The Strongest Necromancer with Evolutionary Abilities

Chapter 125: God

'I'm okay.'

Now, beyond the completely blocked vision, I thought of the friend who had already escaped this city.

I did my best.

And I had no regrets.

Even though I didn't know what would happen to me here.

'Because my friend survived.'

That's enough.

There was no need to stay here because of these relentless black smokes.


But still, if...

'If my friend stayed behind.'

...How happy would I be?


My mana began to waver.

Mom handled it well, but I must still have a long way to go.

Will I have to stay in this repeating city, engulfed by the black smokes, again soon?

If so, this time, I'll be alone.

No, there's Rulf.

But it's still a bit disappointing.

"I'll take you to see another play when we get out of here someday."

A promise my friend once made.

I've watched countless performances together in the plaza.

Now I even have all the lines memorized.

But still, I'm okay.

"This is delicious! What is it?"

"Is this your first time trying something like snacks?"

"Snacks! I've heard of them! This is a snack?"

"When we go outside later, I'll buy you something even tastier."


My friend had promised to buy me snacks someday.

Tastier than what I had here.

I had been looking forward to it, but it's a bit disappointing.

But still, I'm okay.

With my friend.

Talking more, playing more, and seeing more...

There were still so many things I wanted to do together.

So many things I wanted to say.

'It was too short.'

If I had known, I would have endured countless loops just to spend more time together.

It's regrettable, but...

Still, they'll remember me.


That's enough.

My life had been nothing anyway.

It felt gratifying to have done something for someone, even in the end.

And the fact that the recipient was my friend made it even better.

So, I'm really okay.


The smokes were getting out of control.

They weren't ordinary souls.

Due to countless regressions, I couldn't feel rationality anymore.

They had just amalgamated into evil, making communication impossible.

If we had communicated, we might have had some control.

"But still, I'm not alone because Rulf is here."


"If I had known it would turn out like this, I would have sent you to friend too. I'm sorry."

I can't hold on any longer.

It's the end now.

The prospect of eternal loneliness ahead choked me, but I endured.

Loneliness was familiar.

"So... I'm okay."

The black smokes, which I could no longer keep at bay, rushed closer like a rampage.

With my eyes closed, I accepted my fate...

Light approached.


I slowly opened my heavy eyelids in response to the intense sensation transmitted through them.

The light, so unexpectedly bright, was impossible to look at directly.

But the voice coming from that light gave strength to my legs.



The black smokes were relentlessly pushed away.

As if they were cleaning up the world painted black.

The light of the Gate to the World.

Through it, Adrias, wearing a black crown, was approaching.

"A dream?"

Is this a dream?

Why is my friend here? And this light...

"Luna Pendragon."

I still couldn't believe it.

I just stared blankly, and he smiled, saying, "Let's go back together."





My body trembled.

I swallowed my blood and forced a smile.

I couldn't worry Luna.

"Friend... Friend!"

She shed tears like a little child.

How agonizing it must have been.

I knew how remarkable her determination was because I had spent time in this godforsaken place with her.

Enduring an eternal time that you can't even die in, all alone.

It was terrifying beyond imagination.

The smokes that surrounded her retreated as I used my light magic.

It was just a simple light spell, but thanks to my extraordinary talent in light magic and the special skill "Greed," it became an extraordinary light spell.

The magic that turned the entire city white might make someone who didn't know think it was the rebirth of a god.

"I thought there wouldn't be any side effects. Can't hold on for long."

The special skill Greed.

And the skill inherent in the crown, Charity.

I thought using both would eliminate the side effects, but I was greatly mistaken.

It did eliminate the side effects.

It just removed only the transcendent emotional state.

[Mana absorption increased by 666%.]

[Magic resistance increased by 666%.]

[Mana control increased by 666%.]

[Physical regeneration increased by 666%.]

[Temporary talent 'Insight (Genius)' applied.]

[Your stamina does not drop temporarily.]

[Entering the transcendent emotional state 'Greed.']

[Lasts for 66 seconds.]

Thanks to the increased mana control, I could meticulously control the light around Luna and me, reducing its power. Otherwise, both of us would have been blinded.

Unfortunately, the portal has disappeared.

Now, I don't know what will happen to me either.

Will the regressions continue, or is there another way to escape?

Still, for now...

"I'm relieved."

―Chuckle, chuckle!

Rulf clapped his hands, delighted.

What does he know that he's acting like this?

I carefully bent down and wiped away Luna's tears.

If I had a niece, would this be what it feels like?

Regardless, the important thing was that Luna was now my person.

'I won't give up. I won't abandon her.'

Though I didn't know what it was like at first, the time we had spent together through countless regressions was not an ordinary experience.

It felt like family.

Even Evan, who was once our adversary, felt like a comrade who had endured trials together.


The black smokes had discreetly disappeared.

Thanks to that, when the time of Greed ended, we were both safe.


Luna still choked on her words.

Hearing my name from her lips after so long.

