The Tyrant Empress is Obsessed with Me

Chapter 85: Run Away from the Hero

“Saintess, what’s wrong?”

The chief warrior of the Lion Tribe, Vadim, asked Eileen.

Eileen, hearing the title “Saintess,” sighed softly, as if she had resigned herself.

“Actually, I’ve been seeing a strange aura for the past few days. It feels like it’s trying to guide me somewhere.”

“Oh! That must be a divine sign! Why didn’t you tell us sooner?”

They had been adventuring together for a long time.

To the east.

Sometimes they encountered wicked ogres, bandits who harassed mountain dwellers, and even a massive two-headed snake, not to mention the harpies that lured people in only to devour them.

One of the Lion Tribe warriors licked his lips.

“That harpy was pretty tasty. The meat was so tender.”

“Hey, knock it off. The Saintess is trying to think.”

Eileen had grown used to them.

They were a bit blunt and just a little bit barbaric, but they were deeply loyal and knew how to share with each other.

Except for their eating habits, which were a bit, no, very grotesque, they were good people.

“I must meet this person, but I’m afraid.”


“Because I have to face my own mistakes.”

Vadim furrowed his brow, clearly not understanding.

“I don’t really get it, but Saintess, trust in us. No matter who it is, even if it’s a demon, the warriors of the Lion Tribe will protect you!”

“Hehe, how reassuring.”

Eileen smiled and looked to the east.

Finally, the time had come…

The day when all her past deeds would be judged, fairly and squarely.

Eileen touched her belly.

It was smooth.

‘Good. No problems here.’

Eileen sighed in relief.

This was a week before Ascal began his military training.


“Cast a facial recognition concealing spell on me! Lia! Hurry!”

“Y-Yes! Right away!”

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People were swarming in like clouds.

The frontrunner, Count Tellio, and the dark horse, Sirius, had both been eliminated, leaving everyone disappointed, and now an unprecedented event was unfolding.

Flying Rock.

The stone, with the sword embedded in it, had flown directly toward someone.

This had never happened before.

People’s adrenaline levels spiked.

Sales of snacks like popcorn soared.

Even the Empire’s economic index followed suit and surged.

“Oh, what is happening! This is an unprecedented event! The stone has flown directly to someone. Has the era changed? Is it saying it won’t just sit there waiting to be pulled out anymore, but will take action itself?”

Count Devar excitedly began his commentary.

Ascal quickly smeared mud all over his face.

With Lia’s magic and his mud disguise, his identity was completely concealed. No one knew the person they were looking at was Ascal.

Not even Count Devar.

“Now, now, what is your name, stranger?”

“My name is Carl.”

“Then, Carl, will you attempt to draw the sword?”

People were watching the scene with eager eyes. However, Ascal had no intention of adding more trouble to his life.



The crowd’s jeers echoed around him.

​However, the jeers are fleeting, while the pain lasts a lifetime.

Ascal turned away coldly.

All he had to do was leave the area, wipe off the disguise, and return to finish his military training as if nothing had happened.

The plan was flawless.

Until everything started to go wrong.



“His Highness the Crown Prince is here! Everyone, show your respect!”

He appeared.

The man who stood just below one, and above all others.

The man who was essentially the next emperor.

Busy, yet somehow always with time to spare.

The man who seemed to appear out of nowhere whenever Ascal was involved.

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He had grown so popular among the people that he now had a new title.

The Great Light.

Simply put, he was the light itself.

The Crown Prince arrived with a splendid carriage, the Empire’s banners, and a retinue of royal guards.

He looked around, then smiled brightly.

“Please, everyone, be at ease. I’m sorry if my presence has disrupted the joyful festival atmosphere.”

A guard prepared a chair for him.

Right in front of the stone of selection.

The Crown Prince sat down.

“Are you the next challenger? Come on, give it a try. After all, men are creatures born to challenge! Hahaha!”

Ascal began to sweat.

He was just a second too late to escape, and now he was caught with no way out.

Once the Crown Prince had spoken like that, there was no going against it.

And more than that, the mood had shifted.

“Draw it――!”

“Draw it! You can do it!”

“Carl――! Show them what you’ve got!”

He had heard stories.

Like the one about the discontented man who sulked alone at a grand festival, kicked over a stall, and was beaten to death by the crowd.

If he didn’t draw the sword, the crowd could turn into an angry mob.

Ascal glanced back at Lia, hoping for some help.

Help me―― Lia.

But it seemed Lia misunderstood his gaze.

She raised her fist in encouragement, whispering a small “Fighting*!”

