The Void Wolf

Chapter 163: A Liar's Fate

The leading figures in the strike against Ira waited in Altharth’s throne room.

“Ah!” An old Lares fell to his knees and panted heavily.

His movements caused a slight panic to spread but no one spoke up.

“What is it?” Altharth asked with a calm expression but anyone could see his gaze was full of tension.

“I can’t feel them anymore...It’s as if all of them died…at once,” The Lares responded while suppressing his own trembling.

“Impossible. Find out what happened–” Altharth felt space being manipulated and stood up from his throne.

“Prepare for the release of the Sea Serpent,” Altharth said solemnly.

The Naiads responded and took steps toward the exit of the room but suddenly, two people soundlessly appeared in the middle of the throne room. A woman covered in a glossy black armor with faint and intricate patterns decorating each piece and a young man who seemed...underdressed when compared.

Ira looked around the room and stopped when he saw the white-haired man sitting on the throne.

“Go,” Altharth said to the Naiads who stopped in place. They hastily walked away and neither Ira nor Avery took action to stop them.

There were guards filling the huge room as well as the other higher races who were pretending to be Gods. Of course to Ira, who shouldn’t even have been in the Mortal Realm with his current abilities, they were no real threat. Perhaps if they could combine all their strength into one attack and catch him off guard they’d have a chance to bring out Siegfried which could be considered the very brink of death.

“I assume you’re the one who's caused me so much trouble. If you wouldn’t mind, could you introduce yourself?” Altharth asked.

“You know, I saw someone who looked very similar to you,” Ira replied.

He waved his hand and a severed head appeared from thin air and rolled toward the throne.

“...Elthar,” Altharth whispered.

The expression on Elthar’s severed head was one of horror and disbelief. Altharth walked forward and reached toward his son’s remains.

“My name is Ira, by the way,” Ira interrupted.

“I see...Could I ask you a question, Ira?” Altharth inquired while cradling his son’s head.

“Sure,” Ira responded nonchalantly.

“Do you have children?”

“I do.”

“So what would you do if someone hurt them?”

“I don’t think that would really happen, but if it did I’d kill them,” Ira replied simply.

“Ah, wonderful…” Altharth raised his head and laughed. He carefully placed his son’s head on the throne.

“Then Ira...Could you die for me!” Altharth roared.

White scales appeared all over Altharth’s body and then he teleported in front of Ira and grabbed his shoulders. They both vanished from sight and Avery was left alone surrounded by the group of uneasy guards and higher races.

“I hope all of you can show as much enthusiasm as that man,” Avery said while grabbing her shield. Her fiery wings spread out and the temperature in the room surged with them.

Without any hesitation, the group charged toward her.

Ira and Altharth crashed onto a floor and the latter raised his claws and ripped at Ira’s skin but it was incredibly durable.

Ira pulled his arm back and threw a punch that sent Altharth flying away before climbing to his feet.

“Having someone else move me through space is a little different than the teleportation arrays.” Ira rotated his arms before leaping after Altharth who was lodged in a wall. Before Altharth could react Ira’s knee drove him through the sturdy palace walls that were reinforced with countless spells. He rolled through a courtyard and raised his head to see Ira standing in front of him.

“Come on, do it again,” Ira said in an encouraging tone.

“Ira!” Altharth used his claws to slash through space in a destructive frenzy. The courtyard was upturned as his attacks shredded everything and Ira wasn’t exempt. As he dodged the strikes, a large cut appeared on his shoulder which surprised him.

“So those can actually injure me?” Ira looked at his wound which healed faster than it appeared. “I’ll have to pay attention to those.”

At the moment, Ira was using his fight against Altharth, someone who could manipulate space, as learning material. After Raveria’s dream, he wanted to be aware of any potential weakness. More specifically, anything he overlooked that could lead to him losing his life or being injured beyond belief.

Ira jumped through space and grabbed Althrarth, stopping his wild attacks at once. The two disappeared again and reappeared on the palace stairs near its entrance. Ira slammed Altharth into the stone steps and kept his momentum until they reached the bottom. Althrath teleported himself a few feet away to recover his posture before his horns appeared along with a tail and wings.

Altharth warped the space around Ira in an attempt to dismember him but Ira quickly leaped away.

“You should just turn into a dragon,” Ira commented.

“Shut up!” Altharth roared. He knew it would be incredibly inconvenient to fight Ira in a bigger form since he would just be a bigger target.

Altharth took to the air and flew toward Ira but once he moved close enough, Ira punched him and sent him back to the ground. Right as Ira was about to land a dozen buildings appeared above him, most of which still had people in them. It was clear that Altharth didn’t care about the people he ruled over. Ira’s figure was buried by the buildings

“You’ll pay for what you’ve done, insolent bastard!” Altharth bellowed as he spread his arms out.

The foundations of the city began to peel away under Altharth’s manipulation.

The citizens were taken off guard by the sudden battle taking place and even more so by the appearance of Altharth himself. Those who thought the dragons were actual Gods began to pray in hopes of appeasing him but it appeared that his wrath was unending. He hurled chunks of debris at the pile that he assumed Ira was buried under. Dust and smoke filled the air along with screams. Even the Blessed Ones weren’t exempt from Altharth’s attack and lost their lives while getting caught in it.

“Wow, you really don’t care about them, huh?” Ira’s voice resounded from behind Altharth.

