The Transformers at Hogwarts

Chapter 11 Finding the Cause

Chapter 11 Finding the Cause
The three sat on the chair, Professor Dumbledore looked at him through the thin lens, and waved his wand at the same time, "What do you want to drink? Pumpkin juice? Milk?" Then he blinked, "I still have fresh Butterbeer."

Professor McGonagall coughed expressionlessly.

"Ha! You are still growing, let's have a glass of milk."Professor Dumbledore waved his wand lightly, and a cup of steaming milk floated in front of Allen.

Allen took a sip lightly, the taste was good.

After drinking something, the conversation started to get down to business.

"Alan, I thought I knew your situation well before, but what happened today was beyond my expectation. Is there anything you want to tell me?" Professor Dumbledore's blue eyes Watching Allen through the half-moon-shaped lens.

Alan introduces their discussion about flying lessons yesterday.

"Yesterday's discussion made me very excited. I have never been so yearning for flying. I even dreamed that I was flying at night! Oh, I was flying with wings. I think my changes today may have something to do with this. ’ Allen concluded.

Professor Dumbledore put his hands in front of him, showing a thoughtful expression, "Oh, strong emotions may indeed be the cause of the mutation, but it seems that it is not enough."

"You had a few strong mood swings in St. Mungo's before, and you didn't see such a big change at that time?" Professor Dumbledore added softly.

Allen tightly held the cup in his hand, recalling all the things he had done in St. Mungo's before. The mood swings during the period when he just woke up were indeed greater than yesterday, but there was nothing unusual.

"Ah, don't worry, think about it carefully, maybe your body has become stronger recently, and you have started to deform more drastically, but these persuasions are not enough, think about it carefully, this is related to your future. "Professor Dumbledore patiently guided Alan.

Allen was also upset, his head was spinning rapidly, "What is the reason? Could it be that being with Harry and the others inspired my friendship, and then there was a change." Allen, a former science and engineering man This idea was quickly rejected, this is indeed a bit ridiculous.

Allen carefully recalled the details of last night and this morning, while Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall waited patiently.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in Allen's mind, and he said eagerly to the two professors, "I thought about it. I woke up this morning and found my hand holding my wand."

"Uh, I cherish my magic wand very much. I put it carefully in the bedside drawer every day before going to bed, but yesterday I was too excited to chat with my classmates, and finally fell asleep while chatting, and then put the wand on the bed head, and this morning I found my hand on the wand beside my bed." Allen added incoherently.

Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall looked at each other, each lost in thought.

The principal's office was once again silent.

It took a long time before Professor Dumbledore came back to his senses.

"This seems to make sense," Professor Dumbledore organized the language, "Do you know the history and function of the wand?"

Allen returned a confused look.

"Well, no one knows who invented the magic wand, but the appearance of the magic wand has enabled many wizards to release magic. Before the appearance of the magic wand, wizards cast spells without a wand. This is a spellcasting skill that is difficult to master now. " Professor Dumbledore explained.

"The appearance of the magic wand has greatly lowered the threshold for casting magic, giving many wizards with less magical talents the opportunity to master magic."

"As for your situation, I speculate like this. If you regard your daily random transformation as a spellcasting, then you were casting spells without a stick before, and you didn't really master the spellcasting without a stick, which led to the ineffectiveness of the spell. It’s not strong, so it’s only limited to the deformation of the head organs. But today, you are holding a wand in your hand, which greatly enhances the power of your spellcasting, so the deformation is not limited to your head.” Professor Dumbledore summed up quickly.

This is a logical explanation, Allen thought a little distractedly.

Professor McGonagall stood up and looked at Alan's wings, his eyes full of admiration, "What a magical magic! Alan, do you know? Since records have been recorded, no wizard has deformed such a huge wing on himself. Wings, you have done something that no one in the magic world has done!"

Professor Dumbledore also observed Allen's wings, and also admired: "Ah, you see, these wings are wings that can really fly, because Allen's body is not like birds that have evolved for flight, such as the reduction of various parts. It is heavy, and the bones are hollow, so the deformed wings are much larger than birds of the same size, so that they can fly. I never thought that there is such magic!"

I don't know when I woke up, and Phoenix Fox, who had watched the good show for a long time, also let out a cry of approval.

"You'd better not use these wings to fly. Birds rely on instinct to fly. You don't have this instinct. Although you have the conditions to fly, you still have to be cautious in flying, at least master it proficiently." Consider flying after the Levitation Charm." Professor McGonagall added with a little worry.

"Well, I value my life more than anyone else!" Allen assured Professor McGonagall.

"Professor Dumbledore, can you tell me more about the function of the wand?" Allen's thirst for knowledge came up again.

"Wand, now the magic theory community believes that the role of the wand is to bring us closer to the world." Professor Dumbledore said briskly.

Allen drank all the milk in the glass in one gulp, "Okay, thank you, Professor, for your clarification. I will never sleep with a wand on my back!"

Professor Dumbledore crossed his hands, showing a scrutinizing gaze, "Alan, please stop evading!"

Allen froze for a moment, not knowing what to say for a while.

"Actually, I have observed you for a long time, and I found that you have a pessimistic attitude towards your own situation in your heart, and you always want to escape. The best way to solve your own body is to face him directly. Only after we have more deformation samples can we It's better to treat you." Professor Dumbledore's blue eyes were full of sharpness, and it was impossible to tell that they were the eyes of a centenarian.

Allen was sweating a little and eagerly defended himself: "I'm not escaping, I'm afraid that some bad deformation will hurt myself."

Professor Dumbledore interrupted Allen: "Why do you think that your talent will hurt you? You should have learned the four elements of casting spells, and you have also learned the transformation spell. Then tell me about the transformation spell." What are the decisive factors?"

"The caster's subjective awareness of the effect of the spell." Allen replied after thinking for a while.

"Ha, yes, if you regard your random transformation as a spell, then this spell is affected by your subjective consciousness!" Professor Dumbledore explained.

Allen hesitated after hearing this.

"Didn't today's incident prove all of this? You wanted to fly yesterday, but you transformed into wings that can fly this morning. This shows that your talent for transformation is influenced by your subconscious mind! Will you subconsciously hurt yourself? You Do you have a tendency to self-destruct? If not, why would the deformation influenced by your subjective consciousness hurt yourself?" Professor Dumbledore stared into Allen's eyes.

Allen opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out.

"So I suggest you to face all this bravely, try to explore the mysteries of your body, don't escape, and face life bravely, this is the real Gryffindor!"

Allen was persuaded, and also stimulated by Professor Dumbledore, he only felt a rush of blood rushing to his forehead, and said loudly to the two professors: "I know, the best way to eliminate fear is to face fear. "

Professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall showed gratified smiles, and McGonagall exhorted: "The transformation of the wand seems to consume energy, and you should deform it as long as your body allows. Be careful!"

Although it sounded a bit strange, Allen expressed his gratitude to Professor McGonagall for his concern, and then left.

Just after Allen left for a while, his wild roar came from outside the office:

Professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall looked at each other suspiciously.
 The ten-year-old bookworm finally couldn't help writing a book by himself, hoping to get everyone's favorites and recommendation tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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