The Walls of Anamoor

15: Sit, and Tell Me What to Do

Bassi and I sat on top of the nest of blankets and pillows that she’d made for us, munching on our tough travel rations. This was the most awkward silence I had ever been a part of, both of us making eye contact every now and then as we chewed, me then blushing and looking away while she grinned with contained laughter.

“I thought you’d be a little more resilient than this, to be honest,” she told me quietly, smirking the whole time. “You’ve been very flirtatious so far.”

“Yeah well… I didn’t think you’d actually kiss me!” I exclaimed, wishing my cheeks would stop their incessant blushing. “It was just… banter, you know? I’ve never been touched in that way before, by anyone.”

“Oh, you’re adorable,” she laughed, leaning forward slightly as though to be closer to me. “Although I find it very hard to believe that no one has ever taken an interest in you.”

I shrugged helplessly, and then a thought occurred to me. It wasn’t really that no one had taken an interest in me, but rather that I’d shied away from anything further than flirting. Until now, that is. Until Bassi kissed me and I absolutely loved it. I remembered a few instances where I’d pushed away the advances of a girl or guy, my mind reeling with unknown emotions that just screamed, no, no, no.

Then Bassi had awakened something inside me, and I’d been having wild little daydreams about her, about what she might do to me if given the chance. Only question was, why now? Was it her, was it just the fact that I had needed a special kind of person to bring it out of me, or was it…

As I finished the last bite of my food, deep in thought, the gorgeous woman opposite me stood up. Placing herself down next to me, her side brushed mine while she settled herself. I didn’t move, my gaze still fixed on the ground in front of me. Then she was touching me, her hand coming up to brush briefly at my cheek. “What are you thinking in there, little Mist? Always thinking, thoughts churning away like the pool at the bottom of a waterfall.”

“I’ve never… actually wanted someone to touch me, before I met you,” I told her truthfully, voice just barely above a whisper. It was a hard thing to admit, for some reason, and especially to the woman who got such a reaction out of me.

Her hand came up again, staying this time to brush her thumb back and forth across my oh so soft cheek. It was one of many things about this body that gave me trouble at night. Not because I disliked it, but because I couldn’t stop touching it. My skin, my hips, my waist… each was a source of quiet and confused wonder to me.

“Why is that?” she asked gently in that oh so sexy voice of hers, with its low undertones and high feminine primary notes.

I smiled ruefully, shrugging my shoulders as I finally turned to look into her eyes. “I have no idea. Maybe it’s the… new situation I’m in, or maybe it’s just you. I’m utterly clueless when it comes to this stuff. Been afraid of it my whole life, again for reasons I don’t understand. There was always just a panicked emotional reaction and the almost violent need to get away.”

She was silent as she processed what I was saying, her gaze roaming across my face like the knowledge she needed to understand my words was written in ink across my skin. A moment or two though, and she sighed, leaning back and withdrawing her hand. “I don’t really know what to say,” she told me, giving me a tired look. “I am extremely attracted to you, Mist. Regardless of any confusion you might have about who you are. I’m sorry if this isn’t what you want, but I see a very pretty woman who can almost keep up with me down here.”

“I think you’re really damned attractive too, and I don’t mind if you view me as a woman,” I smiled, reaching out to place my hand on her thigh. She returned my smile, but I don’t think she properly realised the significance of my simple little move just now. The way my head used to scream at the very idea of touching a woman like that, I’d never have been able to do it. Everything was silent upstairs though, just the warmth of shared intimacy with another person.

"But you don't know what to do with that attraction," she stated, nodding down at my hand. "Besides pat me on the shoulder or thigh and stare at me, that is."

A surprised laugh burst out of me, and I nodded sheepishly. "Yeah, basically."

Her next words were delivered with a deceptive calm. "Would you like me to… show you? I cannot offer love, I'm afraid it takes much more… hmmm…" she trailed off, breaking eye contact for a few seconds.

Another blush erupted over my cheeks, and I too was forced to look away as the words formed on my lips, "Where I come from… there's a word, a phrase for that. It's called.. um, friends with benefits. I think."

"Friends… with benefits," she murmured, tasting the words. I turned back to her, curious. A slow smile lit her face, fangs peeking through just slightly. "I assume that the benefit is pleasure?"

"Ah… yeah," I nodded, my cheeks threatening to go supernova.

