The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 93: Time For A Hunt


The truly strong ones are able to shine in any kind of circumstance. Back in the Lang region, I had to claw my way to join the flying sword faction. That faction was seen as the overlord of a medium-sized region. It was said to be impossible for a low-born like myself to be recruited.

I proved all of them wrong. Of course, I had to fake my ancestry. Managed to find some information about one of their long lost disciple and faked some document to prove my identity. None of it fooled the higher-ups, but it got me through the door. When they saw my potential they decided to keep mum about it.

This is how this world works. The strong have their ways while the weak crawl on the ground like insects. As simple as that. There is no justice, there is no wrong or evil. There is only power.

There I became one of their core disciples in a record time. It made so many jealous. I became the idol of some, but that didn't deter me from staying focused on my goals. The flying sword domain was too small to contain someone like me after all. I would train hard until I could soar like a dragon.

While others spent their time playing, I spent it either training or networking. Do not underestimate the power of socializing. I learned quickly to please the seniors, the only way I managed not to get assassinated. I was a newcomer and would have been too easy to trample on no matter my potential.

This is something my own family didn't understand. That you have to fight for what you want. That is why I left all of them, I even took the leader of that sect as my adoptive father. Figured this would bring me the most benefits.

Then came an opportunity to get even stronger. These guys found an entrance to a secret realm. Getting a spot in it was truly hard. Every disciple wanted to join it. After all opportunities it brings are truly endless.

Birds die for food and men die for wealth, or in this case legacies. Some trash left behind on a whim by a super-expert might turn up to be better than any of the techniques we possess. Simply because creating a secret realm is not something pathetic mortals are able to do. Not usually in any case.

There was some opposition from all parties to me joining, but I remained headstrong and ended up being the one leading all of my fellow disciples in there.

I was looking forward to any kind of legacy, but I got more than what I bargained for.

Way more. What I found was a whole new world.

When I came to my senses I was in a golden palace. One so beautiful it could only belong to a top expert. There was a man there. One that looked quite shabby, but I do not judge by the cover, only power.

And my senses were failing to gauge his limits. He appeared as a simple mortal. This was of course impossible given that only cultivators were able to enter the secret realm in the first place.

Except I was proven wrong. He was but a simple mortal. Summoned by mistake.

I am not sure how all of it happened, but it matters little.

I disregarded his entire existence once she came. She called herself a Goddess and she was deserving the name.

Long flowing hair, doe eyes, cherry lips with a small smile, cute small nose, peerlessly white teeth, soft skin, full breasts, long legs, with an overall grace that is inhumane. Her whole existence felt holy. From her golden cultivator robe to her aura radiating power.

I decided there and then that I would follow her. She promised me power should I serve her.

Power has always been my goal all along. Following her along better than any other alternative. I quickly forgot about the flying sword faction. Insignificant and having served their purpose already.

That adoptive father of mine could think me dead for all that mattered. The fiancé I had too, it was all a political move anyway.

I became her champion right away; the competition was undeserving of the right.

Then came something magical. I was sent to train in a small world.

In there the Qi was so pure and abundant it made cultivating extremely easy.

I trained non-stop for all the time I had, but it all came to an end quickly. One day is an extremely short period of time after all.

I that was a rank 2 warrior and mage by her standards became almost a rank 3 in both disciplines. All that at the age of 17. I was told reaching this point at the age of 50 is good.

I might have been in a new environment, but my talent did not fail me. That and my hard work. Effort is the basis of success.

My new task was to fight for her and bring her glory. In exchange, I would have all that I desired, even her.

This is when I was sent to the earth realm. Apparently, an oracle was sent to state my upcoming arrival. I was expecting her followers to show loyalty and to be awaiting me. None of that happened.

They seemed truly surprised about my existence. Already then I knew something was wrong. Then I discovered something truly flabbergasting. They all got tricked by that slave. How he even got here is a mystery. The Lunar Goddess did say something about a war of gods. Chances are all of it was a sly plan of another god to lower our fighting power.

Well, the appellation of a sly plan wouldn't really be deserving. It all came crumbling to pieces quickly.

I had him jailed. That is when I realized I would have to change the whole upper echelon of the sect. These guys were utterly useless and undeserving of serving the Goddess. Getting tricked so easily and all.

The following events only proved me right. It happened right after the champion inauguration ceremony.

They somehow allowed their prisoners to escape. Tarnishing the reputation of the Moon Keep being one thing but slighting to Goddess a serious offense. All of them trashes.

I would have to clean all of this mess myself. I thus went after both escapees. They somehow removed all their traces, but all of that was useless. After all, I could guess where they were heading. Nearby there was a disaster zone leading to the rest of the continent. Perfect place to lose pursuers.

My target might be useless junk, but he seemed good at scheming. He would have thought of such a plan for sure.

It was time for a hunt.

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