The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 76: An Evil In The Forest (2/2)

****(POV) Same title but new POV what?! -_-

Something is wrong with the forest. Terribly wrong. The unusual bustle of monsters is nowhere to be seen. It is quiet. Too quiet. Coming here is usually all about knowing boundaries. Knowing the places one should avoid. The territories of the apex predators here.

No life is to be seen. The silence is eerie. Every step I take resonates. I who usually am one with the surroundings am sticking out like a sore thumb.

I've been a hunter for a long time. I've honed my instinct like no other. At least no other in this little town.

My instincts are screaming at me that this situation is bad. The scent of death is somehow permeating the entire forest.

This shouldn't be possible. After all, there are records of many beast kings living here. They say it takes 4 peak rank 4 to successfully hunt such a creature. There is extreme danger in their rampage before death. Without sufficient preparations, a fight can easily cause all parties involved to perish. What kind of power can intrude upon this place and massacre its inhabitants?

This is madness. No such power should exist on this continent. Or more accurately no power would bother. It would only weaken their forces. The new war is starting. Only small skirmishes have taken place. An invasion of a disaster zone is a significant event.

One not to be taken lightly. In any case, this is bad. Extremely so.

I need to understand what is going on. After all my wife and son would be in danger if something happens here. Well, I believe my son would be fine somehow. He is bright and talented. As long as he is not confronted to a beast king directly that is.

I carefully make my way toward the inner parts. This is risky, but I need to understand what is happening. For the town's sake.

My heartbeat is slow and steady. My pace a crawl to minimize any noise. My breathing light and even. This is a trick I've learned that will help me survive in such places. Monsters' predatory instincts will make them hunt anything that shows any trace of fear. It is second nature to them.

I keep progressing until I finally discern something. Oh god. The town is definitely doomed. I may be too.

In the distance, I notice an army. A limping, decomposing one. Empty eyes devoid of any soul.

Many Zombies. Rank 2 and rank 3 ones. All under the control of one being. A tall man wearing a long red cloak. One that used to be brown, but now covered in so much blood. His features are unseen for they are hidden being an iron mask. One that covers the face and shows a disturbing smile.

The first impression I get of this man is that he would gleefully slaughter any creature to add them to his collection.

"Oh? what DO We HAVe Here? wE ShalL pARtAkE In yOur SOuL. Don't WoRRy YOu'll beG ME TO dEVOuR YoU SOoN enoUGH."


My previously steady heartbeat is no more. I need to get away. Now!

I turn instantly and I start running. I am not going against that thing. At all costs.

It is no man. I doubt it is even human. An eldritch entity?! The way it speaks makes it unnaturally clear. A deep manly voice at times, a coquettish woman voice at others, then it becomes an anguished child's one.

"YoU Can ruN but yOU cAN't HidE You KNoW."

I can hear its voice in my ear. Slowly murmuring about my upcoming demise. A voice so soft yet so disturbing. Somehow reaching me despite the distance.

How am I even hearing it? I quickly look back. It is keeping up with me. One slow step at a time.

I am running with my life on the line. But it is always behind me.

Effortlessly so.

A predator toying with its prey.


No way in hell am I bringing this monster back.

I do a sharp turn and head toward the inner forest again.

Surely not all the kings have perished yet. If I am to die I will first make sure to bring this abomination down with me.

"Heh. SUch A pOinTlEsS sTruGgLE. YOu ChANged YouR MINd? IS TheRe sOmETHINg tHiS wAy YOu wiSH tO PrOTeCt?"


This can't be happening. No. Think.

Yes. I know.

At home rests a soul gem with my life imprint. As long as I live it will remain bright.

I will bring that thing as deep as I can. Then I will die.

Hopefully, they will understand. They will leave town and run.

My mind is made. I harden my heart. No matter what I need to be successful.

"Oh? do YOU tHink rUNNIng froM uS is POSsiBLe? No MATTeR wHAT lIeS FURTHER WoN'T hElP yOu hAHA."

No time to pay any attention to the ramblings of the creature.

I run. Run with all my might. I am ready to burn my lifeforce for a last hurrah too.

No matter what I will die.

"We WiLL cAPturE YOu aND bRIng you to REUnitE WIth YOUR BELovED WhOmeVEr THeY mAY bE. tHAt'S WhErE yOU WEre HEAdING EARLiEr iS It NoT? HAHA."

There is no trace of humanity remaining. All I can feel from it is pure evil and insanity.

In this manner, the chase continues.

Me running, him strolling casually.

A harbinger of death. Smiling all along.

His minions trailing along behind.

I can only see a plain mask, but I am sure of what lies underneath.

An expression tainted by malice.

This thing is evil.

Or many in this case. Many many evils inhabiting a single body.

Or simply one thing so insane it thinks of itself as many.

It goes on until ….

"Come with me if you want to live."

What?! I jump aside.

Right there is a shadow fox. A creature that excels at sneak attacks.

One extremely deadly at that.

Did it just address me?!

"I said come with me if you want to live. Are you deaf? Or simply a little slow?"

What the heck.

What's with this situation?

Either way. I follow as quickly as I can.

No time to hesitate.

After all. The cackling devil is still after me. *shiver *.

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