The Survival of an Inferior

1. Transmigration


Rapid clicking fills the atmosphere of a dark room, the only source of light comes from the computer monitor. 

My eyes dart as fast as my hands move. I can't waste even a second. 

The screen is filled with random colours of destruction and chaos. The main character could not even be seen clearly. But from the sounds, I could differentiate my position and the boss, rapidly attacking it with all that I have while evading its onslaught of bullet hell.

My hands become numb among the many plasters on my fingers. It hurts. 

"But I've come this far, I can't back down now! Just a little bit more!" I say.

*Bam!* *Bam!* *Bam!*


That's my cue!

I slide the computer mouse across the mouse pad and quickly bash "W", "K", "S", and "K" again repeatedly.

The sound of bullets hitting a metallic object rings through my headphones. 

"Arghhhh!!!!!" A voice echoes.

"YES!!!" I scream in jubilant and jump, punching the air. "Now I can finally see the cutscene that only three people have seen!" 


Suddenly, the computer screen fades to black.


"Huh...? You have to be joking..." I mumble and check the computer. 

The power is on but the screen is completely black. I tried leaving the game application and restarting the computer but to no avail.


"Hah..." I sigh as I fall back into the chair. 

At the very least, my record should be uploaded onto the forum by now and my name will be famous.

For now, I should check if the video recording is saved so I can upload it onto my channel-

My train of thought was interrupted when a sudden notification pops up on my phone beside the keyboard. I pick up and check it, it's an email.

It reads:


Dear Player Kingnode9,

Congratulations on defeating "Elvis Arcane"! You are one of the few chosen ones to be offered the experience of testing the full release of "Elvis Arcane".

The hourly wage will be 100 dollars an hour.

For further details, click here!

Reply "789" if you wish to partake in the job.

Best regards,

Star Valium.


I stare at the screen in surprise.

100 dollars an hour?! That's high!


It seemed slightly suspicious at first but for it to be sent immediately after I cleared the too much of a coincidence. Secondly, the high wage may be due to the low amount of people who cleared the game.

Star Valium is a company that appeared out of nowhere and released a game called "Elvis Arcane". The game was heavily criticized for its insanely difficult, time-consuming, and realistic gameplay, depriving many people of their time and health. 

However, for a challenge maniac like me, it was the best game to enjoy. 

Although it did take 5 years, I've diligently studied the game's mechanics and went through many trials. 

I smile. 

It puts a huge load off my shoulder now that I've completed it.

Without putting much thought into it, I reply "789" to the email. 


Suddenly, terrible nausea barrages my body. I lean against the wall for support and try to call for the ambulance.

" going on..." I say.

The world is spinning...

The moment I step back, I fall deep into a void.

Or did I?

I'm not sure.

Either way, my body falls into a deep coma and I collapse on the ground.


It's cold...

I can feel metallic...?

Something heavy lies on my body.



*Ching! Ching!*

The loud sound of metal clashing? Who...

What is this pungent foul smell in the air? Where am I?

My eyelids slide up. 

I can see a dark blue sky through a small hole above. Snowflakes drop through and fall into my eye.

"Ack..." I groan and try to move my body.

Winter? It's currently April! Where am I?!

Suddenly, something with red scales moves into visibility. A wing is behind that creature and two horns protrude from its head.


The demon flies up and it becomes more clear what it is holding: a human head.


"Ha!...hah...hah...huff...huff......" I try to control myself. 

Am I hallucinating? Is this a bad dream? 

Why is there...

I look around and manage to see the crest on the breastplate I wear.

My eyes widen as my body shivers, not from the cold but from fear.

"N-No no no..." I mumble.

The crest is a sword with a flower on its guard, the symbol of the Everlasting Knight from the Kingdom of Elvis. 

Am I inside Elvis Arcane? That hell?!

"S-Status screen," I say.

A holographic panel pops up near my face:


Name: Samuel Turner

Title: None

Class: Trainee Knight

Lvl: 2


Mana: 0

Atk: 5

Def: 9

Dex: 2

Mag: 0

Luck: 2



No no...let's be optimistic, I may not exactly be in-

Another panel pops up:


Survive and achieve the True Ending of "Elvis Arcane".

Only then will the player be allowed to return.

Remember, this is not a game. This is reality. Death is death.



"Haha...I'm screwed." I mumble.


Odd, I feel calm because I cleared the game before.

Amid fear and anxiety, I feel thrilled.

This is reality, I know. This is different from simply pressing some buttons in my room.

And lastly, there is no second chance. 


A life-and-death challenge isn't so bad. 

When I hear no movement, I try my best to push against the mass and climb out.

"Huff huff..." 

My breath blows out a snowy mist.

What was lying on my body was ironically a pile of corpses, demons have a great sense of smell and those masked my presence.

I stand atop the bodies and gaze down at the bloody battlefield of white snow and crimson gore. 

I clench my fist and I vow in my heart that I will survive.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.