that the high-spirited girl turned into this appearance.

Ye Bing looked at Lei Lie and said coldly, "Sister Luo blocked the knife for you."

Lei Lie pointed to his nose and said unconvinced: "Us? She acted without saying hello, can you blame us?"

Ye Bing looked at each other coldly: "Tell me yourself, how long have you been in our class in the future? Back then, you made a promise to drive out the new head teacher within three days, but what happened? The shit didn't work out! If we were allowed to do it from the beginning, we Ben is throwing a celebration party now!"

Lei Lie wanted to refute, but he couldn't speak, there was no way, it was the truth.

Ye Long took over the words: "You still have two days on the weekend. If you abstain now, we will replace you. When the time comes, we will drive away the future and give you a place in the class. If the time limit is over, don't Blame us for losing face."

After Ye Long and Ye Bing finished speaking, he helped Rocky to leave.

Naturally, it is impossible for Lei Lie and the others to give in to this, otherwise what is the difference from ceding land and seeking peace?But they did feel the severity of the situation.

Lei Lie looked at Jiang Yunhu: "What should I do?"

Jiang Yunhu narrowed his eyes and said, "Damn, we can only rely on this weekend to turn around. Since conventional methods are useless, let's show our hole cards. Call Brother Fei from Tieshoutang and ask him for help!"

Because the curriculum is not tight, senior high school students don’t have to make up classes on Saturdays like senior two and senior high school students. They can go home on Friday, and the time after school is always so pleasant.

In their free weekends, students can review their homework for the week, hang out with friends, watch a few movies at home quietly, or go to online games to fight with their comrades.

Thinking of the upcoming weekend, the school leavers all showed happy expressions.Of course, this look did not appear on Rocky's face, she had been frozen to the point of being unconscious and delirious.

Facing the astonished and envious eyes of the surrounding students, Ye Long and Ye Bing helped Rocky onto the Bentley sedan parked by the side of the road.

This Bentley sedan is an extended version, and it is a limited edition just released this year. It is based on the research and development of the Mulsanne model and is specially built for top political and business people. It has a high level of safety and strong bulletproof capabilities.

Inside Bentley, the seats, including the side walls, are made of crocodile leather. A total of 450 pieces of leather are cut with laser guides to ensure the accuracy of positioning. Wood veneers and shiny chrome decorations are everywhere. Chairs and fine quilting reflect the sophistication and value of handcrafting to guests.

Opening the car door, Ye Long didn't care about the sable leather cushion on the seat at all, and directly helped the wet Rocky onto it, then took out a warm blanket from the side cabinet to cover her body, and said to the housekeeper who was driving: "Quick! Take the eldest lady home!"

"This..." the French-born butler almost didn't recognize Rocky, who was so fluent in Chinese that he was so shocked that he couldn't speak a word.

Along the way, the butler didn't dare to be negligent. He turned on the air conditioner, and the speed of the car was raised to the maximum speed without affecting safety.The eldest lady was frozen into this state, how could he explain to the master when he went back.
Leaving aside the butler's mental journey, since Xicheng is an international metropolis, there is a traffic jam during the evening rush hour, and it has been an hour since Bentley arrived at the manor. If the heater in the car hadn't been turned on, Rocky would have been freezing stupid.

In the evening, the rain became heavier and the sun had already sunk into the horizon, casting only a few Tyndall effect beams through the gaps in the cumulonimbus clouds.

The Luo Family Manor appeared in everyone's field of vision. It was like a sharp sword in its sheath, unable to strike in the rain.Nuo Da Manor is well-repaired. From the inside to the outside, all the floor tiles, landscapes and buildings are designed in a very neat and regular way. The dark main building is full of retro bronze luster, and the Gothic spire pierces into the sky, as if to wear Through the sky to see the pale heaven.

The manor is surrounded by towering towers, with countless finely carved reliefs stacked on top of each other. The windows at the top of the tower occasionally reflect some cold light, which is the observation post of the security personnel.

The rain fell like a waterfall, and the inside and outside of the manor were filled with the rustling of leaves being hit by raindrops.Soon, the roar of the engine broke the quiet atmosphere, the high beams switched back to low beams, and the Bentley drove across the muddy road and slowly parked in front of the gate of the manor.

The foreign security captain came over, and the rain hit his face, converging into a turbulent stream, flowing through those age-old battle scars. Judging from his oppressive aura, this is obviously a man who had been on the line of fire and personally A veteran who killed many people.

The window of the Bentley was ajar, and the butler said in a low voice, "Miss is cold, please let her go immediately."

Through the car window, the security captain saw Rocky who was drenched in the back seat. After identifying it correctly, he took a step back and saluted Rocky in the rain. When his hand fell, the gate of the manor opened with mechanical precision. .

The manor is very large, and it would be a long way to the main house if it was only on foot. The butler directly drove Rocky to the innermost part.

The servants had received a call from the housekeeper before, opened the hot spring pool early, adjusted the water temperature to the optimum temperature for the human body, released warm steam, filled the hot spring with herbs that can dispel the cold, and prepared bath towels, bathrobes, aromatherapy, etc. supplies.

As soon as Rocky came back, he was directly sent to the hot spring pool by the maids.

The pool is surrounded by the best red sandalwood, and the warm spring water is infused with the fragrance of purple wood, exuding lingering clouds in the steaming heat.

Rocky took off his wet clothes and staggered into the hot spring.

When the mineral-rich hot spring bath water permeates the whole body, the warmth seeps into the skin, and the whole person is like being wrapped in cotton candy, the biting cold disappears immediately, and the cells all over the body seem to wake up, greedily absorbing ambient temperature.

Under the infiltration of the hot spring, the nerves that had been tense due to the cold quickly relaxed, almost making her fall asleep.

Rocky didn't come out of the hot spring until his whole body was warmed up. It may be because he soaked for too long and the blood supply to his brain was insufficient. Rocky felt dizzy and heavy, his whole head was swollen, and his throat was sore Very uncomfortable.

Rocky dried his body, put on dry clothes, and left the hot spring room.

It stands to reason that if you go home on the weekend and take a comfortable hot bath, you should feel very comfortable.But at this moment, there was no smile on Rocky's face, and no joy of going home at all, as if this place was just a cold and strange place.

(End of this chapter)

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