The Villainess’s Personal Maid

Chapter 9

It's been a day since that old man came into my master's mansion, to which I say, A lot of assassins keep trying to kill young miss, and master began to move and decided to invade some low gangs in the underworld who is part of the assassination.

And this time would be my first mission.

"Jun, I know you are strong, stronger than the others but, this mission is your first experience of killing a human and doing something illegal."


"George Huntington, age 45 has two sons whose age is already 23 and 22, Jonathan Huntington, and Judas Huntington, their gang name is Crox, and they have a member of around 300 or so."

What I want you to do, is to destroy their business which is selling common drugs to teenagers, and... Assassinate Jonathan Huntington and Judas Huntington."


",... You actually don't care do you?"


"... Sigh, you may start your mission at night.."


I turn around and started to walk away, thinking about what breakfast young miss should eat, it was hard since the chef won't be able to give young miss food, but it was fortunate that no one found out that Mr mustache was the one who gave me those pancakes that time.

Honestly, I don't know what type of breakfast should I serve, for I am only drinking milk every morning.

As I held the door handle and open it, Master's voice suddenly came halted my step, and turn towards her.

"Ah, Jun, before I forgot, I want you not to use your illusion magic."


But why?

It will make things easier.

"Despite that poker face, I bet you think, 'it will make things easier'?

You see, that's the point, jun. You rely too much on your illusion magic, what if there was a person who is stronger than you and your illusion magic are useless? What next will you do? Once the person is not affected by your illusion, you will be caught off guard. Then your dead."

"Hmm... This slave understands, I will heed master advice."

It went without saying that this day is peaceful except for the fact of slight tantrum by Young Miss, shouting at me, cursing me, and what's more, then the time when two assassins came and I have to knock them off.

This time, while thinking about killing a human later, I thought why not practice now?

And so, I decided to place the two assassins to the basement with the master's permission.

And I must say, I grew excited hearing them in pain.

Thankfully, I know how to limit myself and found out I have a sadistic nature.

And, yes, I decided, every time the assassin who came will be put in the basement.

At first, the assassins that came were knocked down by me, then give them to my master, I don't know what happen to them but have a guess what fate they met.

The day goes by until night came, I made sure that young miss is asleep soundly, then left the room, Lily a strong-looking woman was the one who is assigned to guard young miss at the moment, however, I must finish my mission early because miss is a person with a bit problematic attitude.

I have no battle suit except my maid outfit, and since I was assigned to assassinate someone while not using my illusion magic, I cannot use it to change my appearance.

So, I wore a black cloak that become part of the dark, and my usual faceless mask.

Maybe this will also be a time to use my echidna's thread.

Before I go, I went to Master first.

"Master, I am ready."

"Good, good luck."

"Can I ask a question?"

"What is it?"

"If, if there's 'if'; a chance that I will meet an unexpected situation, like getting ambushed, should I do plan B and wiped them out?"

Master just looked at me with a deadpan expression before bluntly saying.

"You just want to massacre them right?"

"Be that as it may, master, I still have standards and won't kill an innocent."

"And the fact that none of them are innocent, proved that you want to kill them all right?"

"I supposed so~"

I said as I held the cheek with my palm.

"Sigh... As much as possible don't leave some evidence."



With this conversation over, I departed heading towards my targets.

But then I came back.



It seems master was surprised by my sudden barging in the window.

"Where is my target?"

Master sighed and held her forehead, she then waves her hand implying getting closer to her.

As soon as I am close to my master, she pointed her finger at a holographic map, the place, the appearance of my target, and their connections.

As the appearance of the target is now intact in my brain, This time I departed hoping to finish my mission quickly.

I will also take an effort not to get suspicious, as much as I want to kill all of them, I must remain focused on my main objective, once I kill them, I will quickly go toward my young miss.


*Cynthia POV*

"Are you sure, she can take it?"

"Yeah, she can..."

"Lyn, you did not explain to jun, you even lied about what business they have..."

"What, should I say they are doing human trafficking?"


" Cyn... I know that is why I want her to kill George's sons so she won't see their main business."

"Lyn... You've grown soft."

"Maybe having a child can change a person..."

"Sigh, ten expert assassins come here, I already dealt with them, and five assassins at young miss place."

"... That's great... My daughter is safe..."

"Why don't you take time with her? "

" and what? Shows that people that I actually cared about my daughter? Then they will take advantage of it."

"Sigh... You become soft and stupid when it comes to your daughter..."

"Sorry if you think that way... Anyway, back to our main topic......."


*Jun POV*

I jumped through house and house until I finally stop at the target's place.

[El Rodrigues Street, B231, San Tiago City] [Zero: This place is just made.]

I look at the huge house, it was an expensive mansion that only a billion could live in, I saw many men that look strong patrolling the area.

Without further ado, I landed in front of the gate and walk with a blank expression.

There are four guards with weapons that could kill voids as well as humans, they are just standing at the gate while I just continue walking until I get close to them.

Without minding them, I jumped through the gate until I entered outside.

Of course, thanks to my angel cloaks, none notice me, as I said, I feel invisible while using this.

Except for my glowing eyes, which for me seem eye-catching.

It is still a mystery why no one notices my glowing eyes, or is it also completely invisible, the glow I mean...

Anyway, based on master instruction, on the third floor, Judas Huntington would be in his room, what he was doing is unknown.

And Jonathan Huntington would be in the underground doing some business.

If their schedule is correct then, I must be careful.

And I hope that information is not wrong.

Well, it is master, if it's master then nothing is impossible, I bet she could take everyone in the underworld.

First, I went inside the mansion, it was a definition of grandiose, with chandeliers made of some unknown expensive crystals, the floor was transparent that could see any object's reflection, it was smooth, and the stairs are like royalty could walk into.

