The Strongest Devouring Upgrade

Chapter 1: Boy here

"I didn't learn the secret secretly!"

"This is a false accusation!"

Lu Pingan abruptly sat up from the bed, awakened in cold sweat.

Damn it! This nightmare again!

It has been three months since he was reborn in the Tianyuan Continent. Lu Ping'an couldn't remember how many times he had dreamed of this scene. But this physical memory told him that this scene had really happened.

He originally studied in the U.S. as an exchange student for postgraduate entrance examinations, and was finally hired by the HGP Research Center in the United States with outstanding results. He became the only Chinese researcher in the genome of the HGP Research Center in the United States, specializing in human genetics. It just so happens that because of the reason of Chinese descent, he has been rejected by the research center on the edge of AI and human gene core topics. In an accident, Lu Pingan broke through the core secrets of the research center's AI and human genes topics, and attracted secret killings by the research center agents.

While escaping from the laboratory in a panic, Lu Pingan accidentally touched the AI ​​self-destruct program. In less than ten seconds, the HGP Research Center, which was built with tens of billions of dollars, rose up into a mushroom cloud and was instantly razed to the ground, and Lu Ping'an was naturally annihilated in the dust.

When he woke up again and regained his consciousness, he had already become the Tianyuan Continent Cangwu Country, a teenager from the Lu Family in Wanqiu City who had been abolished for his cultivation-Lu Pingan.

Three months' time was enough for Lu Pingan to merge the memory fragments of his former owner and accept the identity of his former owner Lu Pingan. His words, deeds and life habits are all traces of his former master Lu Ping'an. Sometimes, even in subtle ways, Lu Pingan feels that he is Lu Pingan of Wanqiu City!

If it weren't for a system brought out from the HGP Research Center in his mind, Lu Ping'an would even feel that all the memories of the earth are just a dream!

The former owner of this body, Lu Ping'an, was severely injured and killed because his cultivation base was abolished, so that his soul could be born. As for why his predecessor Lu Pingan was abolished, how could he still be unclear after three months of memory fusion?

He learned from his memory that the original master possessed the six levels of martial arts realm cultivation base, which has always been the original master's own secret, and no one in the Lu family knew about this. Only once, he had just broken the border and succeeded. A person excitedly tried how to solidify the spiritual energy into the body armor of the whole body in the room, and there was a little movement. As a result, when he finished his practice and walked out of the room, the housekeeper Bai told him that Young Master Qianqiu had been there when he was practicing.

Master Qianqiu is his cousin Lu Qianqiu.

Three days later, he was taken to the Law Enforcement Hall, where he was abolished by the elders of the clan on charges of stealing the secret practice of the family secret "Dragon Bird Illuminating Nerves".

Lu Qianqiu, Lu Qianqiu, you...


Suddenly, the piercing pain struck again, disturbing Lu Ping's thoughts.

He felt that every joint of his body was being bitten by thousands of ants, and at the same time the nerves connected to his temples began to twitch and beat, and half of his head seemed to be split in pain.


Lu Pingan curled up with pain. For these three months, he had to experience this kind of pain almost every night. This is a sequelae of forcibly abolished the cultivation base. Every night he could only sleep lightly for one or two hours, and then he was awakened either by nightmares or by pain...

Each time this pain lasts for about a quarter of an hour, and then slowly calms down.

Lu Pingan struggling to sit up on the fence beside the bed, he sighed, and moved his body slowly to get out of the bed, using his somewhat paralyzed fingers to dress neatly.

At this time, the night was dark. He sneaked out of the door and walked towards the family's refining workshop. As a family waste whose cultivation base was abolished, no one would pay attention to what he did for these three months. His practice provided enough freedom and time.

Although the refining workshop is the important place of the family, the waste equipment yard where the waste materials are piled up is very quiet because no one is on duty at night.

For Lu Pingan, this is the most suitable place for him to practice right now.

He walked to the center of the junkyard and looked around. After confirming that there was no one, Lu Ping'an carefully took out a yellow-level low-grade spirit stone from his arms, which was given to him by his cousin Lu Linglong. Now in this family, only this little cousin who has just turned ten still regards him as a relative.

Lu Pingan held the Lingshi in his palm. Suddenly, the palm of his hand warmed, and then there were waves of restlessness from the dantian, which resonated with the spirit stone.

Lu Pingan did not dare to delay, and immediately sat cross-legged, spinning the sun, refining spiritual stones.

At this time, the familiar voice in his mind sounded again.

"System Level: Level 1

Bloodline value: 0/50, bloodline value required to upgrade: 50

Judgment: the lower grade of the yellow-level spirit stone, the aura value: 15

Result: Swallowing success!

Current Aura: 15. "

Lu Ping'an suddenly opened his eyes, the yellow-level low-grade spirit stone in his hand had lost its surface brilliance, and had become a pitch-black ordinary rock.

At this moment, he felt his body lighten, and it felt like he could fly to the beam of the room with a hard jump.

From the memory of Lu Pingan's past practice, he knew that he felt this way when he stepped into the fourth level of martial art.

