The Void Wolf

Chapter 189: Lead Astray

Inside of the palace of the Dark Elf Empire, a worrying scene took place. A group of healers surrounded Sylvia with looks of dismay. At her bedside, Sylun and Jydar held her hands. Sylvia coughed out a clump of congealed blood and gasps of horror emerged from those around her.

“Sylvia.” Sylun caressed her daughter’s face once more.

“Don’t...don’t let my...” Sylvia spoke faintly. She had a fever which made caused clear delirium.

“Sylvia,” Jydar whispered with clear devastation. In the three years he spent with Sylvia he found her to be a kind and caring woman, one that he loved.

“Don’t child...die…” Sylvia uttered once more.

“What?” Jydar asked.

There was silence as everyone realized the meaning of Sylvia’s words.

“...We have to induce labor,” Sylun suddenly spoke.

“If you do that she’ll die!” Jydar protested. “You can’t do it!”

“I can and I will,” Sylun replied with a cold gaze. “I cannot lose my daughter and my grandchild.”

“There has to be a way to heal her!” Jydar didn’t back down and showed his own fierceness. His fox-like blue eyes showed aggression and unwillingness.

“Even the Keepress failed and I fear that there is no other way.”

“...I’ll ask Ira! I can ask him! If it’s him then he should know of some way!”

“Then I will wait for the Keeper’s judgment, but I’ll be prepared for the worst if I need to be,” Sylun replied softly. She hoped for a solution just as much as Jydar but it seemed unlikely. Ira had never been known for healing others.

Jydar said nothing else as he rushed out of the room and toward the Valkyrie compound. He moved as fast as he could as every second was precious.

Ira read from the black book while resting in a chair. His children were sleep and Avery was training so he had free time. Though if it was up to him, he’d spend all of that time with his children. Looking at illegible symbols that caused madness in ordinary people wasn’t something he took enjoyment out of.

“Ira.” A Valkyrie entered the room and saluted Ira. “The Vulpes wants to speak to you.”

“Oh?” Ira stored the book away and stood up from his seat. “Would you lead the way then?”

The Valkyrie nodded and then moved toward the center hall of the fortress.

“Ira!” Jydar yelled and moved forward but his path was obstructed by Valkyries.

“It’s fine.” Ira waved them off.

The Valkyries stepped aside and Jydar rushed in front of Ira before kneeling.

“Please help Sylvia,” Jydar begged while pressing his head against the floor. In his mind, it wouldn’t matter how long he had to grovel just as long as Ira agreed.

“Help her with what?” Ira furrowed his brows.

“She’s sick and it’s somehow getting worse by the moment,” Jydar explained without looking up.

“Hey, uh...Could you stand? This is a weird way to hold a conversation.”

Jydar did as he was asked and stood up but his pitiful expression hadn’t changed.

“She’s not poisoned and Avery said there was no strange magic inside of her. Are you sure she isn’t about to give birth or something?” Ira thought back to Raveria being born and how chaotic it was said to have been inside the room.

“It can’t be, she didn’t show any signs before and if our bloodlines were incompatible she wouldn’t be pregnant. There’s something else to it, there has to be.”

“I want to help but if Avery couldn’t heal her then what can I do?” Ira asked but suddenly his eyes flashed.

“Wait, there’s that Angel in the Grenitian Kingdom, Gavreel.” Ira clapped his hands together and smiled.

“What do you mean?” Jydar asked with a clueless look.

“I’ll see if she can heal Sylvia.” Just as Ira finished his words Jydar shook his head.

“Sylvia is in no condition to move.”

“So you’re saying you want me to bring the Angel to Sylvia? That’s…” Ira trailed off and began contemplating.

The only ones who posed danger to him and those around him were the Gods. If Gavreel was an agent of those Gods then she was a possible enemy and the current events lined up perfectly for an attack. Though he had no way of confirming it the situation suddenly became stranger to him. The fact that Avery or anyone else couldn’t heal Sylvia and the only who could might be a future enemy. The only way to be safe was to kill her after she healed Sylvia but that could also lead to a bad outcome.

Ira stopped his mind from wandering further and decided to take action. The alternative was to do nothing and let Sylvia die in order to prevent any harm from coming to himself and that didn’t sit well with him.

“I’ll go speak with the Angel.” Ira voiced his thoughts then he turned to the Valkyries and spoke. “Could one of you tell Avery where I’m going so she doesn’t get angry?”

