The System Sent Me an Object [End of the World]

Chapter 118

Chapter 115

To be honest, there is still a difference between going out with official missions and going out with the purpose of tourism.

Hao Jian found it very troublesome. She originally planned to throw Hao Zuo over there and see if other events were triggered and then come back. If she went out with a mission, she was afraid it would be too late to come back.

“Too troublesome?” Wen Shanggao asked again.

“No.” Of course Hao Jian couldn’t tell the truth.

“That’s good.” Wen Shanggao explained the matter concisely and concisely.

Half a month ago, the officials in Yuncheng discovered that a drug dealer they had tracked down before the end of the world came out after hiding for a long time, and according to various clues, the drug dealer might be ” “Apostle”, now he has recruited a group of subordinates relying on drugs and drugs, which has brought great challenges to the order of Yuncheng and nearby.

Although Yuncheng has also established a “special response team” in accordance with Wen Shanggao’s instructions, he has no trustworthy people because of the complex local forces, so he has been worrying about this for the past two weeks.

Since Hao Jian was going to Yuncheng, he thought of a team composed of Hao Jian and others. They would guide Yuncheng’s “special response team” on how to deal with the drug dealer. If Hao Jian and others could take him It is naturally best to come back.

Hao Jian heard this, thinking that Hao Feng also asked her to take Hao Zuo back to Yuncheng almost half a month ago, so she said that she had triggered related events since she decided to take up side mission 2, right? ?

She thought that there would be related incidents only when she went to Yuncheng, and she was always waiting for her!

She asked the system: “If I do this task again in a year, what do you think?”

“The host can use his IQ to reason about the result.”

Hao Jian is just talking gossip to the system. She thinks that this task is the same as the previous task, and it is not time-sensitive. But the related events and related clues behind this task are time-sensitive…

For example, if she takes a year or a half before deciding to do side mission 2, then she will only get the mission reward, and the drug-trafficker matter may have been resolved long ago, and she will lose the opportunity to obtain clues.

I don’t know if this is all a coincidence, or whether it is a systematic arrangement.

It’s just that the task is simple and not easy, and it is not troublesome. Wen Shanggao said he was going to instruct the local “special response team”, but who knows whether they will be convinced by her appearance? Are there any spies among them?

If she wants to bring the drug dealer back, she may have to find a way to deal with him, but she heard that the drug dealers are all desperate and fierce roles, and her safety issues are also worrying.

But if she doesn’t care about anything, and just manages to guide her, then she can retreat. So the extent to which she has to do depends on the extent of Wen Shanggao’s arrangements.

Fortunately, Wen Shanggao did not intend to let her die. He said: “I will arrange for you a member of the’liaison group’, a member of the’mobile group’, and two members of the escort. In addition, you will The official name will pass, so I will ask the guards over there to provide you with some assistance, but you must keep your identities and missions and you must not reveal them.”

Hao Jian waited for him to finish before asking, “If you give me this kind of thing to a layman, aren’t you afraid that my mission will fail?”

Wen Shanggao still had a serious expression on his face, but he obviously thought about it for a while because of Hao Jian’s problem.

“There are many capable people in the group. They either have first-rate tactics, or observe meticulously, or are bold and careful to think and dare to do, or they are brave and decisive and have excellent physical ability, or they can sneak into the enemy with superb acting skills…”

Hao Jian asked: “Then what kind of am I?”

Wen Shang had a great pause, and he heard that Hao Jian hoped that he would praise her in disguise? Then he won’t let her down.

“You don’t account for anything.”


“Your advantage is that you have a heart toward us.” Wen Shanggao said again.

Hao Jian smiled and didn’t smile: “What’s in your heart, you mean I have weakness in your hands, I promise I won’t betray you?”

Wen Shanggao nodded: “You are a wise man.”

Hao Jian sneered, “Who are the people who followed me?”

Wen Shanggao sent her a document: “You can propose a replacement.”

Hao Jian took a look, and by coincidence, there were three acquaintances. Shi Gongdi from the “liaison group”, An Minghui from the “mobile group”, and You Xiaoxiao, a member of the **** team, are a recruit.

Hao Jian deleted You Xiaoxiao’s name without thinking: “This won’t work.”

Wen Shanggao was not surprised, and then said: “Look, see, your strengths are remarkable.”

Hao Jian rolled his eyes.

“The other two are not allowed to change. It is more convenient for you to cooperate with people you are familiar with, isn’t it?”

“Do they know?” Hao Jian was actually unwilling to let familiar people get involved.

“The member of the’liaison group’ who conveyed the news to you during this period has always been Shi Gongdui. As for An Minghui, he is voluntary. Originally, I was considering letting him do this, but since you also want to Go, let’s go together!”

An Minghui is a force output, Shi Gongdi is a technical output, then Hao Jian should be a brain output, and Wen Shanggao is still very satisfied with his arrangement.


The next day, Shi Gong Dui came. Lian Runing and Hao Jian just finished their breakfast and were about to return to the laboratory when they saw him carrying a big backpack, sweating profusely, running chuckle, and then sat down in front of them.

“There is a fat house and happy water, so thirsty!” Shi Gong Dui grabbed his hat and fanned it.