Finally succeeded!

These days, after refining more than a dozen low-grade spirit stones, he was finally promoted to the first level of the martial art realm, the first level of the martial art realm after he was drained of qi sea!

Without this system in his mind, Lu Pingan believed that he would never be able to return to the four levels of martial art in this life.

This system, which calls himself the "Swallowing System", Lu Ping'an didn't know how it appeared in his mind, but he believed that it was inseparable from the secret of AI human genes at the HGP Research Center.

Now that he has returned to the fourth level of the martial arts realm, he knows that this means that he can finally practice the exercises left to him by his father Lu Tianbo.

Lu Pingan couldn't wait to take off the jade seal he was wearing on his neck.

This jade seal is not only a relic left to him by his father, but also the real reason why Lu Ping's realm improved so quickly before he was abandoned. Rather than stealing family secrets.

Lu Ping'an took a deep breath, got rid of the distracting thoughts in his mind, and burst out aura.


Just after Lu Pingan released the aura in his body, a magical scene happened. The flawless mutton jade seal suddenly glowed like a fluorescent stone.

At the same time, the aura diffused on the surface of Lu Ping'an's body, like river water being sucked into a whirlpool, all gathered inside the jade seal.

The jade seal became brighter and brighter, and at the end, a beam of light lased from it, projecting dense text on the flat ground.

Yes, there is a technique hidden in this jade seal, but even Lu Ping’s deceased genius father, Lu Tianbo, who is known as the first person in Wanqiu City’s bloodline talent, can’t understand it all.

Obviously, this is a more advanced practice technique than Lu Family's "Dragon Bird Shocking Nerves".

When he was tried in the Law Enforcement Hall, in order to keep this secret, Lu Ping'an didn't say a word about it, so that Lu Tianwang had a stronger reason to convict Lu Ping'an.

This exercise is called "The Origin of Qi Ti", and it has 1,084 characters, but Lu Pingan can only read the first two lines, less than a hundred characters.

Even so, Lu Ping'an still relied on these less than a hundred words to break through to the sixth level of martial art before he was sixteen.

From beginning to end, Lu Ping'an reviewed "The Origin of Qi Ti" in detail.

This time, he still could only read about a hundred characters, and the text after that was too obscure and clueless.

Lu Pingan stopped thinking about it, sat cross-legged and started practicing according to the exercises guided by the first two lines of the exercise.

Different from the traditional Qi training method, the method guided by "The Origin of Qi Body" is not just to store the aura that is absorbed into the body in the sea of ​​Qi.

Rather, after running a special Zhou Tian, ​​the aura is condensed into a liquid state, and then the "aura seeds" are buried in the depths of the sea of ​​qi like an old farmer planting crops.


I saw Lu Ping'an showing his hands and ankles outside of his clothes, and a line of orange-red veins emerged. This is the basis for being a cultivator in the Eastern Continent, innate blood!

As Lu Ping's revolves around the sky, the spiritual energy between the heavens and the earth is continuously separated from the air, and through the seven meridians and eight meridians, it continuously converges into the sea of ​​qi at the dantian.

As time passed by, Lu Ping'an was immersed in the practice and devoted himself to this world.


"Who? Who is there?"

A sharp voice interrupted Lu Pingan's practice.

He is familiar with this voice, it is Wu Guan from the training workshop!

He knew that this steward Wu, a full-fledged fanatic, had been in the Lu family for almost a dozen years, and later he was cast as a minion under Lu Qianqiu's family. Last year, he was recommended by Lu Qianqiu to the elders and this servant became a practitioner. The steward of Qifang.

But in the middle of the night, what did he run into this junkyard for?

Listening to Guanshi Wu's footsteps getting closer, Lu Ping'an hurriedly buried the "Reiki Seed" in the sea of ​​Qi. Knowing that he wanted to hide his whereabouts, it was probably too late, so he calmly greeted him.

"Who am I, it turned out to be Guan Wu! I haven't slept so late?" Lu Ping'an walked to a position more than ten feet away from Guan Wu and stopped.

"Lu Pingan? In the middle of the night, why were you in the junkyard?" Guan Shi frowned when he saw Lu Pingan.

The corner of Lu Pingan's mouth raised slightly, and he asked faintly, "Ms. Wu, is the junkyard belonged to the Lu family?"

"Of course!" Wu Guanshi didn't want to reply.

"Then it's over?" Lu Ping'an shrugged and wanted to leave.

Guan Shi looked puzzled, and called out, "Wait, what is it?"

Lu Ping'an laughed and said, "You have said that this is a family territory. As a child of the Lu family, why can't I be here?"

"You..." Guan Shi was choked by Lu Ping's words, but he was even more surprised that Lu Ping's attitude was different tonight.

You must know that since Lu Ping's was forcibly abolished his cultivation base, he was a useless person in the mansion. The family had already given up him, and he himself lived in a muddle-headed manner like a walking dead.

In this mansion, anyone can ridicule him.

Guanshi Wu was originally the master of dominance. He relied on the presence of Lu Qianqiu in the mansion as his backer, so he often ridiculed the former high-ranking young master of peace.