“How–” Altharth turned around only to have Ira grab him by the throat.

Altharth teleported away and the two found themselves falling from the sky. Ira rotated his body and pressed his foot against Altharth’s chest before increasing the gravity and pushing himself downward with the wind.

Altharth felt a massive amount of weight pressing down on him so he tried to teleport once again but he found that he couldn’t. A surprised and horrified expression appeared on Altharth’s face as he looked at Ira.

‘I figured out how to stop it’ Ira mouthed the words before they hit the ground.

A loud shock reverberated through the city and the ground trembled so much it felt like an earthquake. There were thousands running for cover while trying to hope the disaster avoided them.

The smoke settled a few minutes later and the short battle seemed to be over. Slowly, people emerged from wherever they were hiding and approached a huge crater out of curiosity. A half-dragon man crawled to the edge and peered over only to jump back in shock.

“What is it?” A woman asked.

“Altharth...Altharth...He’s...It can’t be true,” The man said as he blinked rapidly.

The woman saw that the man wouldn’t respond in his current state so she looked into the crater to see Altharth, the one she, as well as many others, worshipped as a God. His white hair was stained with blood and the scales that covered his body had fallen off. Standing over Altharth was a young man with black hair and eerie yellow eyes who smiled brightly.

“Hey, they want to see you,” Ira said while tapping Altarth with his foot. He grabbed Altharth by the back of his neck like a kitten and lifted him into the air.

Altharth, while still alive, wasn’t in a state to resist and even if he wanted to it would prove futile. Ira quickly figured out how to cancel out someone else’s manipulation of space. It wasn’t very complicated it was just a matter of who had better control, who could react faster, and who was more powerful. Since all three conditions applied to Ira all he had to do was cut off Altharth’s connection with the space around him.

Ira jumped out of the crater with Altharth in hand and looked at the crowd who was slowly gathering.

“Altharth, wasn’t it? Could you do me a favor and tell everyone that dragons aren’t gods?” Ira tightened his grip on Altharth’s neck.

“I’d rather...die,” Altharth spat blood onto the ground.

“Really?” Ira dropped Altharth onto the ground and transformed into his beast form.

His sudden change into a ten-foot beast drew horrified gasps from the civilians gathered around but he paid no mind and grabbed Altharth.

“I guess dying would be easier right?” Ira’s voiced scraped against the ears of everyone listening. “But I won’t let you off so easily.”

The black tendrils covering Ira’s hand shifted around as if they were living before piercing Altharth’s chest.

“Ah!” Altharth exclaimed at the strange feeling invaded him.

“I wonder what I’ll get if I consume your soul,” Ira mused to himself while exposing his metal teeth and showing off his horrific smile.

As soon as Ira slightly grazed Altharth’s soul a loud and agonizing scream rang out.

“Aaaaaaaaaagh!” Altharth’s eyes rolled into the back of his head while his body spasmed. “S-Stop! Stop! Stop!”

Ira stopped and waited for Altharth to catch his breath. Those who approached the crater were still out of fear of being attacked by Ira.

“Say it.” Ira whispered but in his current form it was loud enough to be heard by all.

“ not a God...Dragons are not Gods,” Altharth spoke with his eyes closed.

“Louder, tell them the truth,” Ira said with no room for negotiating.

“I am not a God! Dragons are not Gods! It was all a lie! One thousand years ago, there was an affliction caused by the real Gods. Many who were far more powerful than me died and I saw an opportunity to take power. From all over the continent, I removed as many traces of the past as I could while killing those who sought to stop me. Everything was a lie!” Altharth had a miserable expression on his face but it couldn’t compare to the ones gathered near Ira.

Betrayal couldn’t describe their emotions, be it human or half-dragon, they looked completely devastated. Some were in denial and others, mostly those with dragon bloodlines, looked as if they were having an existential crisis.

The feeling of hundreds of years spent worshipping Gods that were nothing more than pretenders showed itself at that moment. There were soldiers mixed in the crowd and they seemed to take it even worse. Previously, they felt like they were justified in killing members of the Uprising and the rumors of other dragons dying didn’t faze those living in the Dragon’s Heart Province. Until now, the one who they had an almost undying faith in, a faith that was built up over hundreds of years, shattered it all.

“Liar!” A human man shouted.

At that moment the entire crowd burst into an uproar of anger and sorrow. Some even attempted to throw rocks at the weakened Altharth but Ira stopped them.

“That’s enough,” Ira said.

The crowd went silent at Ira’s garbled voice and waited for his next words. He thought it was funny how their gazes were full of reverence. It was almost as if they were trying to latch onto him.

“Let’s tell this entire city who you really are, Altharth,” Ira said with a chuckle.

The palace that sat in the background suddenly exploded into flames as he finished his words which made everyone gasp. Of course, they would think that he was the one responsible but Ira just smiled. Well, it wasn’t really a smile since his teeth were exposed in a threatening manner. A figure wearing black armor with large flaming wings flying toward them. It was none other than Avery who flew toward Ira and then hovered next to him.

“That was quick,” Ira said.

“They fought quite well,” Avery replied as she landed on the ground next to him.

She looked at the crowd before speaking, “Could you send me back to the Underground City if you still have things to do?”

“Sure, tell Ria I’ll be back soon.” Ira waved his hand and Avery vanished.

Ira turned his gaze to the crowd and then to Altharth before speaking, “Let’s take a look around the city.”

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