The Superman of All Heavens Starts from the End of the World

Chapter 78


After breakfast, Feng Luo brought the three girls to the lobby slowly.

"Mr. Feng, you are here. Lord Wright is in the reception room over there. I will take you there.

The moment the butler saw Feng Luo, he trotted over and said,

""Okay, you lead the way."

Feng Luo nodded.

"Well, Mr. Feng, Weiwei and I won't go. It's not appropriate for us to go in when Mr. Wright wants to see you."

At this time, Avril's voice sounded.

"That's fine." Feng Luo then turned to Li Wan,"Wan'er, do you want to go in with me?"

"I won't go either, I still want Weiwei and Avril to teach me the language."

Li Wan thought about it after hearing that. The man named Wright was here to find Feng Luo. It would be meaningless for her to follow him in. It would be more practical to learn from Weiwei and Avril.

"OK, I'll go over first, you guys go back to your room first."

After Feng Luo finished speaking, he turned around and walked towards the housekeeper.


"Mr. Feng, Mr. Wright, I won't bother you anymore. I'll be outside. If you need anything, just call me."

The butler took Feng Luo into the living room and walked out while talking.

"Mr. Feng, please take a seat."

Feng Luo nodded and sat down,"I wonder what the city lord wants to see me about?"

"Mr. Feng, just call me Light. It’s really abrupt for me to visit Mr. Feng this time. I should have sent a visiting card to Mr. Feng first, but I have no choice. The situation is critical and I have to come directly."

Light looked at Feng Luo with an apologetic look on his face.

Light did plan to visit Feng Luo. Just as he said, he originally planned to send a visiting card to Feng Luo first, and then arrange a time to meet Feng Luo.

But just this morning, Light received news that there was a problem in the Warcraft Forest, and a large number of Warcraft were gathering.

Based on past experience, Light knew when he got the news that the Warcraft was about to riot. However, it used to riot only once every five years, but it has only been four years since the last Warcraft riot.

In the past, when Warcraft was about to riot, adventurers would The guild would issue missions across the country in advance, inviting adventurers to join in resisting the monster riots, and then the empire would send the Dark Soul Legion to the city of Sel.

But this time it was a full year late, and it was too late to issue the mission. Although Wright had sent someone to deliver the message to the imperial capital, it would take almost a month to go back and forth.

By then, even if the empire's reinforcements arrived, it was estimated that the city of Sel would have become an empty city.

In a critical situation, Wright thought of Golzan's description of Feng Luo and his own records of the demigods in the family history.

Wright could only come to Feng Luo to see if there was any way.

"Can you tell me why the situation has become critical?"

Feng Luo was also a little curious. Everything was fine yesterday, and he even watched fireworks with Li Wan and Wei Wei last night. Why is it suddenly different today?

"It's like this, Mr. Feng, something happened in the Monster Forest.…………"

Seeing Feng Luo asking, Wright took the opportunity to tell Feng Luo about the situation in the Warcraft Mountain Range.

Five minutes later

"Are you saying that the Warcraft riot happened earlier than planned? And there was no preparation in advance, so the situation in Cel City is very dangerous now, so they came to me for help?"

"Yes, Mr. Feng"

"Why did you think of looking for me? This is the first time we meet, right?"

"I am a friend of Golzan. He came to me last night and told me about Mr. Feng."

"Haha, I didn't expect that this Ge Erzan's acting skills are quite good. I didn't see any traces of acting yesterday."

Feng Luo couldn't help but smile when he thought of Ge Erzan's superb acting skills at the bank yesterday.

Wright had a bad premonition when he saw Feng Luo smile, and then suddenly thought that he seemed to have sold Ge Erzan out.

But now the situation is urgent, so he had to bear with him first.

"Tell me about your preparations. You shouldn't have made any other preparations besides coming to see me, right?"

Feng Luo recalled what happened in the bank yesterday and then asked Wright.

"Mr. Feng, please rest assured. I have sent people to the Adventure Guild to issue the mission, and the city defense army is also ready to fight at any time."

"However, these can only deal with some not-so-strong monsters. In the past, there was always a monster comparable to our human legendary realm to lead the attack of the monsters."

"Besides you, Mr. Feng, there are only two people in the Golden Realm in Sel City, me and Golzan. It is not enough to deal with the legendary beast, so I have no choice but to come to Mr. Leper."

Wright said that Sel City has reached a critical moment of life and death. If Feng Luo hadn't taken action, Sel City would probably not escape the fate of being destroyed this time.

"I can help you, but first tell me the reward for my help."

Feng Luo thought about it and decided to help. Feng Luo really liked this city and didn't want it to be destroyed. However, he had to talk about the reward first. He didn't want to be taken advantage of for free.

"Of course, but I don't know what you want, Mr. Feng?"

As Wright threw the question of reward back, Feng Luo began to think. Today was only the third day since he and Li Wan came to this world. Although he had a basic understanding of this world, he only understood the general background of this world.

Money? Feng Luo had no shortage of it. He still had nearly 300 billion in his purple gold card, and he didn't know about other good things.

If he had known this would happen, he should have let Weiwei and Avril come in together. After all, they were born and raised in this world, and they must know more than him.

"I don’t know what I’m still missing. Why don’t you tell me what good things you have so I can see if there’s anything I’m interested in?"

"But don't worry, I won't take all of them, I'll just take three or four at most."

Finally, Feng Luo added that he was not a greedy person.

Hearing Feng Luo's answer, Wright felt a little distressed, after all, his private collection was just so small, and Feng Luo asked for three or four items at once. However, although he felt distressed, Wright gritted his teeth and said

"How about this, Mr. Feng, I will go back and make a list of my private collection for you, and then you can choose whatever you like."

"Well, that's fine. That's it for today. When the monsters come to attack the city, just send someone to call me."

"Okay, I won't bother Mr. Feng for now. I also need to go back and make some preparations."


After the two of them walked out of the reception room,"Mr. Feng, I'll take my leave first. I'll send someone to inform you when the time comes.""


Feng Luo nodded and turned back upstairs.

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