“The contractor, I haven’t seen you for more than a month, I’ve lost a lot of weight!” Hao Jian said.

Shi Gongdu raised his eyes and glanced at her, still showing her heartless appearance: “That’s not it, I don’t have food for mind, I’m so hungry!”

Lian Ru Ning pursed her lips and smiled. She was not surprised by the appearance of Shi Gongdi. After all, Hao Jian told her that she was going to Yuncheng a long time ago, although she only knew that Hao Jian might be going this time. I went with the mission, but after knowing who was going with her, I felt relieved a little bit.

Although Shi Gongdui is frivolous and thoughtful, but the skills are still excellent, and he helped her find the whereabouts of her family before leaving, she was very grateful.

“You can go online, so why don’t you have no mental food?” Hao Jian said.

“Speaking of this, I am angry. I said that it does not restrict my freedom. Whenever I want to help with the work, I will do it, and I will rest when I don’t want to do it. The result? Caught me and trained me for a month! I can only go to the deck to bask in the sun and blow the hair, but it suffocates me to death!”


Shi Gongdi lightened his voice: “Yes, let me tell you, our country doesn’t know when we built such amazing facilities at sea…”

“The country can build space launch platforms on the sea. What’s weird about creating these facilities?” Hao Jian said calmly.

“That shows that our country is developing rapidly.” Lian Runing added.

Speaking of this, Shi Gongdi said mysteriously: “Hey, tell you, I originally thought that most people in our country were the worst affected by the disaster, but guess what, those countries that want to believe in religion are the worst. All ten rooms are empty.”

This was probably the first time I heard international news since civilian communications were blocked. Hao Jian was still curious and did not interrupt him.

“How come, aren’t there too few foreigners?” Lian Ru Ning was empathetic to Shi Gongdi.

“It’s all because they like to go to places with many people to worship. The backward science and technology and blind superstition are the test of their beliefs. They are also polygamous, and a man who carries the zombie virus infects multiple wives… In addition, their infrastructure is too poor. When something happens, the authorities will deal with the zombies. There is no one to maintain various facilities. The places where water and power are often cut off are now even running out of water and electricity.”

Hao Jian suddenly asked: “Did our country investigate Cuneitra?”

Shi Gongyu said: “After checking, there have been no living people there for a long time. The earliest infected person-we think the earliest, but in fact who is the earliest, it is still unknown how the virus appeared. Lao Mi has taken it away, and the specific data is hidden and refused to release it!”

Shi Gongdi suddenly remembered something, and asked narrowly: “Hey, by the way, do you have a sissy and classmate Xin whereabouts?”

“Your expression is clearly ‘I know, ask me’, let’s talk about it!”

“Originally, after they left, it was still quite difficult to find them, but just over twenty days ago, their list appeared at the refuge base in Yangshi, and they left there again. Just half a month ago. Before, they came back to Southern City…well, they also inquired about your news.”

Xin Ting returned to Yang City to find her relatives, but Yang City was actually not far from Southern City, only 300 kilometers away. It’s actually difficult to rely on the two of them to walk 300 kilometers, so under normal circumstances, it’s normal to walk 300 kilometers for several days.

But these are not important. Judging from the actions of Xin Ting and Peng Mao, something must have happened to Xin Ting’s family. She had no concerns, so she chose to come back to find them.

And Peng Mao thought about Xin Ting, so naturally he followed where she went.

“Where are they now?” Lian Ru Ning asked.

“At the refuge base near Shawan, because of their experience and ability to travel between Nanfang City and Yang City, they were hired by the asylum management office over there, and went out with the guards to clean up zombies or give survivors on weekdays. We teach self-help methods and sometimes help with propaganda.”

Shi Gongdi was thirsty when he saw the two beauties in front of him who didn’t want to buy him a bottle of Fat House Happy Water, so he had to buy it himself. But if you don’t buy it, you don’t know, the prices of beverages have already risen. At the beginning, a bottle of Coke was three and five dollars. Now it is thirty dollars a bottle!

He didn’t know this at all. After all, he was officially responsible for his food during the training period. It might as well not come out!

“You can find these beverages here. Look outside. The beverage factory has stopped working and no one produces beverages. There are many survivors outside. Either robbed them or sold them. When everyone drinks boiled water, Drinks have naturally become rare products.”

“Then I’ll buy more!” Shi Gongdui ran away again, and Lian Ru Ning left after seeing that the time was almost up. When Shi Gongdui came back, he looked around, “How did Lian classmate leave?”

“Come on, you talk a little bit of a topic, a little bit of a topic, don’t you just don’t want her to hear something? If you didn’t help find her parents, she wouldn’t be happy to chat with you for so long!”

Shi Gongdi smiled awkwardly and said, “I don’t want her to go away, but you also know that this is a special task. Let’s talk about it where there are few people.”

“Let’s go!”

Hao Jian took her to An Minghui. The three of them belonged to the “special response group”, and only they knew about the task of the host. As for the two guards, Wen Shanggao arranged to disturb the sight of others. , They don’t need to know about the host.

Once the three got together, it took a day to formulate four plans of A, B, C, and D according to their priority levels.

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