The Transformers at Hogwarts

Chapter 13 Flight Lessons

Chapter 13 Flight Lessons

At 03:30 in the afternoon, Harry, Ron, Alan and the rest of the Gryffindor students hurried down the steps to the grounds in front of the castle gate, preparing for their first flying lesson.It was a clear, breezy day, and the grass swelled slightly under their feet as they walked briskly down the sloping lawn to a flat lawn on the opposite side of the field.

The Slytherins were already there, and 21 broomsticks were neatly arranged on the ground.Malfoy and his two followers were glaring at Alan who was walking towards this side.Allen ignored him directly.

After a while their teacher Mrs. Hooch came.She had short gray hair, and her yellow, hawk-like eyes scanned the young wizards sternly.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" she snapped. "Everyone stand by a broomstick. Quick, quick, hurry up."

Alan imitated the others, stood next to a broomstick, and looked down at his broomstick. It was old and worn out, and some branches poked out in all directions.

"Put your right hand over the broom handle," cried Mrs. Hooch ahead, "and say, 'Get up!'"

"Get up!" everyone shouted.

Ellen's and Harry's brooms jumped into his hands immediately, but there were only a few brooms that were so obedient.Hermione Granger's broom just rolled on the ground, while Neville's didn't budge at all.

Then Mrs. Hooch taught the little wizards how to use the broomstick, and Malfoy was criticized by her for being absent-minded.

"Now, as soon as I whistle, you kick your legs off the ground and kick hard," said Mrs. Hooch, "hold the broom steady, rise a few feet, then lean forward slightly, and fall straight back to the ground. Listen to my whistle—three—two—"

Neville, however, was too nervous to be left on the ground, so he didn't wait for the whistle to touch Mrs. Hooch's lips before he kicked it hard and flew up.

"Come back, child!" Mrs. Hooch shouted, but Neville went straight up, unable to control his broom at all. He flew higher and higher, and then slipped off the broom with a pale face from fear of heights, and landed on the grass. curl up.His broomstick was still rising higher and higher, and then began to drift slowly towards the Forbidden Forest and disappeared.

All this happened so fast that no one could react.

Mrs. Hooch bent down to look down at Neville. Her face was as pale as Neville's. She lowered her head to check Neville's body and found that his wrist was broken.

She turned to the rest of the class and said, "I'm taking this kid to the hospital, and none of you are going to move! Put the broomstick back where it was!" and took Neville with her.

As soon as they were out of sight, Malfoy burst into laughter, as if wanting to vent his depression today.

"Did you see how stupid he was crying? What a shame!" Malfoy said triumphantly.The other young Slytherin wizards chimed in.

"Shut up! Malfoy!" Allen felt a little angry. Although Neville didn't have a high sense of presence in the dormitory, it was a dormitory after all.

"Huh, guarding Longbottom?" said Pansy Parkinson, an ugly Slytherin girl. "Take care of yourself first, Birdman!"

"Look!" said Malfoy, rushing to grab something from the grass. "That big fool Longbottom's grandma gave it to him."

He held up the memory ball, which gleamed in the sun.

"Here, Malfoy," Harry whispered.Everyone stopped talking and watched.

Malfoy grinned hideously.

"I'd like to put it somewhere for Longbottom to pick up—in a tree—how about it?"

"Bring it here!" Harry yelled, but Malfoy was already jumping on his broom and taking off.He wasn't bragging about what he had said before - he did fly well - and he was suspended at level with the top of an oak tree, calling out; "Come and get it, Potter!"

Before Allen could react, Harry grabbed the broom and flew out. Allen reached out to grab it, but couldn't catch it.

Alan's heart was raised, but seeing Harry flying in the air like a duck to water, his heart gradually eased.

Harry quickly flew higher than Malfoy. He turned his broom sharply and looked down at Malfoy. The girls on the ground let out screams.

"Bring it here," Harry called, "or I'll knock you off the broom."

But what Harry didn't realize was that Malfoy was quietly gesturing to his followers on the ground, Crabbe and Goyle, and the two of them were riding broomsticks quietly into Harry, and Harry's attention was completely on Malfoy. On Fu, he didn't notice what was behind him at all.

Allen was keenly aware of Malfoy's intentions, and understood everything when Crabbe and Goyle were about to take off. It was too late to remind them aloud. Although Crabbe and Goyle, who came from a wizard family, did not fly as well as Malfoy, But it is also very proficient, and it can be seen that it has not been flying less before.

Allen made a decision in an instant. His blood boiled with anger at Malfoy's despicableness. He rode on the broomstick in his hand, quickly went through the knowledge he had mastered about flying in his mind, and kicked the ground vigorously. , so he rose up.

He only felt the blood hit his eardrums, and his body trembled a little because of the excitement, but the feeling of flying was really wonderful, the wind blew through his hair, and the robe fluttered behind him.

He tightened the wings behind him, leaned tightly on the broom, tried to make himself as streamlined as possible, and simply estimated the amount of advance before bumping into Gore.
Maybe it's because the broomsticks in Hogwarts flying class have their own problems, and Allen's flying broom happens to be faster; maybe it's because Allen's streamlined shape greatly reduces wind resistance; maybe Goyle's weight is too heavy slowed down.Allen actually came first, and collided with Gore fiercely.

The little wizards on the ground saw an unforgettable spectacle in this life: a man with huge wings closed his wings and flew into the sky on a broom.

This scene is still particularly magical and wonderful in this magical world!This picture is so beautiful that the witnesses were speechless for a while, only kept saying "WTF!"

But Harry was reminded by the exclamation on the ground, keenly found that Crabbe was crashing into him, and narrowly avoided his brutal charge.

And Allen felt uncomfortable at this time, he only felt that he had hit an iron wall, his eyes were black, his bones were about to fall apart, and Gore was much stronger than him, his thin body was half a day Did not slow down.

Gore, who was hit, was also panicked. At the moment of the collision, he grabbed Alan like a drowning man, and grabbed off several broom branches and Alan's feathers. Alan quickly turned the broom and separated from him. It took a while to stabilize the broom.

Only then did the little wizard on the ground react and let out a terrified cry.

Ron on the ground couldn't bear it any longer, and shouted, "You guys still engage in sneak attacks, how despicable!"

As he spoke, he also flew up despite Hermione's obstruction.

Harry and Ron flew to Allen's side and cast him concerned glances.

Allen was a little relieved at this time, and nodded to them, indicating that he was fine.

And Crabbe and Goyle also flew to Malfoy's side.

The 3V3 situation is complete!
Air duel is imminent!
 The ten-year-old bookworm finally couldn't help writing a book by himself, hoping to get everyone's favorites and recommendation tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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