Betrayed by fate.

‘If it comes to this, I’ll just pretend to draw the sword.’

He was confident in his acting skills.

He would grab the handle and pretend to muster all his strength, but in reality, he’d barely touch it, applying no force at all.

Ascal took a deep breath and approached the stone.

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“Our next challenger is the mysterious man, Carl! Will he be able to draw the sword?”

The Crown Prince tilted his head as he looked at Ascal, sensing a vague familiarity. However, he failed to recognize him. A small blessing for Ascal.


He gently placed his hand on the sword’s handle.

Just placed it.

Without applying any force.

And then, he shouted as loudly as he could, making the most dramatic sound possible.


Naturally, since he hadn’t applied any real force, the sword didn’t budge. The crowd began to sigh in disappointment.

“Huff, huff.”

It was a flawless performance.

He might even consider a career in acting.

Ascal, still catching his breath, released his grip on the handle.

And at that moment...

The stone began to crack.


Like a perfect piece of dalgona candy, the stone shattered, leaving only the sword behind.

And the sword soared into the air.


Before Ascal could even react, the sword found its way into his grasp, shining brilliantly as if it had finally found its true master.

「Now, we are together forever, master.」

He had tried his best.

Why does the world never recognize his efforts?

Ascal collapsed to the ground, tears streaming down his face.

“This can’t be, this can’t be, this can’t be! The sword has finally found its master! And that master is Carloooooo!!!!!”

“He’s so moved that he’s crying!”

“I’m so envious, imagine all the benefits he’ll get to enjoy.”

The Crown Prince slowly approached the fallen Ascal.

“It reminds me of an old legend. A golden sword embedded in a stone, waiting for its master, said to appear only in times of great peril for the continent. Wasn’t its name Lightbane?”

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When the Crown Prince was young, his mother would often tell him many legends.

The tale of an ancient dragon that nearly brought the continent to ruin.

The story of demons lurking in the underworld, waiting for their chance.

The tale of a witch who fell in love with a human.

And, of course, the legend of the sword, Lightbane.

The Crown Prince had particularly loved the story of Lightbane. As a child, he would name his wooden sword Lightbane and pretend to be a hero.

But not anymore.

“What concerns me is the ‘peril to the continent’ part. The Empire is peaceful, the monsters in the west have quieted down. So what is this danger that I’m unaware of? What am I missing?”

Kain spoke with unwavering eyes.

“What exactly did you draw that sword to face?”



Boom, boom, boom, boom―――

This time, a drumbeat echoed from afar.

“Warriors! We have arrived at the place the light has guided us to!”

The voice was incredibly powerful. Even from a distance, it resonated in Ascal’s ears.

“Who dares to beat drums so close to the Crown Prince! Reveal yourself!”

Boom, boom, boom, boom―――

The drumbeat grew louder.


Not to be outdone, a trumpet blared loudly.

Boom, boom, boom, boom―――


Boom, boom, boom, boom―――


‘At this rate, my eardrums will burst. These maniacs.’

And then.

Finally, the owners of the drumbeats appeared.

Men, shirtless and displaying their muscular bodies, draped in lion skins.

Their names were――

“The Lion Tribe and the Golden Saintess!”

“What are they doing here?”

“This day just keeps getting crazier. Not only do we see the sword’s true master, but also the appearance of the Saintess herself!”

“It’s said that the Lion Tribe’s chief warrior is on par with a Swordmaster, and they’ve defeated enough monsters to fill a castle!”

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Gossipers who had somehow made their way to the front row eagerly spread the word about their identities.

‘…The Saintess?’

That name stirred unpleasant memories.

Ascal had a habit of unconsciously erasing any information related to her from his mind whenever he heard rumors.

But this time...

“A lowly priestess dares to be disrespectful. Please forgive my rudeness, Your Highness.”

A woman in a shabby robe lowered her hood, revealing her radiant golden hair. Her piercing green eyes, filled with intelligence, made anyone who met her gaze feel humbled.

“Disrespect? On the contrary, it is an honor to finally see the famous Golden Saintess in person. The tales of you and the warriors of the Lion Tribe have greatly inspired me.”

“It is my honor to meet the wise and kind Crown Prince.”

“Haha, the honor is mine.”

“No, the honor is mine.”

“I’m merely a lucky man to be surrounded by such remarkable people.”

“We are but humble warriors who would be nothing without Your Highness’s grace.”

Both leaders instinctively realized one thing.

They had met a worthy adversary.