"Why didn't you leave?"

"For someone like you, I think you like it here."

"I do! But that's separate! Adrias should have left! You shouldn't have stayed because of me!"

"It's okay. There must be a way for us to leave together."

Honestly, I couldn't guarantee it.

But there must be some way.

However, before that thought could fully form, an unexpected message reached us.


Just as I was about to ask what that meant, surprised by how much he was talking today...

―Did you call me?

The air trembled.

It was a sound that could not be produced by human language or oral structures, yet the meaning was conveyed.

And I had experienced this kind of thing even in games.


The appearance of a god.

―God. Yes, you call me 'god.' I know that they have given me the name 'Lethe.'

I never expected a god to intervene.

I knew they had all disappeared since ancient times.

We couldn't see any form.

But judging by the presence we could sense nearby, it was clear that they were close to us.

In the end, I couldn't hold on any longer and collapsed.

As I looked at Luna with a worried heart, I saw Rulf, who had been on her shoulder, foaming at the mouth and collapsing. She, too, was panting and had her hand on the ground.

"What do you want?"

―Me? To you? I just answered the call.

"I haven't called you."

―I haven't said you called me either.

Then who called? Did Berial call before she died?

My body was already not in great condition due to the recoil from Greed.

When the pressure from Lethe, which was gradually intensifying, began to make my head spin, something emerged.

["I called."]

Original Sin?

―Long time no see, Observer.

["We're not here to exchange pleasantries."]

I couldn't concentrate due to the sudden start of the conversation.

―What do you want?

["I called to give you a warning."]

I could feel the emotions of Original Sin.

Such vivid vengeance and vitality.

What happened? I didn't even know the fact that Original Sin had a self in the previous life, so I had no idea.

["Just wait. I'll kill you all."]

―I'm looking forward to it.

Incomprehensible conversation flowed, and soon Original Sin seemed to fall asleep.

What does this guy want to do?

When the aimless and incomprehensible conversation seemed to be coming to an end, Lethe's attention turned towards me.

―Is it painful

"Are you speaking to me?"


"Yes, It is painful."

―I see.

I could feel Lethe's gaze.

―It seems you've been asleep for quite a while.

Although I couldn't see, it felt like Lete was looking around.

After carefully surveying the surroundings, Lethe's gaze returned to me.

―You have a remarkable mental strength.

Damn, what am I supposed to do? If you're going to disappear, do it quickly.

I was in so much pain that I almost let out a curse, but I couldn't rashly provoke the entity referred to as a god.

This being could easily erase a human like me from the world with just a breath.

After all, this entity casually created a space like this.

"Do you want something from me?"

―No. Instead, I have something to offer.


I found myself responding involuntarily.

Something to offer?

―I hope that you and the Observer can achieve your shared goal.

Calling the Original Sin the Observer is one thing, but a shared goal?

I didn't even know what Original Sin's goal was in the first place.

My goal is simply the peace of the world and my own happiness.

['The one who forgets at the edge of memories' grants protection.]

[Protection will manifest automatically upon meeting the conditions.]

Protection? Meeting the conditions?

This is something I've never encountered before, not even in games.

―I'll be waiting.

With that, Lethe disappeared.

Along with it, a gathering of white light formed a portal.

'A portal! Thank goodness...'

...I thought, just as.

The sudden release of pressure felt like a rush of air into collapsed lungs, causing me to gasp.


In the end, I started coughing up blood.

Shivering, I summoned Nickel and retrieved a potion from the expanded backpack he was holding.

At the same time, I forcibly fed potions to Rulf and Luna.

'Just the mere presence, without any malice or hostility, possesses this much power...'

In the game, it had seemed like an abstractly strong entity, but experiencing it firsthand made me understand why it was called a god.

I didn't know if it was an actual god, but with that level of power, it could certainly be considered one.

"What a waste."

Luna, who couldn't protect herself due to her depleted mana, muttered after drinking the potion.

"I wanted to talk to the god too."

It seemed like she was still okay, which was a relief.

Even though I was still somewhat shocked, I couldn't help but smile.

The portal didn't show any signs of disappearing, unlike the previous ones.

As we were about to restrain ourselves and leave, something caught my eye.


The reason I came here.

In hindsight, I had experienced an incredibly surreal journey.

I had thought it was just a dragon's tomb, but things had taken a completely unexpected turn.

Still, since I'm here, I should turn that into my undead.

'When I think about it, this journey has granted me soul imprints, divine protection, and even a real dragon.'

Even if I were asked if I wanted to go back to the past and redo everything, I would probably shake my head.

That's how much this experience was filled with despair and frustration.

"I'm glad Luna is safe."

Come to think of it, is Evan okay?

By now, he might be worrying about us.

'When we get out, will there be enemies waiting for us?'

I didn't know.

For now, I had to create a bone dragon and leave with Luna.

To fulfill the promise I made to her.

As I approached Krivmaher, I noticed something strange.

"What is this...?"

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