The Villains I Taught Became Heroes

Chapter 40

The ruins were located in a vast city’s underground waterways, a bit away from the village.

Anyway, I was planning to take them to the big city as a victory reward, so this worked out well.

After finishing the ruins investigation, I could just hang out for a while.

“Wow, wow…”

Lena’s expression brightened as she heard the contents of the map given by Balton. It’s understandable since it was her first time going to a big city.

“You’re not getting too excited to the point you can’t sleep, right?”

“Ah, no…!”

You know how it is.

Like when you’re so excited for a picnic that you stay up all night and can’t sleep.

In my eyes, Lena seems like one of those types. I feel like her excitement is keeping her from sleeping.

“If you want, I can help you sleep.”

“U-uh, how? Are you going to stay by my side until I fall asleep? Personally, I would prefer if you hold my hand!!”

Lena’s eyes sparkled as she huffed out through her nose, but I can’t be bothered to do something like that.

“I can knock you out until tomorrow morning.”

I punched the air, making a thwack sound. Lena’s face turned as white as a sheet.

“…I-I’ll sleep alone!”

If I just landed a proper punch, she would be out cold until morning.

I watched as Lena quickly calmed down her excitement and entered her room, then I sat down at the table.


Another long day came to an end.

Taking a sip from the whiskey I bought in the village, I checked on Lena’s growth rate.

The dual casting and Shadow Spear, which I could see even when she was the Silent Grand Sorceress, were manifesting in nature magic as well, not just dark magic.

Plus, her growth rate was so quick it almost seemed like a bug.

At this pace, it wouldn’t be long before I could teach her advanced magic, probably within a year.

The problem was what to do after that.

While my objective was to teach her advanced magic, considering Lena’s future, sending her to the Ivory Tower might be a better choice.

The Ivory Tower.

It’s the educational institution all mages dream of. Due to its specialized training in magic, it’s viewed more favorably than the Academy by mages.

Actually, mages from the Ivory Tower tend to be stronger.

During the main story, there was even an event where we interacted with exchange students from the Ivory Tower.

Defeating those mages wasn’t an easy task.

Anyway, thinking about Lena’s future, it would be better for her to be sent to the Ivory Tower.

Yeah. Just grow up strong and healthy.

I gazed toward Lena’s room while sipping whiskey.




There was nothing that could be called preparation.

We just had to travel, after all.

Since we couldn’t travel on horseback like when we were at the Eastern Trading Company, we exited the hut early in the morning.

“Hehe, hehehe~!”

Lena was so excited that she kept humming a tune.

Patting her head, I sat down as we arrived at the highway.

“Why, why are you doing that here?”

“We can just walk when traveling through the highway, but the best option is to take a carriage.”

“Oh, is that so?”

“Generally, you pay a small fee to ride their carriage, but if you’re strong, you can strike a guard contract and travel together.”

This is also a common way to go back and forth between different regions in games.

Of course, if you have enough money, you can either buy your own horse or hire a carriage.

I had enough money from the Eastern Trading Company, but for Lena’s benefit, it’s better to try things like this.

“…M-meet other people…??”


Is it because she’s nervous about traveling with unknown people?

Lena’s already pale face turned even whiter.

But it’s all an experience. There’s nothing bad about it.

“Oh, here they come.”

Dust was rising in the distance. Looking closely, I saw two carriages traveling along the highway.

One of them passed right by us. It looked fancy, and I figured a noble must have been inside.

After that one passed by, a large carriage that was following came to a halt in front of us.

“Are you travelers?”

“Haha, yes. We’re going to Greenhild.”

“Coincidentally, we’re also heading to Greenhild. If you’re skilled, we can hire you as guards, or if not, we can give you a ride for ten gold coins.”

“My skills aren’t bad. We’re both magicians.”

“Magicians? We’re honored to have esteemed guests. Please, hop in.”

The driver, who looked to be the carriage’s owner, gestured toward the back.

As Lena and I entered, I found four people who looked like a family.


“Oh, nice to meet you. Hehe.”

A middle-aged woman with a generous demeanor greeted us with a smile.

She reminded me of Luceia, which lightened Lena’s expression slightly.

But that didn’t last long.

“Wow~! Pretty lady!”