Her returning smile was excited and radiant, and she lifted her hand to place it flush against my chest, above and between my tiny boobs. “Well then, speaking as your friend, not your leader… would you like to try?”

Oh, oh damn. She was actually going for it. She was actually going for it. What do I do now? Wait… I say yes, right? I want this, for sure… so all I have to do is say yes.

Palms prickling with sweat, heart racing and breath coming in as nothing but a flutter, I paused… and then nodded. Consent given, she wasted no time, pushing me gently back towards a prone position, but I quickly put a hand back to keep myself upright.

“Wait!” I blurted, a high nervous giggle springing forth from within me.

She frowned, worried now. “What’s wrong?”

“It uh, comes undone at the back,” I said, amusement lightening my mood considerably as I motioned to my thief outfit.

With a snort, she got up and moved around behind me, picking at the bindings back there. “Goddess, this is complicated,” she muttered. “How do you even get it on in the morning?”

“I’m flexible,” I grinned, tilting my head back to give her an upside down wink, golden hair tumbling down to fall all over my shoulders and her hands and arms.

“Your hair is getting in the way,” she grumbled, although there was a delighted smile behind her eyes.

I just laughed, lifting my head again. “Sorry ma’am.” I loved my hair though, hot damn. The way it had just fallen all over everything? Nevermind anything else, I was keeping this body for the hair.

She finally got it all undone with an adorable little fist pump, then began the process of peeling it off me. Why did all the hottest skin tight clothing like this always have to be such a pain in the ass to take off? Not that I had much experience with it… just… it had always seemed like an oversight to me.

Once it was off, I wasted no time in kicking my underwear off too, and ditching my bra. She raised her eyebrows at me as I did so, clearly a little surprised by my willingness to just throw them off. I guess I just wasn’t all that worried about my nakedness in this body, I was good looking, why should I care if anyone saw it? Let them look.

That was exactly what Bassi did as I lay there, propped up with my hands out behind me. I shivered with anticipation as her bright green eyes burned a greedy path across my bare skin. Fuck, the way she was looking at me, I’d never had someone look at me like that before, and it was absolutely amazing. Well, now it was anyway.

What was even more amazing was the simple and yet exquisite view I got just by looking down my own body. My skin, perfect and unblemished, the hint of muscle just visible underneath. My stomach was a sight to behold, the gentle rise of my abs flowing down into the V of my pelvis. I didn’t have any single ab visible, I had enough fat to soften it all out, like someone had taken the smoothing tool from Maya and applied it generously.

“You are… absolutely beautiful,” she whispered, dipping her head down to place a kiss just below my collarbone, where her hand had rested earlier.

“I feel beautiful,” I mumbled in agreement, leaning my head back and closing my eyes. It was true too, I really did, and it had my heart soaring with happiness. There was no denying it, I liked this body a hell of a lot more than my last one.

I heard a rustle, Bassi’s presence seeming to shift away, and I opened my eyes to find her undressing. Her eyes were lidded with desire as she stood over me, slowly removing her clothing. The sight sent a deep pang of aching warmth through me, like an echo resounding through a huge cave before it eventually settled between my legs. I wasn’t the only good looking person in this room.

Bassi was a lot, her legs were strong, hips curving out in a gentle wave before it crashed in towards her waist. Like me, strength lurked under every soft curve, but where my frame was still very slim and feminine, hers was a little more robust. Not by much, mind you, but it was there.

Her breasts were far bigger than mine, full and perky, although it wasn’t hard to be bigger, given that mine were more just a nipple on top of the suggestion of a boob. Wish they felt like the suggestion of a boob when I tried to move around without a bra on. How could such tiny things jiggle so much?

Inevitably, my eyes fell on the small dark patch of hair between her legs. As if my heart could beat any faster. Goodness, she was incredible.

Naked now, she lay down on her side facing me, pulling a blanket up over the both of us in the process. “I’m going to be gentle,” she told me quietly, her hand coming to rest on my stomach. “Your first time… it should be gentle.”

“So, you’ll use your fangs at a later date then?” I asked, reaching over to touch her waist in turn. Gosh, she was so much warmer than I’d been expecting, and her skin… so soft, luxurious, even.

Her reply was a dark chuckle, full of promise. “We’ll see,” she teased, leaning over to kiss my shoulder.