There is a pillar like those in greek design and a red carpet.

I look around and saw many men with different kinds of weapons also patrolling inside the house.

While I just continue walking without minding them.

I bumped into something, and due to carelessness, an expensive base that was displayed on the ground fell over and shattered earning the attention of everyone in patrol.

"Who's there!?"

'Your mother.'

While I just stand at the spot where the broken vase was placed, ten men with weapons come fast enough for me not to act.

And since I made a mistake, my Angel Cloak lose its effect.

"Who are you?!"

"... A kid?"

"Wait, she is a servant."

"This is my first time seeing a kid working here as a maid."

"Maybe the young master change his taste...?"


I sighed at how they underestimated me because of my appearance, I am also disappointed at them for not pointing to my face covered by a faceless mask.

"May be boss also buy this little girl together with those two cat girls"


"Yeah, that might be it, by now, the boss is probably about to play with them in the bed right?"

"Hey... is it okay for us to talk about this in front of this child?"

"What? That is fine, she is also a slave so... Hey! Get out of here before we hurt you!"

"Yes, I deeply apologize, this slave made a mistake."

"What's with that voice? "

"Hey, I just notice, why are you wearing that mask?"

The other person said, the man get close to me and stretch his arm towards me.

As his hands get closer to me.

All of the sudden, the surroundings turn quiet as blood spilled everywhere, and got some blood in their clothes, also.

The man who stretched his arm towards me was sliced, and his hand fell to the ground.

The man just stared at his missing hand and the blood that keeps spurting right in front of his eyes.

The man changes his expression into confusion, anger, and pain.

The man was about to open his mouth and tears appeared in his eyes, however, he was not able to let out a scream.

- Swing!!!

Without any second that none of them could see, the neck of the man suddenly started to form a line, and slowly blood started to flow, the man held his neck with the nonstop flowing blood on his neck.

"Gurghh, haa, hgelgh, Hugh... W-wha........."

The man died in misery as he lie lifelessly on the floor.

Everyone was silent for a moment then their eyes gaze at the little girl that they completely underestimated.

Their astonished gaze at me completely change into anger, they brandish their weapon, sword, and guns.

However, before they could use it, their weapon was suddenly taken from them, floating in the air, they saw a golden string completely covering their weapons to not fall.

While they were acting like astonishingly foolish creatures.

I immediately act, I dash towards the other person, laying my legs between his shoulder, covering his face with my maid skirt, I use that advantage to stab his face with my knife, and blood appeared on my maid skirt, I twisted the knife before pulling it, then jumped back.


The person who was stabbed in the face fell on the floor like a puppet that was cut its strings unable to perform.

Spinning my knife, then stop it, the sharp pointed blade is at the back while the hilt of my knife is in the front, then without further ado, I swung it backward.


When I swang backward my knife, what it meet was the upcoming punch of the person.


I pulled my knife and then twist my body, and I kick the man on his rib and I heard a crack.

I then quickly crouched avoiding the kick at my back, while in a crouching posture, I use my left leg to give a kick to the person in his crotch, earning mournful pain on him.

Then I threw my knife that flew toward the other person who was about to call for backup.

The knife pierces through to his chest, and I quickly sprint toward that person.

While the person is still standing, I jumped and landed both of my feet on his chest, with both of my hands on the knife, I pulled it not minding the blood spilled on my mask and clothes.

Using his body, I use it to jump in mid-air, I use Echidna's thread to the person who was about to cast magic.

Wrapping the thread in his whole body, I pulled my hand with a string that connected to his body, mercilessly crushing him, until his whole bone is not properly placed in the right spot.


While in mid-air, I took another three knives from my clothes and threw them toward the three.

Two of them manage to dodge it but the other one was unfortunate.

However, it is still not done, using my skill bounce N' bounce, it ricochets on the floor onto their back, bending back their body due to pain, while I take that time to use the knife on my right hand, slitting the throat of the person to the left, then as I landed I pulled the knife on his back, then I quickly rotate myself, while the right person is still in an impact of pain, I use the knife on my left to thrust in at his side abdomen, and the knife on my right flew towards the other person who has an extra gun on his waist, killing him immediately.

The person who I stabbed in the side abdomen did not die so, I twisted the knife and push it deeper, and pulled it upward, quickly killing him.


"Hey! Call for backup immediately! I'll buy you some time!"

Said the big man, he dash towards me at incredible speed and he give me a light job two times then a straight punch, despite successfully avoiding his attack, the wave of his punch give me a cut on my cheek.

I stepped back and we start punching and kicking for a second.

But I still won in the end.

By managing to punch him in his solar flexus, I also immediately give him a kick on his nut and a punch on the throat, then using my echidna's thread, I choked him hard for him to lose his breath and die.

As the last person manages to connect his call to the other comrades.

{Team A, this team B what's the problem?}

"Nothing, it was just the boss's slave who he purposely let escape, we thought that she actually manage and... Anyway, sorry for the interruption."

I said with a deep voice.

{Okay... Under-[huugh!!!] What's that?}

I tightly held the mouth of the last person who was in pain, he keeps puking burning blood in his mouth as the inside of his throat and eyes is burning in fire.

"Nothing, we put a sack on the slave... And... It seems the boss has that type of fetishes..."

{I-I see, then contact us later if there is really a problem.}


As the call ended, it was also the time for the last person to die, by burning his inside using my fire magic.

I look around, seeing the ten dead bodies, I sighed and quickly walk upstairs.

"I'm lucky that there is no security camera here, or others hear the noise."

I wiped the blood on my knife on the dead body's clothes.

Now then, I walk myself towards Judas Huntington's room.

And then...

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