“Sister! Can we play with dolls?!”

Two girls, who looked like daughters, sparkled their eyes and approached Lena.

Especially with children who come up so eagerly, Lena, already weak in the knees, looked at me with panic in her eyes.

Help me! was written all over her face.

But this is also an experience.

Hang in there, my apprentice.

I discreetly evaded her glance and greeted the man who looked like her husband.

Like the middle-aged woman, he had a pleasant look and smiled as he made room for us.

“Nice to meet you. I’m Oscar.”

“Nice to meet you. I’m Lee Hyun. This is my apprentice, Lena.”

“Ah, n-nice to meet you.”

Despite being very frozen, Lena bowed deeply, and I felt proud.

I thought she’d just freeze or hide behind me.

Surprisingly, she greeted them properly, and I noticed her being led away by the girls as I sat down in an open spot and looked around the carriage.

“With so much luggage, I take it you’re moving?”

“Haha, yes. We’re going to open a shop in Greenhild.”

“Oh, really? What kind of shop?”

“I’m thinking of opening a bakery. I checked the market there recently, and the bread tasted terrible. Prices were steep too.”

“Is that so? Your cooking skills must be impressive.”

“Hahaha! My wife’s skills are top-notch. And I can’t be outdone when it comes to making sweets. Oh, care for a taste?”

With a grin, he handed me a few cookies.

Taking a bite, I found they lived up to their pride.

These would sell nicely, even at the Academy.

I should suggest eventually.

“These… are delicious!”

Lena also tasted the cookies and sparkled her eyes.

It seems that response impressed the couple’s daughters, who clung even closer to Lena, leading her to seek my help once again.

Naturally, I ignored it this time too.

“By the way, what brings you two magicians to Greenhild? Are you going due to Mayor Reben’s summons?”

“Huh? Summons? What’s that?”

“Oh, it seems you don’t know. Mayor Reben of Greenhild is planning some event in collaboration with the Ivory Tower to promote magic growth in the city. They’re summoning around mages from neighboring towns.”

Saying this, Oscar handed me a piece of paper that had been used to wrap the cookies.

As I chewed on the cookie, I checked it out, and indeed it contained information related to the event he mentioned.

“Uh, Master. Do you know what it is?”

“It sounds like an event in collaboration with the Ivory Tower, probably some magic tournament or something.”

There were quite a few similar events in the game.

There were tournaments where only those with special professions could participate, with decent prizes, so it would generally be wise to enter if possible.

“Is there an individual competition too?!”

After hearing my explanation, Lena’s eyes sparkled.

Looks like she’s gained some confidence since her victory last time.

Good for her. She’s growing every day.

“As far as I know, there are teams of three.”


How could her enthusiasm deflate so quickly? The mention of needing an extra person just popped Lena’s balloon of excitement in an instant.


“Did you think it was just me and you, Silphied?”

“…Oh. N-no… Not me?”

That wouldn’t work.

I might, but Silphied?

“With your master’s charm, surely you can find one person…!”

“It seems a bit tricky for me to participate.”

“Eh?! Why not?!”

“Since it’s an event aimed at recruiting unregistered novice magicians from the Ivory Tower, I’d rather not join. Also, I’m a formal advanced magician of the Ivory Tower.”

“Oh!! I see, you really are a big deal!”

When Oscar was shocked by the mention of being a formal magician of the Ivory Tower, he scrambled to adjust his tone, while Lena tilted her head in confusion.

It seemed she didn’t have a proper understanding of the Ivory Tower yet.

“W-what? Is being a formal advanced magician of the Ivory Tower really that impressive?”

“Of course! A magician strong enough to conquer mid-level ruins on their own… and formal magicians from the Ivory Tower receive baron-level treatment in any country, we shouldn’t just be here like this…”

“It’s fine. Just relax. I’m just a sword magician.”

While I was indifferent, they seemed quite flustered.

Lena was the same.

“Wow, wow… Noble treatment… wow…”

Her gaze toward me was now filled with even more respect.

“By the way, how did you become… a formal magician of the Ivory Tower?”

“Nothing much.”

I shrugged it off.

“I just fought alongside the Ivory Tower magicians for three days and nights against a great demon to save a crown prince. That’s all.”

Just happened to participate in an event.

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