She moved on me then, slow and purposeful, her front pressing up against my side and her leg hooking over mine to pull my legs open. My eyes closed again and my nose fell into her tousled wavy hair, the warm smell of her becoming a shot of whiskey to my senses.

Leaning over me further, she found my nipple and gave it a lick with her tongue, then wrapped it wholly around the bud as it tightened in response. I let out a gasp as she managed to get the tip to flick at me, and this time there was no denying the whimper of need that tore free of my lips. Jesus, this was what proper arousal felt like?

"Bassi," I breathed, a shaking hand coming up to nestle in her hair.

A sensual little chuckle and her hand dipped low. She trailed the tips of her fingers slowly, excruciatingly up the inside of my thighs, stopping every so often to tease little circles into my skin.

Fuck, I was shaking now, her tongue still lapping at my nipple as the combined weight of those two sensations began to build an urgent warmth deep between my legs. I was vaguely aware of my hips moving, gently rising and falling in useless want.

Bassi's fingers skittered past, skipping the place I needed them to be so they could play with the soft blonde hair just above it. "Please," I begged breathlessly. "Bassi, please."

She gave a quiet laugh, opting instead to retract her tongue… and nip delicately at my nipple with her fangs.

An undignified squeak bubbled out of me and I grabbed a fistful of her hair in retaliation. "Damn it, Bassi!" I exclaimed, half grumble and half moan.

"So needy," she murmured, kissing softly at my other nipple now.

Nevertheless, her fingers finally wandered lower, until she slipped two fingers through my soaking folds. I shuddered, that simple action almost ending me right then and there. She didn't move them any more than that though, and my eyes fluttered open to find her watching me with curious desire.

Holding my gaze, she pulled her fingers back, then repeated her earlier motion, but squeezing her fingers together slightly… I bucked back arching as painful pleasure rocked me. Holy shit, what had she just done? Has she… squeezed my… my clit between her fingers? It had been such a gentle movement, but the explosion of sensation that had slammed into my brain had been anything but.

“You call that gentle?” I squeaked, eyes wide and heart drumming up a storm.

She laughed. “Yes.”

I was given barely any time to recover before those two evil fingers of hers slid further down and pushed at my opening. Tight as I was, it resisted at first, and she had to swap to one finger.

The feeling of that single finger slipping inside was profound, and not just on a sexual level. Something else stirred, pure delight and… a sort of calm. It was as though everything in my head stilled, all the wild clamouring thoughts fell away.

It was during that wonderful calm that I finally tipped over the edge. Stars would have danced in front of my eyes, had I been able to see past the pleasure. My gasping, hitching breathing would have ruled the soundscape, had my thundering heartbeat not drowned it out. All I was aware of were Basilisk's fingers and mouth as they forced me higher and higher, my back rising from the nest of pillows as she bent her finger inside me.

It felt like hours as I twitched and shuddered my way through that life altering experience, but Bassi later assured me it was less than a minute. I felt like a robot trying to diagnose and reboot all its systems. The insides of my thighs were dancing, my abs were screaming in outrage over the exertion they had just been put through, and my center still throbbed with the aftershocks of ecstasy.

"Wow," I breathed, once again focusing my eyes on her beautiful green ones.

“I should be saying that,” she murmured, leaning down to kiss me softly as she continued, “You are quite the performer.”

I laughed into the kiss, my shaking hands coming up to encircle her. “Is that a good thing, or a bad thing?”

“Good, normally,” she smiled, shifting back to give me another damned raised eyebrow. “Although, not so much in this setting, I would think. I hope nothing heard you and your cries of pleasure.”

“Oh, geez,” I giggled, my cheeks trying to flame up with embarrassment, only to find them already well and truly flushed. Hold on a second… “What about you?”

“Ah,” she grinned, licking her lips and standing up. “Yes, I think we will do that part now.”

Wait, oh fuck! My mind began to spark and fizzle all over again as she positioned herself over me. “You may tell me no, if you wish,” she said, her hungry grin softening for a moment.

I shook my head slightly, desire beginning to boil within me as I drank in the sight of her over me. “Sit!” I ordered belligerently, then bit my lip shyly, “...And uh, tell me what to do.”

That had both eyebrows raised, but she did as I’d told her, a long breath escaping her as I closed my mouth over her wetness. I couldn’t wait to get payback...

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