The Scientist of Monster Creation, forcefully Hired

2. Oh, how kind of you!

~Chloe’s perspective~

How did I get myself into that? Why am I even her? And what’s with the Goddess of Darkness? And can I change the looks of the Window? 
Oh, I can! 
Let’s look only at the inventory for now.

Current Inventory:
Nourishment Package Monster Creation Scientist Starter Pack Monster Creation Scientist celebration package Gift from Goddess of Darkness Letter from Goddess of Darkness

Okay, the letter first. Seems to be the least dangerous.
*deep breath* “Here I go.”
<Hey, you must be the new employee of Father, the one who helps all the poor Dungeon Master to fill their Dungeons with Monster! 
I am happy that someone applied for this Job! As I was told he is going to recruit someone it thought “never would someone apply for that.”. But I was proven wrong and I am happy about that. 
You see, I was told your an Otherworlder, and that in the Otherworld, there are some massive Evil and Cool Monster, like the dragon, Bahamut! Do you think you can do that for me?>
Before Chloe appeared Pen and Paper. 
Okay, what can I wrote without making a poor impression. Accepting is not possible.
So she thought that, she noticed some knowledge to creating monsters, but it isn’t even enough to create a monster from scratch, she would need a lot of trial and error. 
The other thing is, Bahamut is a dragon in D&D, and sometimes an Endboss in games, but the original is a gigantic Fish. One that shoulders the world, since after creating said world, God forgot to prepare a foundation. At least after Arabic legend, but it’s tame to what Gods in other legends do.
<Dear Goddess of Darkness,
I am currently inexperienced in the Art of Monster Creation, so I have to learn for myself how to do it properly. 
I am sorry to disappoint you, but presenting you with something barely alive and saying it’s a great evil dragon, named Bahamut, would be utterly unpolite and even insulting. So I decided to politely decline your request. 
And about my Old World, Bahamut is from a Legend and is a gigantic Fish, the name was later coined to use it for strong Dragon-like Enemies in our games. 
When i would be allowed to say, in one of our biblical Textes where the fearsome creature, Behemoth and Leviathan, the first can be also translated to Bahamut in certain languages. Both are fearsome creature who, after the Bible, God created first to have a sword. 
Often also brought in connection with Ziz, a Jewish bird-like mythical creature, to represent the Land, Water and Sky. 
Behemoth and Leviathan where later associated with the devil, with Behemoth being gluttonies and stupid, and Leviathan being the Helllord of Envy, neither Legend undermining their strength.
Greeting, Chloe.>
Oh Gods, did I just write that? 
Before being able to redo it, the Letter already vanished.
”…. Well, let’s look at the Gifts.”
With that words, she gets the Starter pack, just to hestitae.
How do I know how o take something out? I was just a matter of willing it, but it still shouldn’t be obvious.
Deciding to shove that thoughts away. The letter of the Goddess of Darkness was clear that the old man she saw before is her father and at fault for all this. And that he is a God that is very powerful, so best don’t try your luck.
Gods do as Gods do, and I have nothing else to base assumptions on, so a book about the World I currently am would be Helpful. 
Wait, it’s a starter package with fixed content, not some kind of loot box, right?
Monster Creation Scientist Starter Package opened! You received…
Fill Storage Room Basic introduction to Monster Creation Basic Book about the World
Basic Guide to Status Map Customer Service Set
Great, the fill Storage Room didn’t go into my inventory, I should look into the room next to the operation room.
*trot trot trot*
Everything is full of Meat, Heart, Veins, Fur, Horns and what one can think of! 

After Chloe calmed down she begins to asses the current situation, ignoring how her body hurts.
The Box to the left mainly contains Meat, Bones, and Horns, some supersized Teeth and Claws. None of them delicate parts. 
The Bones in the Box are all big sized one from normal Animal which make a nearly build pile, or very large and neatly in a row. 
The shelf contains most inner organs, veins, smaller bones and other smaller things. Also Furs, scales and other things that grow on the outside of animal, regardless of size. Curios enough, there aren’t nerve systems or brain, but some crystal powder and crystal. 
Mostly only inner body parts like the organs or veins are in Jars, the Crystal and the powder are also tightly sealed away, mostly in boxes with only one window. 

With so many miracles, I believe I can take a break. 

With that, Chloe takes out the Nourishment package and has one slightly large bar in one hand and a filling drink in the other. As she makes her way to the Bedroom, she noticed not only that there aren’t crumbs on the floor, but also that there are three thin books in the bookshelf.
Why do I have the feeling I can read the introduction book very fast without having to much to stomach? 
Thinking like that she opens the Book and finds out, her hunch was right! 

What’s this bullshit? You can breathe trough Lungs, oh is that so? The best thing I found out is that I can throw magic at the problem! And what’s up with this proud writing? “Trough the use of Magic Crystal or other Magic cores, you don’t even have to make the blood veins so weird as it is by Humans in your Old world in the noses! They can heat the noses through magic, without risking noose bleed!” Nosebleed, its nosebleed you Monkey!

Having calmed down after the ranting about sich a stupid book, she begins to calm down and settle down at the bed.
She decided to nap.
After waking up and some reorientation, wich we will skip, she decided on her next book.
So, it’s a world of Swords and Magic, there are Kingdoms, and so on cool, cool. I can’t get out of this Hellhole because of the “Divine Gift of the God of Creation”, which is the highest rank of things a God can grant, well, shit. And the other half of the book is two thirds about Dungeons and how Dungeon Masters have problems with the creation of Monster and the last third is trying to make me sympathise with them or trying to coerce me that I have to help them, nice lookout! No, really, great!
The other Book about Status isn’t helpful, if it weren’t for the detail that would be helpful in the introduction to Monster Creation! 
Wagte er the Stat is, you are better in it when you have more. More Strength is equal to being stronger, and that there some racial difference, like Giants being stronger than humans, even with less Strength. Wow, physics, hadn’t thought of seeing you here! Want to get drunk together? The other is skilled. The better the Skill for it, the more skilled you are in it. That should be it, if it wasn’t for the detail from before!

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