The sword god turned into a blind fox girl

Chapter 5: Administrator of The Administration guild

Thank you to @SpookeyTEK for proofreading

In the upper office of the administration guild.

"Sir, I'm here to report a bug with the crystal ball," Ahlad, who had come back from the land of the dead, knocked on the door to the office.

"Enter." a stern voice answered.

Opening the door, Ahlad saw the administrator of the guild, an elf with a golden hair cut to his shoulder.

The admin, named Maeral Vahice, was reading papers stacked on his table.

"Report quickly, I'm busy at the moment," Maeral put down the papers in his hand and turned his attention to Ahlad.

"Yes, sir, please take a look at this." Ahlad handed him a crystal ball. Inserting some mana into the ball, it projected the status of Blade.

More notably, the glitched letters.

"Hmm, odd, this bug shouldn't have happened."

"What is it, sir?" Ahlad inquired.

"Well, if you had lived 300 years ago when the status identity became a new standard, the most common bug you would find is this." Maeral showed the black bar.

"This means that it cannot recognize the language it is reading, and produces these black bars in place of the letters and words it cannot process."

"What I find weird is that I had put most of the languages known in the world into the database, but it seems I missed some."

"And for the age, I have no clue." Maeral scratched his chin in thought before handing him back the ball.

{I had updated the chapter where her age was shown in the ball}

"Call the person with this status, I want to ask some questions."

'A fox-kin huh, interesting' Maeral mused.


Waking up to the warmth of the sun, Blade's nose twitched as a tint of blood lingered in the air. Turning to the source, she noticed the streets that were cleaned, but if someone looked close enough, one could see pebbles that were thrown out of place and scratches on the branches.

Donning her blindfold, Blade went downstairs to see Kanski in his usual spot reading a book.

"Oh, little fox lady, did you sleep alright yesterday?" Kanski turned his eyes to observe her before returning to the book.

Ignoring what he said, she placed something metallic on the table.

Curious, Kanski turned his eyes to the table to see a copper coin on the table.

"Thank you," Blade said emotionlessly before turning to the door to leave.

As she was about to exit, she sensed Kanski throwing a small projectile at her.

Catching it, she saw it was the copper coin she gave.

"Little fox, you already paid yesterday. Call it the ‘do-not-disturb’ service, a very special service only provided by yours truly."

"Then... tell me who sent them."

"Hmm, I don't know, little fox. I'm just a lowly innkeeper, not an info broker."

Throwing back the copper coin, Kanski caught it skillfully before reconsidering his answer.

"They were sent by a baron named Aaden Windhelm. He's infamous for harassing the lower classes, including kidnapping beauties for his 'collection.'" As Kanski recalled his information, his face darkened significantly, especially after saying 'collection’.

"I recommend you to avoid that guy. I won't be around forever to provide my service, y'know." His mood returned to his normal carefree self.

After saying so, he saw Blade had already left through the door.

"Hehe, I know I'm too handsome; all the girls hide from me, young and old."


'I'm low on money.' Blade 'looked' to see she only had 56 copper and 1 silver.

Though it seemed to be still a decent amount, yesterday, Blade carefully thought about every exchange she made.

Unlike some gods who were ignorant about the concept of exchange, Blade had lived a mortal life before. It was only a matter of recalling them from her fragmented memory.

'A job...' Remembering what the receptionist said in the administration guild, she considered becoming an adventurer.

From what she heard from passing people, adventurers are people who slay monsters, protect villages, and secure merchant caravans.

Similar to the job of astral guards from her past life.

She felt she could do some jobs involving any combat and decided to go to the administration guild.

Looking around the interior, she 'saw' a bullet board with many papers stuck to it.

Unfortunately, she's unable to read them, only 'feeling' the surface with her divine sense.

"Little girl, you wanna become an adventurer?" A robust female cat-kin wearing the administration guild formal attire called her out from behind the counter.

"Sorry to douse water on your head girl but this job is for adults, not rash teenagers like you" Blade ignored her, and tugged an employee's sleeve to help her read them out loud.

"Oi, I'm talking to you!!" The cat-kin became enraged but saw Ahlad approach the fox-kin.

"Miss Blade, the administrator is looking for you, could you please follow me" Intrigued, she decided to follow him, still ignoring the hissing cat-kin.


 Ascending the stairs they arrived at the 3rd floor, Ahlad knocked on the door, and a voice from the other side answered.

Entering the room, an elf sitting on a desk facing the door became visible. The table was neat and clean, and only a few stacks of papers were present.

But sensing around the room, Blade saw an enormous amount of papers behind the desk, hidden from sight.

"Thank you for retrieving her Ahlad, you may go." After a short nod, Ahlad exited the room, closing the door behind him.

"Now then, don't just stand idly, take a seat.” Maeral gestured to the chair in front of him.

After sitting down, Maeral smiled and rested his hands on the table, interlocking his fingers.

"Would you like some tea?" Maeral offered to which Blade nodded. Twirling his hand, a tea set floated from a drawer to the table.

It poured itself 2 cups of tea which was warm to the touch.

'This is white drop's leaves?' Blade recognized the leaves used in this tea was commonly used by the Empress when he came to visit her.

"This is jasmine tea, quite refreshing, don't you think so?"

"Now, I'm sure you're wondering why I called you here.” He set aside his tea as his demeanor became serious.

"Who are you"

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