The Third Prince Of Darkness

Chapter 80:A prelude to what is to come

(Third-Person POV)

Ahead of Ethan and Evangeline's carriage, another carriage was about half an hour away, heading towards the Tamerid Empire about half an hour's journey by horse. Inside the carriage, two men sat opposite each other, engaged in conversation. One of the men was Prince Liam, the First Prince of the Asina Kingdom. The other man was none other than Fernnard, one of the three dukes of the Asina Kingdom. There were three dukes in the Asina Kingdom, and although they were not equal, their lands were of similar size. Given the vastness of the Asina Kingdom, these dukes were somewhat like kings. They could not claim to be kings, but their lands were large enough to overshadow even the old southern clans.

However, these dukes each hated one another, and there was an absolute rivalry among them. In fact, this rivalry among the three dukes benefited the king the most, and a lesser-known fact was that the king always fueled this rivalry. Every king of Asina used to have a meeting with his successor, during which he would reveal the kingdom's hidden secrets. Richard and his father had such a meeting. The previous king had taught Richard how to control the three dukes. Thus, the three dukes had never gained enough power to challenge the king and spent their time in a futile rivalry with each other.

But Duke Fernnard had realized that King Richard was shepherding him and the other dukes like sheep. Still, he hadn't discussed this with the other dukes, as they would certainly not trust him even if he did. Therefore, he intended to use this fact to topple the other two dukes and rise to the top. That's why he had chosen Liam. He had noticed that Liam was incredibly ambitious and would do anything to win. Liam's ambition would blind him, and when the time came, Duke Fernnard would make his move, but for now, that time was still distant. For now, Liam needed to become king first.

"So, you're saying that if I want to finish Ethan off, I should do something to enrage him" Liam said, stroking his chin.

"Yes, exactly, Your Excellency. Even a dragon's greatest vulnerability is when it's driven into a rage and destroys everything with its furious fire" added Fernnard.

"I see. So, what are we going to do, assassinate his mother or his sister?" Liam asked.

Fernnard smiled slightly at Liam's question. "No, Your Excellency, an assassination won't work," he said calmly. "Enraging someone like Ethan requires a more subtle approach. A direct attack like an assassination would only increase his vigilance and likely fail, leading him to protect himself even more. Our goal is to suddenly stir the anger within him, destabilize him. We should target his weak points, especially things valuable to him, but these attacks should be direct."

Liam listened carefully to Fernnard's words. "But why would an assassination fail? Can't we just kill his youngest sister?" he asked.

"We've conducted several independent assassinations before, but they all failed, and I never heard from any of the assassins I sent again. I believe after the assassination attempt on Ethan by your mother when he was a child, King Richard must have significantly increased palace security, making any assassination attempt impossible" said Liam, and he was speaking the truth. Or rather, he was telling part of the truth

But there were still many things he didn't know about Richard and what kind of person he was.

"I think we should wait for a while and attack when Ethan shows a weakness," Duke Fernnard continued.

Liam fell into deep thought upon hearing Duke Fernnard's words. He knew how cunning and cautious King Richard was, but he had to acknowledge the possibility that Ethan could be just as cautious. Yet, Liam's heart was almost shouting that Ethan was a greater threat than he seemed, and he was inwardly afraid of the consequences of provoking such a beast. But in the end, these were just his heart's feelings, and Liam would choose the side of his brain over his heart. Power plays and assassinations were common in the Asina Kingdom, but he needed to recognize that this target was not an ordinary one.

"I understand," Liam said quietly. "In that case, we will need to be patient. But we can't remain idle while waiting. We must watch him at every step. As soon as we find his weakness, we will act."

Duke Fernnard nodded slightly in agreement with Liam's words. "Your Excellency, I've already placed a few spies to watch Ethan. We've gathered some information about him so far. We know who his close associates are. Especially recently, we've seen the fifth concubine's twin children around him."

Liam's attention was piqued by Fernnard's last words. "The fifth concubine's twin children?" he asked, his eyes showing a glimmer of curiosity.

Duke Fernnard spoke slowly, as if revealing a long-hidden secret. "Yes, Your Excellency. The other concubines have targeted the twins' mother for years, and Ethan is likely using this fact to his advantage. For now, what we need to learn is what Ethan gains in return for helping these twins."

