The Unseen Angel in MHA


Bakugo and I make our way in silence to the Principal's office. I can tell he is extremely angry at the situation, but at the same time also nervous remembering my threat from the first time meeting him. Once we arrive in the Principal's office, Nezu is sitting at his desk with my Uncle sitting down across from him. Shota already called them to tell them I was coming with Bakugo about his recent outburst.

"Young Bakugo, come sit down," my Uncle says patting the chair next to him across from Nezu. While I stand behind both my Uncle and Bakugo with my arms crossed.

"Do you know why you are here?" Nezu asks Bakugo after he takes a seat and sips his tea.

"Yeah, I know…I messed up just don't take me out of the class, please," Bakugo says with a gritted voice holding back his anger, then pleads with Nezu.

"That's not really up to me…I mean it is technically up to me, but with Sensei Yagi's connections he could have you removed from the school entirely," Nezu says with his sadistic side showing while shooting me a smirk. Bakugo then turns to me with an angry look, but also a very nervous face.

"I warned you Bakugo," I say to him with a neutral expression, making him pale slightly.

"Akihiko, you're joking, right? Young Bakugo doesn't need to be removed from the class or even school," my Uncle says to me with a worried look concerned over his old student's path.

"Am I?" I say back giving him the same neutral look, making him sigh defeated as he is unsure if I'm being serious.

"...I'm sorry…" Bakugo says quietly and in a defeated voice, once he truly realizes the situation he is in.

"What?" I say looking at him, testing his temperament. He looks at me with an angry face while gritting his teeth.

"I'm sorry!" Bakugo says while trying to hold back his anger, but slips in his voice.

"Accepted. Though Bakugo, I do believe in second chances…but only second chances. Mess up again and I will have you removed from not only the class but this school too. Understood?" I say to him with a serious face and voice.

"Yes," Bakugo says with a relieved sigh and nods to me.

"Good, though you will apologize to each of your classmates for the outburst. Plus the three top students who helped you all in the drill. Then you will see your conciliar now every day after school instead of once a week, until they say otherwise," I say to him before he leaves. My Uncle and Nezu agree with my conditions.

"Ok," Bakugo says before standing up and heading back to his dorm.

"Thanks, Akihiko for not pushing to have him expelled or removed from the hero program," my Uncle says to me with a smile.

"I wasn't going to remove him from the program or school. Though the kid has issues, even I wasn't this bad when I was younger. If he doesn't change then he should be removed from the program, 'cause if he becomes a hero one day he may end up like Endeavor or worse," I say to them and they both nod agreeing with my statement.

"Like you said this is his last chance," Nezu says making my Uncle sigh, but nod his head understanding that Bakugo will be removed if he messes up again.

"I'm gonna go find him and see if I can talk to him, see if I can help in any way understand his situation he is in," my Uncle says standing up to go after Bakugo.

"So how's the attention from being the number one hero in everything, except for on paper," Nezu says with a smirk at me once my Uncle leaves.

"Fuck off," I say with a chuckle before leaving too. Nezu just laughs at me as I leave.

After saying goodbye to my best friends who are now my co-workers, I head home. I already told Rumi I was going to be late, so she grabbed Eri from school today. Once I came home I could hear Eri in the living room doing her homework while Rumi was helping her. After I walked into the room, Eri jumped up and hugged me with Rumi coming over and turning it into a group hug, then giving me a quick kiss.

"Dad, did you see mom on the news today?!" Eri says to me once we break the hug.

"No, wait you were on the news?" I say to Eri and then look at Rumi who gives me a smirk.

"Yeah look," Eri says running over to the TV and playing the clip of Rumi on the news.

The video first shows Endeavor and Hawks fighting one of the monster-looking villains that have been popping up over the country recently. Seems this monster was a lot stronger than the rest we faced so far, as both Hawks and Endeavor were almost defeated before eliminating the monster. After the fight a man with heavy scars and black hair showed up, I couldn't tell what he looked like but I had a feeling I knew him.

He seems to discuss something with the two heroes, before attacking them with blue fire. His attack seemed to have the intent to kill them, though he focused mostly on Endeavor. While Hawks was suspiciously being avoided for the most part. After it seemed like the two heroes would lose the fight, Rumi showed up and kicked the scarred man back a few dozen feet. With Rumi's help, they almost subdued the villain, before he disappeared with the help of the shadow villain I saw at U.A. all those months ago.

"That villain…he gives me a sense of déjà vu, like I've seen him before or know him," I say once we finish watching the news clip of the fight.

"Now that you mention it…yeah he does feel familiar," Rumi says with a thoughtful expression. Eri is looking at us confused but just shrugs it off.

"Either way you saved those two, I'm sure they were very grateful," I say with heavy sarcasm, while Rumi chuckles and nods her head.

"Yeah, they were both so 'happy' that I showed up…but Endeavor was actually nicer to me once the battle ended. Seemed that fight with the fire-wielding villain, made him realize something," Rumi says after laughing a bit but then seems thoughtful about Endeavor's reaction to the villain.

"Well let's hope the change is a good one, I don't need another headache from him," I say with a sigh and Rumi nods her head.

Another week passed with my Uncle, Shota, me, and Sekijiro Kan the homeroom teacher of class 1-B discussing a joint exercise between the two classes. The joint training battle will be held outside and since it is winter time the students will have to put on their winter version of their hero outfits, for me temperature never bothered me.

