The Simple Job of Only Perishing to the Hero

Book 2: Chapter 27

「Well then, Kain-kun, I will be excusing myself here.」

「Right, Senpai. Thank you very much.」

Kain and that girl parted in front of the main gate of the grand temple.

Seeming to be the daughter of an influential person of the Grand Altlis Temple, 「Senpai」, at a glance, appeared like an impeccable person of character.

Even in front of Kain, she behaved like a compassionate and virtuous person, and looked like she was gaining his trust.

However, Ein knew.

She knew that attitude was limited to Humans, and that 「Senpai」 was also a member that supported that Demi-Human rejection argument or whatever.

However, that had no relation to Ein.

Right now, she needed to chase after Kain.

Spreading her wings and flying, Ein’s figure only looked like a mere crow from mankind’s point of view.

Recently, the royal capital had many crows, so it was wonderful that Ein wouldn’t stand out no matter where she went.


Just who was this man called Kain.

I don’t know the reason why the Alva would try to get into contact with Kain but……most likely, it’s something worthy of reporting it to Rokuna, is what Ein thought.

It was there that Ein suddenly felt an uncomfortable feeling.

The path that Kain took, was strange.

Normally, it was the time for him to return to his room in a building called a dormitory.

Yet today, he was going through an awful lot of back alleys.

It were as if he were luring something.

Just as she thought, when Kain came to a complete stop in a deserted place, he started looking around here and there.

While experiencing interest, Ein stopped on a nearby roof.

Kain placed a hand on his sword’s handle, and carefully checked the surroundings.

「……I don’t know who you are, but I know that you’ve been watching me recently.」

Hearing those words, Ein was surprised.

Could it be that he noticed her gaze?

She shouldn’t have made any actions blatant enough to be sensed.

……Then that meant that this man called Kain was strangely sharp and quite careful.

When Ein thought that it might be good to temporarily stop her observation of him, a distortion of space appeared in the sky above Kain.

「Wh, what the!?」

Kain saw that and was surprised.

However, Ein immediately noticed.

That that, was an Alva. As expected, they were trying to get in contact with Kain.

「An, an Alva!? An Alva is in the royal capital!?」

It was a sinister form, much larger than the ordinary Alva.

There was no mistake that it was identical to the special-type that Ein had crushed these past few days.

At best, it’s probably merely for show again, but ……nevertheless, this time, it appeared in a place that was quite easy to notice, is what Ein thought.

It were as if it had come out in response to Kain’s words.

「I see……So the identity of that recent gaze was you!」

The Alva in the sky looked down on Kain who had unsheathed his sword.

However, the Alva didn’t answer him.

Ein understood very well that Alva were unable to utter words.


「Y……yy……y, o, u.」


Hearing the Alva’s voice, Ein shuddered.

You (omae wo).

That is certainly what it sounded like.

There was no mistaking it.

That Alva was trying to convey something with words.

「You……kill. Mememe……rei……」

「Merei……Could it be that it said “command (meirei)”!?」

Not good.

Ein intuitively understood.

That she couldn’t allow that Alva to talk anymore than this. She couldn’t allow it to go free.

A command……Just who in the world gave it a command?


「Shut it.」

Transforming into her Majin form in an instant, Ein wielded her pocket dagger and fired seven slashes.

Having turned to pieces, Alva’s body turned into a mist of darkness and vanished, and Ein, who was dressed in black clothes, landed in front of Kain.

By the Demon King’s command, I will kill you.

If one were to connect its words, that was most likely what that Alva was trying to say.

However, Demon King Vermudol would never give that kind of command.

By whose command would cause the Alva to persistently target Kain.

「E……erm……you, are……?」

She was called out by Kain who sounded bewildered, but Ein didn’t answer him and put her dagger away into her pocket.

Seeing that, Kain also hurried sheathed his own sword.


She had reflexively come out in front of Kain, but Ein didn’t have any plans beyond this at all.

What should she do now……Fortunately, being in her Majin form, her physical appearance wasn’t all that different from Humans.

If she dealt with things appropriately, then it should all work out.

As she thought that, she was called out to by Kain.

「Ah, could it be……is your name, Merei……is that it?」

As she was about to say “Just what in the world are you saying” to him, Ein noticed Kain’s misunderstanding.

Indeed, the Alva certainly didn’t say 「meirei (command)」 but 「merei」.

The Alva came to kill the person called Merei……it might be natural to understand it like that.

If he misunderstood things like that, there was no need to go out of her way to correct him.

「Who knows. I have no intention of giving my name to you though.」

「I, I see. That’s understandable too. Ah, I’m Kain. Kain Stagius……」


「Not interested.」

After Ein replied like that, she nimbly went up to the rooves.

For some reason, the incomprehensible words “so kunoichi are also around this area” that Kain said strangely remained in Ein’s ears.

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