The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 95: How About We Turn Back?


The Moon Keep got themselves a new champion. This is the absolute worst. They are already the number one faction on this continent and are already unchallengeable. It would be fine should they remain listless and hidden in their fortress. But this new hero of theirs is bad news.

One does not invoke a champion without dreams of conquest.

It is not only a force to be reckoned with but mostly a symbol. One that shows the strength of the sect itself. There have been many wars where the outcome was simply determined by a duel between the chosen ones.

The loss of a symbol is harder to stomach than any possible true tactical defeat. After all, champions represent much more than themselves, they are direct envoys decided upon by the gods themselves. Such an honor is something all individuals wish for. Even I am no exception to this rule.

The only reason I joined that second-rate sect in the first place was that I had an opportunity to climb the ranks there and obtain true power over my fellow sect members. My dream being of one day not having to work and simply send my underlings to take care of all of my businesses.

Recently came an opportunity.

There is no way a sect of our caliber could win any direct conflict. Not how we are this very moment especially. Not only do we lack resources, but we also lack talented members. Well of course that is when we compare ourselves to the big players.

But raw power is not always the best answer. There are many undercurrents to a god war. One key factor is the popularity of your church. As long as you manage to steal your opponent's followers from under their noses you win. A god without followers is a goner.

There are many historical instances of gods completely dying because of their lack of following. I need to make sure this never happens to us. After all the future I dream of will rely on the sect members' loyalty towards me, I cannot slack off.

That opportunity consisted of playing with our strength against our enemy's weaknesses. As we have spies pretty much everywhere, we quickly became aware of the new threat of the newcomer champion. But then he left the Mook Keep alone. Apparently to chase after some escaped prisoner.

At first, we were convinced that the information was fake. After all, no one ever escaped from their iron grasp. It could have been an extremely elaborate set-up to trap us and defeat us.

Turns out it was veridic. We couldn't believe in our luck. The chance to get rid of an insane threat once and for all and go from being a second-rate sect to a first-rate one in a single move. We would become the heroes that stood opposed to these crazy people.

When one is as powerful and ancient as the Moon Keep it is normal to get many enemies.

Their enemies are so numerous they probably can't list them all themselves. The whole continent would acclaim us for doing what we are set to accomplish. To kill the Lunar Goddess's champion. Some openly, some others only behind closed doors for fear of retaliation.

Are we completely unafraid of reprisals? Not at all. It just doesn't change the fact that for our current situation the pros of such a decision outweigh the potential consequences.

This is effectively a beheading operation. To kill the young Champion before he grows older.

One where I am the established leader, but I still need to tread on eggshells around everyone to keep the morale high. By everyone, I mean all the rejects of many allied sects. All of their soldiers that are strong enough to be rank 3, but not strong enough to be part of the core leadership. Sadly that includes me, well once this operation succeeds, I will get recognition. Finally.

In my party, I have various members, about a dozen. There are mages, warriors, beast tamers, shamans, you name it, it's there.

It seems the higher-ups wanted this expedition group to be extremely polyvalent. I look around, it is time for my speech. This happens right in face of the disaster zone that we will cross through soon.

"Remember everyone we want to accomplish our goal no matter what. We overwhelm the enemy with our numbers, I do not want any dumbass trying to go for a duel or holding back. The Moon Keep never held back over the years it is time to make them pay! Remember you are doing this for your sect! You are doing this for your continent! Most importantly you are doing this for yourself!"

Comes a cacophony of agreements overlapping. Well, some remain silent of course. Either the ones that are shy or truly do not care. Well everyone seems to have understood my warning and we should be good to head in.

We should be fine since everyone is rank 3 and our target a rank 2 reportedly.

Wait someone is raising his hand. How polite of him. I just hope the question is valid.

"Yes, what is it?"

"Should we ask a passerby about more info on the forest?"

"Don't worry about it, I researched every single known species in there. As long as we don't draw blood and provoke a beast surge, we will be fine. Oh yeah for anyone new to the lingo, a beast surge happens when other beasts get excited upon smelling the blood of their fallen comrades. About the first part even if we wanted to ask about that we especially came here because there is no one around ever."

With this everything should be crystal clear; I hope so anyway.

"What about that guy?"

What? I turn around and there comes slowly walking the most pitiful human being I've ever seen. He is covered from head to toe in blood. His skin is full of cuts, his clothes unrecognizable. Well, that is if these can even be called clothes anymore. The poor guy obviously had an extremely hard time. He ignores us looking completely spent and keeps walking slowly.

Someone approaches me.

"Psst, should we silence him?"

I think a few seconds about it. We do not mind publicity. The only concern is to make sure the operation goes well, hence the tranquility required. Him seeing us here is not much of an issue after all.

"No, all good. Everyone let's head in!"

We march forward at a steady rhythm. All I sync, or close to anyway. That is until one of them breaks formation.

"Why are you moving about by yourself?!"

The offender is one usually really focused guy that talks so little it makes people wonder if he is mute. Why the sudden change in attitude?

"Ah, sorry I was distracted by something. Can I see the portrait of the man we are chasing again?"

Someone hands it to him.

I look at him questioningly.

"How about we turn back."

Why is he bringing that up at this moment? Is he trying to sabotage my mission?!

"Well you see, the man covered in blood we met just happens to look the exact same as the one in this portrait."

"MOTHERFUCKER! We go back! Now! Kill that asshole that dared to play us!"

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