The Crown Prince was particularly impressed by Eileen, who remained humble to the end.

Typically, a wandering martial group like this could easily turn into a mere band of ruffians, yet Eileen’s leadership had turned them into noble warriors.

“Well, be that as it may, have you come to witness the sword-drawing yourself? You should have arrived a bit earlier.”


Eileen bowed her head slightly and approached Ascal, who was still holding the sword.

Ascal began to piece together the memories he had pushed aside.

That’s right.

The Golden Saintess was Eileen all along.

‘Eileen… so you’ve become a saintess after all.’

But why is Eileen coming this way?

Despite his unease, Ascal stood firm.

With Lia’s facial recognition concealing spell, his disheveled hair and clothing from frequent training, and the mud smeared all over his face, he was confident.

Even the Crown Prince hadn’t recognized him.

If Eileen hadn’t recognized him when they met earlier, there was no way she would now.

“Carl. I want to ask for your forgiveness.”

But then, to his surprise, Eileen knelt down, clasped her hands together, and bowed her head.

“I turned the golden grace you gave me into nothing more than a mere stone. I repaid the love you showed me with indifference. You gave me light, and I returned darkness to you.”

Ascal silently looked down at Eileen.

He had no choice.

The atmosphere was far too heavy. It wasn’t the kind of situation where he could just say, “Don’t worry about it, it’s no big deal.”

The warriors of the Lion Tribe knelt beside the saintess.

The onlookers held their breath, watching the scene unfold.

“I fell into desire. Greed consumed me. I left the orphanage, claiming it was to atone for my sins, but in reality, I was just running away. It wasn’t true repentance. I am still a sinner.”

Eileen’s tears fell freely.

“Do not forgive me. Punish me, Carl.”

Ascal found himself in a difficult position.

She was asking for punishment. But if he delivered any kind of punishment, the men behind her (who seemed strangely familiar) might tear him apart. And honestly, he wasn’t even sure what Eileen had done wrong. Truly.

In hindsight, hadn’t she just been pursuing her own happiness? It wasn’t like she had neglected the children in her care.

「Master! Leave it to me! Just lend me your arm for a moment!」

‘Leave what to you? Hold on.’

Before Ascal could react, Lightbane moved on its own, lowering toward Eileen. Decapitation wasn’t the plan, right?

Fortunately, Lightbane stopped at Eileen’s shoulder.

「Here. Now say something cool. Quickly.」


Ascal spoke.

“You were never a sinner. You were simply a traveler who had lost their way. Now that you’ve found your path, don’t lose it again. The children miss you dearly.”

“The children… my children… I’m so sorry…”

Ascal glanced at Sirius.

Since Eileen’s appearance, he had been wearing a conflicted expression, his hat pulled low over his eyes.

“Still, if it’s necessary, I will forgive you.”

At that moment.

A golden light burst forth from Lightbane.

The golden light shot up into the sky, and in an instant, the sky turned dark.

‘This is just like what happened in the Holy Kingdom…’

A halo of light began to appear, illuminating the darkness.

- Hahaha! You’ve been caught in your own trap! Hoisted by your own petard!

- The scene is set. The purpose is clear. You can’t refuse this time, you rascal.

- Of course, you’re the hero. Mmm. Just perfectly ripe. And she’s the saintess.


This can’t be happening.

Ascal whistled sharply.

Lately, Ascal had made it a habit to keep Fer close by, ready to flee at a moment’s notice.

For moments just like this.

“Fer ! Full speed ahead, let’s get out of here! Eileen, you too, hop on!”

-Where do you think you’re running off to?!

The halo of light trembled.

If that light caught them, they would be forcibly transformed into a hero and a true saintess.

Fer soared into the sky.

But the halo of light relentlessly pursued them.


It was a grave mistake.

“…Ascal? Where are you going without me? And who is that woman?”

Lia’s eyes turned icy cold.

“Brothers, did you see that?”

“We did. The way he fled confirms it.”

“Indeed. The Saintess has led us to the truth.”

“Hahaha. Our Mazar-nim really does enjoy a good game of tag! But this time, we won’t let you escape, Mazar-nim! Oh, how delightful!”

The warriors, with bright smiles on their faces, took off in pursuit of Ascal.


“D-d-did you see that? You saw it too, right? That’s… that’s it!!!!”

“Yes, Your Highness. It appears to be a Pegasus, a mythical creature.”

The Crown Prince had witnessed the sight of a Pegasus.

– – – The End of The Chapter – – –

[TL: Fighting- Koreans say this to encourage someone.

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