As Liam processed Fernnard's information, he realized that the twins might be part of Ethan's strategic move. Understanding whether the twins were valuable to Ethan and how their value was being utilized could be critical.

"In that case," Liam said with a thoughtful expression, "we need to investigate why the twins are so important to Ethan."

Fernnard nodded in agreement. "Your Excellency, this is where you come into play" said Duke Fernnard.

Liam looked at Duke Fernnard with surprise. "Me?" he asked.

Duke Fernnard leaned forward, coming closer to Liam. "Let me explain my plan" he said. As Duke Fernnard described his plan, Liam's smile grew with every passing moment...


** (Ethan's POV)**

We were already on the verge of leaving the Asina Kingdom, and the Tamerid Empire's knights were visible at the border. Even though thousands of Asina soldiers were part of the alliance army, they couldn't just enter the Tamerid Empire. Only a few hundred Asina soldiers were permitted to cross the border. I glanced at Evangeline again and saw her still looking at me with that same smile. We had been traveling together for two and a half days, and I could definitely say that the mask she wore was quite thick. Nevertheless, I wanted to use her power, so I wanted to get closer to her.

"Would you like some tea, Prince?" Evangeline asked.

"If it comes from you, I'd even drink poison, Princess Evangeline" I replied. My sudden words made Evangeline momentarily ponder her mask and slightly flush her cheeks, but without my sharp eyes, I would have missed it. Evangeline lit her own small fire under the teapot on her right and, after about ten minutes, poured the tea into a cup for me. She handed me the cup. I was resistant to the poison thanks to the [Body of darkness] ability that the dark element gave me, so I took the cup from him without caring. 

As I sipped the tea, I tried to discern the true feelings behind Evangeline's fake smile. The subtle changes in her facial expression had not escaped my notice. I had sensed that Evangeline might have paused in her internal world during the tea preparation.

"Despite being a princess, your tea is exceptionally good" I said sincerely, taking another sip. "I've always had to drink well-prepared tea in the palace, but this is entirely different."

Evangeline stood up, taking a cup of tea for herself, and took a sip. Then another sip, and another. When I looked at her face… Was she excited? I didn't know, but she seemed to be gathering her courage to say something. Eventually, she appeared to have gathered her courage, took a deep breath, and began to speak.

"I have a property not far from here. There's a small town and an incredibly beautiful lake. Right by the lake, there's a mansion that belongs to me. I'm sure you'd love it as much as the lake on your palace" Evangeline said.

"I'm sure it is" I responded, unsure of why she was telling me this right now.

"If you'd like, we could go there together. You know… it could be like a… Date"

"You want to take me on a date?" I said with a smile.

"You know… maybe we could talk about possible marriage and discuss the arrangement."

I responded to Evangeline's offer with a smile, though my feelings were complex. This was an invitation that could carry deeper meaning than a simple outing with a princess. I had sensed an element of hesitation or ambiguity in Evangeline's behavior and words. However, accepting this offer could be advantageous both personally and politically. Especially since Evangeline's sincere approach would give me the opportunity to spend more time with her.

"But won't we be late for your brother wedding?" I asked.

"Don't worry, the wedding is still days away, and we'll only be there for one day" she replied.

Considering Evangeline's offer, I decided to set aside my internal conflict. Such an offer could be viewed as an opportunity for both personal and political purposes. Especially since Evangeline's sincerity indicated that this was more than just a façade. Apparently my compassion for her when she turned into a cat had worked.   

"Of course, Princess Evangeline," I said with a genuine smile. "If your offer still stands, I would be delighted to spend time with you by that beautiful lake."

Seeing the relief and happiness on Evangeline's face showed how important this offer was to her. "Then," Evangeline said, "I'm sure we'll find some peace and quiet by the lake. Our journey so far has been challenging, and it will be good to rest."

I thought being with her would help me better understand Evangeline's true intentions and feelings. Seizing this opportunity with her could be significant both personally and strategically. The only sounds breaking the silence in the carriage was the soft creaking of the wheels. These moments with Evangeline could be a step that changes everything. Taking another sip of my tea, I looked out the small window and continued to enjoy the view of the distant mountains and the endless fields, which resembled a beautiful painting, with my tea.

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