Class 1-B arrives after Class 1-A and Neito Monoma openly challenges Class 1-A to this decisive battle between the rival classes. He even reveals that students voted 1-B's play over 1-A's musical performance from the School Festival. Shota tells Neito to be quiet and announces that there will be a guest for this exercise. Hitoshi Shinso is being reviewed for consideration in the Hero Course. Hitoshi re-introduces himself to everyone and explains that in order to become a great hero, he must overcome everyone else.

Sekijiro, Shota, and I begin the exercise immediately afterward. Each class chooses lots to split into five teams of four. Each team battles one match at a time inside the training field. Hitoshi is placed on a team with both classes, making two matches five against four. Each team perceives the other as villains and must try to capture one another. If someone is locked in 'jail', they are eliminated from the match.

The team that captures four people and places them inside an 'Irredeemable Jail Cell' wins. Teams of five still lose if four of their members are jailed. Teams start at their own bases and the matches are set with a twenty-minute time limit. If time runs out, the team with the most captured enemies wins. All Might and Nemuri come to spectate the battle. The matches begin shortly after both all students draw lots to decide their teams.

The First Round of Class 1-A vs Class 1-B is a battle between Eijiro Kirishima, Denki Kaminari, Tsuyu Asui, and Koji Koda against Ibara Shiozaki, Kosei Tsuburaba, Hiryu Rin, and Jurota Shishida. Hitoshi Shinso of Class 1-C is added to Class 1-A's team. Like the drill, the students each have mics that they can use to talk to one another, plus we can listen in, just in case help is needed.

Team A-1 advances through Ground Gamma, with Tsuyu leading the way, using her camouflage to stay hidden from the opposing team. Tsuyu decides they should stick together and try to overwhelm their rivals with numbers. Denki believes they might be better served by splitting up, so he can use his Quirk without putting them at risk, but Eijiro refutes this because this would leave each of them alone and vulnerable.

Hitoshi points out that they should try to neutralize troublesome powers like Ibara's first. Denki commends Hitoshi but Hitoshi believes any aspiring hero should know that. Tsuyu points out that Team 1-B probably had the same idea, and they will dedicate their efforts to neutralizing Denki or Hitoshi first. This makes Denki nervous, declaring that he is counting on them to be safe. Koji receives information from a flock of birds saying that Ibara is alone. Class 1-A takes the bait and heads toward her position but they walk right into a trap.

Jurota Shishida suddenly leaps from the air in his Beast-enhanced form and smashes both Eijiro and Tsuyu through nearby pipes with Roaring Rage. He reveals that his team knew Koji would find them and used Ibara as bait. They need to defeat Denki before he has a chance to attack, and he was able to locate them thanks to his nose.

Jurota suddenly crouches down revealing that Koji was riding behind him. He uses his Air Prison to trap Koji in a soundproof box made of Solid Air. Realizing that things are going wrong for his team, Hitoshi begins to manipulate his Artificial Vocal Cords and uses Kosei's voice to commend Jurota. The latter replies without realizing the trick and falls for Hitoshi's Persona Chords.

Hitoshi tries to capitalize by restraining Jurota with his capturing weapon but Kosei is faster and traps him in another air prison. Kosei knows about Hitoshi's power because Ibara and others were brainwashed by him in the U.A. Sports Festival but he's surprised by the voice changer. He wakes up Jurota and Denki rushes them both.

Jurota smacks Denki away and receives a powerful shock for touching him. Denki's surprised Jurota still had the strength to send him flying despite the electric shock. Kosei jumps off his beastly ally to avoid getting shocked but Tsuyu wraps him in her tongue and takes him straight to jail. Jurota recovers from electrocution and chases Tsuyu to retrieve his teammate. Denki is dismayed his electricity didn't paralyze the beast.

Eijiro recovers from Jurota's attack and immediately goes to get Koji out of the Air Prison. Remembering that Katsuki could break the air barriers with a simple punch during the Cavalry Battle, Eijiro strikes the box but fails to break it, being surprised to find out Kosei's Quirk is stronger than before. Without being overwhelmed by this, Eijiro enters his Red Riot Unbreakable and manages to release Koji from the air prison.

Tsuyu jumps through them, informing them she will take Kosei to jail. Eijiro and Koji agree and step up to protect Tsuyu from Jurota. Eijiro attacks with Red Gauntlet while Koji commands a swarm of bugs. Jurota avoids both attacks by using Re-Beast to revert to his normal form to slip in between them. Then the Class 1-B student reverts to his beast form and grabs both Class 1-a students with his huge hands. Jurota knows Eijiro's hardening can withstand his enhanced strength so he tosses him into the air toward Ibara, who captures him with her vines.

Jurota has Koji by the head, covering his mouth so that he cannot use his Quirk. Koji tries to free himself by punching Jurota's arm but he does not succeed, being surprised by the enormous strength of his rival. Thanks to his keen nose, Jurota senses Denki and Tsuyu approaching him to rescue their ally. Denki shoots several pointers from his Sharpshooting Gear and Tsuyu attacks him with her tongue, but Jurota evades their attacks. With Koji struggling in his arms, Jurota knows that he cannot face Tsuyu and Denki at the same time, so he decides to retreat taking Koji with him to incarcerate him. Class 1-B ends the first skirmish with a 2-1 lead.

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