The True Path of Pirates

Chapter 30 Fierce Fighting among Neptunes

Because there is no assistance from the wind, even if the combustion boiler is fully turned on, the warship driven by the outer wheel is still sailing very slowly. During this slow sailing, time seems to be gradually lost in the darkness. "Isn't it over yet? This time is really too long..." Dadi could barely calculate the time.He had smoked an entire pack of cigarettes since the voyage.Calculated by taking 5 minutes to smoke a cigarette and 5 minutes to stop smoking, it would have been about 3 hours of sailing.Redden and Vicky have basically lost their grasp of time, and their fear of the windless zone has slowly turned into numbness. "Hmm! It's windy!?" A slight hint of wind blew by, but the three of them noticed it immediately, and their eyes showed a look of joy unconsciously. "Great! We can finally leave this place... Huh!" Vicky was extremely excited and wanted to convey her joy to the people around her, but when she saw that the person next to her was Redon, she quickly turned her head away, no Silent.Ruiden was helpless and turned to look towards the west deck, but he could only see a blurry black shadow. "Anyway, we finally passed the windless zone, and the mission is over..." "Poof! Roar! Roar!" At this moment, a huge water column suddenly rose into the sky, driving the waves to violently hit the warship. Although the warship relied on The extremely heavy nature didn't cause much turbulence, but the entire deck still shuddered.Then a huge roar with a fishy smell came, which shook Ryden's eardrums as if they were about to be torn. "Are you two okay?" "Well, it's okay, get ready to fight!" Daadi, who flew over, had already taken out his two guns. He stared at the huge dark figure in front of him, and cold sweat slowly left his face. "Fortunately, we have passed the windless zone. This sea king is only 300 meters long, so we can handle it. Vicky! No problem." "No problem..." The appearance of the monster appeared in front of the three of them. It is a plesiosaur-like Neptune with a slender neck and sharp fangs.At this time, the monster was looking at the three people on the deck with red eyes, and it might launch an attack at any time. "Roar!" The monster suddenly attacked!The dozens of meters long head was driven very quickly by its long neck. The three-story-high mouth suddenly opened, and fangs as sharp as knives appeared in front of Vicky's eyes instantly.Vicky was stunned, scales appeared on his body unconsciously, and electric light appeared on the surface of his body.The power of the Devil Fruit protects him without his control, but!Facing such a huge Neptune, this level of lightning is completely useless! "Bang!" The monster's huge mouth hit the deck, cracking a large piece of wooden flooring, and smoke suddenly flew everywhere. "Riden! Vicky!" Dadi walked toward the depths of the smoke while shooting.However, the thick skin of the Neptunes cannot be penetrated by ordinary muskets. "We're fine! Dadi! Shoot its eyes!" At this time, one or two flashes of lightning flashed deep in the smoke, and Redden's voice came from it.The panic in Dadi's heart was temporarily suppressed, and his cautious eyes turned to the Sea King again, looking for flaws in its eyeballs.The monster became even more angry when it failed to hit it. It raised its head high and prepared to use it as a hammer to smash through the entire ship.The monster has smelled a lot of food in this object that looks like just sea water, so naturally it will not give up. "Vicky, you bastard, your power is amazing." "Riden, I..." At that critical moment, it was Ryden who suddenly pulled Vicky away, avoiding a fatal blow from the Neptune class.At the same time, Redon was also attacked by Vicky's electric snake ability, and now he was a little paralyzed. "Let's talk about it later. Now your task is to activate the fruit's ability with all your strength. When you find an opportunity, go up and let the monsters have a taste of being electrocuted!" "Well, yes!" Vicky's eyes suddenly became firm, and the energy on his body suddenly became firm. Gray-black scales suddenly appeared all over the body, and blue-white electric lights continued to crackle, which was especially eye-catching in the dark environment.The Neptune monster's head had already been raised to the highest position. At this time, it suddenly shook its neck, and its huge head slammed into the warship like a battering ram. "Avoid!" "Bang!" This astonishingly powerful blow is naturally not aimed at a specific person, but a large-scale destruction.Under this attack, a deep hole of about 20 meters in diameter was instantly smashed out of the deck on the east side of the warship, and sawdust flew everywhere. "Now!" Without Ruiden's instructions, Dadi quickly ran to the position closest to the head of the Neptune monster, and its huge red eyes were very conspicuous. "Rapid fire!" Dadi fired quickly, emptying the bullets in his pistol, and then in an instant he took out two loaded guns from his coat and continued shooting.The bullets intertwined into a dense line of fire in the air, and hit the monster's right eye without missing a beat, beating it to a bloody pulp. "Electric Charge Slam!" Vicky also found an opportunity to attack. He jumped up high and plunged a short dagger into the monster's long neck with both hands, and then the electric light was injected into the monster's body along the dagger. "Huh... let's give it a try." Ruiden also stood up, shaking his body that was a little paralyzed by the electric shock, and then ran towards the monster quickly.The monster was attacked by Dadi and Vicky and suddenly became violent. It struggled to raise its head from the deck and prepared to fight back, but Redon had already arrived next to its head. "Crazy Sword: Sword Slash!" Ruiden quickly drew the sword with his right hand, and the swordsmanship that once killed the pirate Hong Mao became more proficient.I saw the thunder emitting purple light, spinning rapidly towards the monster's left eye, instantly cutting its left eye into pieces of different sizes. "Roar..." The monster roared violently, and the blow made it feel even more painful. The Neptune, whose IQ was higher than that of normal animals, finally felt a trace of fear. It tried its best to drag its head, preparing to flee back to the sea first. "Don't even think about leaving once you're here!" Ruiden jumped up, and Jing Lei was accurately held by his right hand in the air.Ruiden slowly closed his eyes, and a sudden enlightenment of swordsmanship suddenly appeared in his mind, and time and space seemed to have stopped. "Crazy Sword·Thunder and Lightning!" Ruiden opened his eyes suddenly, and the sword intention he realized when he was about to die a few days ago was revealed along with the sword moves.As Ruiden's body fell, the thunder in his right hand was slowly placed on the left side of the body. The moment he was about to approach the head of the Neptune monster, he quickly swung it up, and a sharp sword light instantly passed through the monster's head!Ruiden landed in a half-crouch, still maintaining an upward swing with his right hand.Then he stood up, twirled a few sword flowers at will with his right hand, and then returned the sword to its sheath with a thunderbolt.The head of the Sea King monster, which was more than ten meters long, was unable to fall down and split into two while it was in the air!The wound surface is as smooth as a mirror!The violent sound had already awakened all the naval soldiers on the ship.Lieutenant General He and others looked at the three people on the deck in the conference room not far away, with approval in their eyes.And T. Penn had already opened his mouth from ear to ear, his eyebrows full of surprise. He really didn’t expect that this young man he hadn’t seen for many years had grown up to be like this...

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