A Valkyrie nodded and Ira smiled before vanishing from sight.

The Grenitian Kingdom underwent some changes that were similar to the Dark Elf Empire as far as those who showed devotion to a religious figure. The exception was how far each country went as the Dark Elves became far more militaristic after Ira’s arrival. On the other hand, most of the Grenitians showed rampant fanaticism the longer Gavreel stayed within their borders.

Inside of the Temple, Gavreel knelt in prayer to the Gods when a commotion rang out from outside of her room.

“Stop him!”

“You cannot trespass upon this holy place!”


Gavreel rose to her feet and stretched all six of her wings before conjuring her spear made from golden light.

“What’s going on?” Gavreel’s voice echoed throughout the entire temple as she exited her room and all voices became quiet. She looked for the culprit with the intention of giving them the appropriate punishment but her eyes came to rest upon a black-haired young man dressed in black clothes.

“So you’re the Angel, huh? You’re taller than I thought.” The young man looked up at Gavreel who stood at nearly seven feet tall.

She, in turn, appraised him and found that she couldn’t get an exact measure on his strength. He seemed to be at the border of ascension but there was something else hidden deeper within him. There was also her ability to see the souls of almost anyone and the young man’s soul was something she couldn’t quite comprehend.

“Are you the one called Ira?” Gavreel asked but she already knew the answer by looking at the young’s man appearance.

“The one and only,” Ira replied His yellow eyes gleamed with a sharp light that spoke of his intentions.

“Leave us,” Gavreel said to the ones gathered around the room.

Though some had reservations, they did as instructed and exited.

Gavreel felt a strong surge of emotion but she hid it well behind her stoic expression. “What is it that you want?”

“You don’t know?” Ira asked curiously as his eyes narrowed ever so slightly.

“Do you expect me to decipher your thoughts? Please speak your intentions or leave this place.” Gavreel responded.

Ira found that he couldn’t detect even the faintest changes in her expression so he gave up on trying to read her.

“You’re good at healing aren’t you? There’s someone that I want you to heal.” Ira finally voiced his purpose for his sudden appearance.

Gavreel had the urge to smile but her face remained unchanged. There was no way she would help Ira. After all, she knew that the Behemoth wasn’t the City-Eater since he was the true culprit.

“I will gladly heal anyone with a clean soul...Is the person in need with you right now?”

“No. She’s back in the Underground City.” Ira replied.

“Is the person in question a Dark Elf?” Gavreel asked solemnly.

“Yeah, but that shouldn’t matter, right? Gods are generous and caring aren’t they?” Ira spoke with clear disdain for the Gods.

Gavreel managed to hold in her anger that threatened to show itself. “The Dark Elves and those within their Empire won’t be healed by the Divine Power bestowed upon me. You’ll have to seek another method,”

“So you’re saying you can’t do it?” Ira asked.

“The Tree of Origin,” Gavreel responded with a benevolent smile. “You’ve heard of it, yes?”

Ira recalled the sap the elves used as a trading resource during the Summit as well as the legend surroundings. It was known a legendary cure-all that many would die to get their hands on.

“Yeah.” Ira nodded along.

“The sap from the actual tree is far more powerful than the Elves let on. As far as I know, the Mortals have only touched a diluted version with lowered efficiency. Only when you take from its source will you understand,” Gavreel explained.

“Wait, why are you telling me this?” Ira felt something was off about Gavreel as her expression loosened and traces of joy could be seen on her face.

“My only wish is to help innocent souls in need,” Gavreel said sincerely. She truly meant her words it’s just that her way of helping was following the will of the Gods. It didn’t matter how much blood was spilled in the process.

“See, you say that you just want to help but I really don’t fucking believe you.” Ira took a step forward but Gavreel remained unmoving.

“You don’t have a choice if you want to save the Dark Elf you spoke of,” Gavreel spoke.

A silent tension overcame the room as the two showed no sign of retreating. It seemed that the two would come to blows at any second.

“Well, whatever” Ira was the first to break away as he didn’t have time to waste. “If you’re lying I swear I’ll kill you.”

“Death isn’t something I fear, boy.” Gavreel grinned faintly.

“Good, just worry about what comes before it,” Ira said before disappearing.

Gavreel stood in place for a few seconds and then began to laugh.

“Lord Gavreel?” A paladin knocked. “Is everything ok?”

“Everything is fine, send word to have Juliana brought here,” Gavreel ordered. She planned on informing the Gods so that their plan could be put into action.

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