But what happened tonight?

How did this young master trash become so sharp?

"What am I?"

Lu Pingan looked at Guan Shi with a scorching gaze, and continued to say faintly: "The Lu family is still the Lu family, and the children of the Lu family are still your master no matter how unworthy they are. If you forget your identity, you dare to be a slave to deceive the master. With this move, ten Lu Qianqiu can't save you!"

Lu Pingan's voice is not loud, but every sentence and every word is like a heavy hammer, beating in Guan Shi Wu's heart, making him tremble.


Guan Shi Wu instantly felt the imposing momentum in Lu Ping'an!

How can this be?

A family whose cultivation base has been abolished is just an abandoned son, how could it have such a coercive aura!

illusion! It must be an illusion!

Seeing Lu Ping’s turn around, he was about to leave. Naturally, he couldn’t stop there. If he let Lu Ping leave so cheaply today, would he still be able to stand up in the refining workshop in the future?

"Lu Ping'an, put away your young master, you thought it was when your father Lu Tianbo was alive?"

Guan Shi yelled at Lu Ping's back, and saw his voice teasing, "This is different from the past. If you want to show off your Ping An's prestige, let your dead ghost dad crawl out of the coffin! Ha! Haha..."

"you wanna die!"

Before Lu Ping's voice fell, people had arrived.

Lu Ping'an's body shook, and he instantly turned into a figure, instantly moving to Guan Shi Wu's.

Immediately afterwards, he quickly drew out a dagger he was carrying with him, and a hook of his arm, just a momentary movement, cut through the pipe of Wu Guanshi and took his life straight away.

This kind of close combat, a combat technique for deterring the enemy and taking lives, was taught by his father to defend himself. However, it requires the practitioner to have a cultivation base of the fourth level or above of the martial art realm to achieve silent, rapid display, direct death, and kill the enemy with one blow!

Today, he did it!

Guanshi Wu clutched his blood gurgling neck, stared at Lu Ping'an with his eyes widened, and made a hurried "Hoho" sound in his eyes, with disbelief in his eyes.


Guan Shi fell to the ground and went to the west.

That bitter mouth was finally closed!

In fact, with Lu Pingan's current martial arts realm's four-tier primary cultivation base, it is easy to kill Guan Shi. However, he chose the close combat method his father taught him, and solved the doglegs by himself.

He can tolerate insulting him, but insulting his father who is deeply imprinted in his mind is absolutely impossible!

He wiped the blood stains from the dagger on Guanshi Wu's corpse, looked at his corpse, and muttered to himself: "Lu Qianqiu, kill your dog leg! The right is to collect some interest! As for our two accounts. , Go back and count together!"

Afterwards, he fumbled for Guanshi Wu's body, trying to find out if there was any spirit stone on the other party's body. He needed a lot of spirit stones to continue to improve his cultivation.

After groping for a while, I suddenly touched a hard object, a brocade box.

He carefully opened the brocade box and found that it was actually a core of an underground spirit beast.

Lu Pingan suddenly understood the reason why Guanshi Wu appeared in the refining workshop late at night-stealing spirit beast cores!

The core of the spirit beast is obtained by hunting the spirit beast, and its function is similar to that of the aura that gathers aura in the dantian of the human body. After refining, it can be used to enhance its own strength. It is a rare treasure.

Unexpectedly, this steward Wu actually stole himself!

"Since it is ill-gotten wealth, I will reluctantly collect it, Xiaoye!"

Said that Lu Ping'an took the brocade box into his arms.

He ignored the corpse of Manager Wu and left the junkyard.


The next day, the whole Lu family began to report that the Refining Workshop was stolen and Wu Guanshi died. The Lu family was panicked for a while, and many of the subordinates of the refining workshop were taken into the law enforcement hall for strict trial.

Only Lu Pingan's residence is still calm.

No one doubted that a person who was abolished and cultivated was able to kill Guanshi Wu who was a martial artist with three levels of martial arts, and looking at Guanshi Wu's death, he killed him with a single shot, without even struggling.

If there is no cultivation base above the triple peak of the martial arts realm, it will definitely not be possible. This is also the reason why Lu Pingan didn't clean up the scene after killing Guan Wu, destroying the corpse, because no one would doubt him as a waste of the Lu family.

On the shore of Taihe Lake, the Lu Family Law Enforcement Hall.

Law Enforcement Elder Lu Tianwang closed his eyes and sat in the grand division chair in the middle of the hall, listening to his subordinates reporting about the life case in the refining workshop.

"Elder Lu, so far we have checked all the disciples of the Refining Workshop. We have also checked the disciples of the Lu Family Martial Realm and above the triple peak, and no suspicious people have been found."

"not found?"

Lu Tianwang slowly opened his eyes, "It's all a bunch of rubbish! This can't be done well! Bring up the body of Guan Shi Wu."


Not long after, Guanshi Wu's body was carried to the hall of the law enforcement hall. Lu Tian looked up and uncovered the white cloth covering the body.

The next moment, his eyes widened involuntarily!

How could this be?

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