The Third Reich: I Became Emperor

Chapter 5

"The navy has disappointed me. After so many years, the navy's broken spine has not recovered, and it no longer dares to launch active attacks. Except for the submarine force, the rest of the warships can only wander around at home."August turned his head and looked at the navy.

At this time, the admiral of the navy was Dönitz, and Raeder had been dismissed and sent home.

Hearing August mention the navy, Dönitz wanted to argue a few words, but he didn't know what to say.

"Don't argue. The Imperial Navy has become a coastal fleet and can only operate within the range set by the other navy."

Suddenly, August changed the subject:"The strategic focus of the Empire will shift to the Western Front. The role of the Navy will be very important. The construction of large surface ships will continue to resume, and the shipyards of Gallic Chickens must be used quickly."

"We took down Gaul for these shipyards, not for anything else. If we lose, all your little tricks will be in vain. So before that, I hope you will work together to win this war."

"Submarine forces should stop building me small 500-ton submarines and build me 1,000-ton submarines with no production limit. I hope that one day, submarines alone will be able to blockade the entire British Isles."

"Also, the Zeppelin aircraft carrier was immediately rebuilt and put into combat."

"Your Majesty, the Zeppelin aircraft carrier has reached 90% completion. As long as there is enough steel and workers, it can be completed in 6 months at most."Dönitz explained that the construction of the Zeppelin class aircraft carrier was delayed due to the decline in steel production capacity.

"Six months is too long. I will only give you three months. If you need anything, go to Minister Speer. Steel will be given priority. August saw many army generals change their expressions. After all, priority supply means that the army's share of equipment will be reduced.

"Wait until I finish. August glanced at it and continued,"The Zeppelin aircraft carrier needs to be modified. All 150mm main guns should be removed and replaced with 88mm anti-aircraft guns."

"An aircraft carrier is an aircraft carrier, why install main guns? I don't know what's in your navy's mind? Look at other aircraft carriers, are there any equipped with main guns?"

After scolding the navy, August continued:"Expand the hangar area, increase the number of carrier-based aircraft to at least 60, and build five more aircraft carriers. For the rest of the frigates, cruisers, and destroyers, you can report a number to me and I will approve it as appropriate."

"In addition, the Air Force will return all of the Navy's carrier-based aircraft, and the Air Force will assign 3,000 pilots to the Navy."August said to the new Air Force Marshal Catherine.

"Yes! Marshal Catherine had no objection.

"The Air Force will continue to expand pilot training. Within a month, I will provide no less than 5,000 fighter planes. Before that, in addition to providing enough pilots, the Air Force must also ensure air supremacy on all fronts of the Empire."August stared at Catherine.

"This is a bit difficult." Marshal Catherine said with some embarrassment:"Due to the lack of fuel, the Empire has very few fighter planes that can take off."

"The rest of the fuel is in limited supply, and the military will be given priority. I want to ensure that the military will have fuel to use in the next three months. After three months, the empire will no longer be short of fuel."August looked at Speer and said,"Speer, can you guarantee it?"

"No problem. Speer thought for a moment and replied.

"Very good, everyone. Next, the Empire will begin to switch to defense, especially the Eastern Front. Before that, all active offensive plans will be cancelled."

"We must first solve the British mainland, otherwise our industrial areas will be hit hard by air raids, which will be detrimental to the Empire's production."August said solemnly:"Everyone, work hard for the Empire."

"For the Empire!"

After the meeting, August left Speer alone. He needed to adjust the entire industrial situation.

"Briefly report the production capacity of various industrial products in the empire. August said without further ado

"Since we have just entered the war system, production capacity has not increased much. If there is sufficient labor, basic industrial products such as steel, aluminum, and synthetic oil will increase significantly by the end of the year."Speer thought for a while and said

"Labor? We captured nearly five million people on the Eastern Front? Can't we let them participate in production?" August frowned and asked

"I'm sorry, they are all in custody and I have no right to transfer them."Speer said helplessly.

"Don't worry, from today on, these situations will no longer occur. I authorize you to mobilize all the resources of the empire. All you have to do is increase production, especially steel production."

"Yes, but steel production was only 20 million tons last year. It will be higher this year, but each branch of the military needs equipment, and you want to give priority to the navy, so this may not be enough."Speer said tactfully.

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